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How to Improve Your Personality

Your personality includes your individual differences from other people in how you think, feel,
and behave.[1] You might want to improve your personality if you just moved to a new school,
got a new job, or simply because you want to be your best version of yourself. You can develop
a warmer personality by making good connections with others, learning new things, and having
some fun!

Read something every day. Another component of improving your personality is expanding

your knowledge. Keep up with the current news by reading a few articles on your phone or open
a novel and read a chapter or two. This will help stimulate your mind and give you things to
discuss with others.[2]

Develop opinions on important issues. From your readings, begin to form your own opinions
about the current events of today. You might find that others will be debating the issue around
you soon, so you’ll want to have something to contribute. Make sure you articulate your points
with grace and logic.[3]

 You might say something like, “Though I can understand the arguments against affirmative
action, I do believe this country has done some terrible things to setback minorities and that we
have some responsibility to correct that.”

Be a good listener. When others are speaking, listen to understand them. Don’t wait until they’re
finished so you can respond, but truly focus in on what they’re saying. Try to repeat back what
they’ve said to you every few minutes so you can show that you hear them.[4]

 You might say something like, “So, Jan it seems like you’re frustrated that your boss decided to
promote the new guy instead of you. I can see how that would be really upsetting.”

Put your phone down. To make deeper connections with others and improve your personality,
unplug from time to time. You'll be much more well received if you're engaged with those around
you as opposed to scrolling down your timeline or liking pics.[5]

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