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Nama : Wahyu Ramadhan Wibisono

Nim : 180384204032

Mata Kuliah : Problematika Pembelajaran Kimia Kawasan Pesisir

Judul Artikel Masalah Tujuan Penelitian Jenis Instrumen Analisis Data Hasil Penelitian Probelematika
Utama Penelitian Penelitian
1. What’s This study investigation The Analysing the The persistence This study has They were also
difficult indicates that identified the questionnair questionnaires of these topics provided some asked to
about a number of chemistry e designed being seen as useful information identify which
chemistry? topics ranked topics that the for the three difficult on the areas and five topics they
An Irish high in terms majority of cohorts of throughout the topics in chemistry found most
perspective of perceived Irish chemistry pupils pupils’/student where Irish difficult, ranked
difficulty in pupils/students s’ experience of chemistry students 1 to 5. This
both the find difficult, chemistry are finding paper
Leaving from Junior indicates that difficulties. It has highlights the
Certificate Certificate level problems also shown how topics that Irish
chemistry associated with pupils who are weak pupils/students
(age 15/16
pupils and these topics at Mathematics may find difficult in
years) right the
University have never struggle with chemistry.
way through to
chemistry truly been different chemistry Topics
University level
students’ lists. addressed. topics. More identified by
(age 18+)
importantly, it has Irish students
demonstrated the are similar to
persistence of results of
certain topics being studies carried
seen as difficult out in the UK
throughout the by Ratcliffe and
pupils’/students’ in Scotland by
experience of Johnstone. This
chemistry. study indicates
that a number
of topics
ranked high in
terms of
difficulty in
both the
pupils and
students’ lists.
These topics
Reactions and
of Solutions.
2. Analisis Pengetahuan Mengetahui Penelitian ini Instrumen tes interkoneksi Menunjukkan Beberapa sub
Multipel tentang teknik kemampuan menggunaka terdiri dari 15 ketiga level bahwa sebesar konsep laju
Representasi pembelajaran interkoneksi n desain soal two tier representasi 21.92% siswa sudah reaksi
Kimia SIswa yang tepat ketiga level penelitian multiple terhadap 5 soal mampu mencakup
Pada Konsep pada representasi deskripstif choice pada indikator mengkoneksikan konsep abstrak
Laju Reaksi penyampaian kimia yang dengan 2 dapat ditarik ketiga level yang sulit
konsep kimia dimiliki siswa melibatkan pola representasi kimia divisualisasikan
tertentu dapat dalam satu interkoneksi menunjukkan siswa seperti pada
diketahui mendeskripsika kelompok ketiga level sudah memiliki konsep energi
melalui proses n dan subjek. representasi pemahaman konsep aktivasi dan
analisis dimana yang utuh. Sebanyak teori tumbukan
kemampuan kebanyakan 25.55% siswa molekul, serta
konsep laju
multipel siswa akan cenderung hanya melibatkan
representasi memiliki mampu cukup banyak
kimia siswa. pemahaman menginterkoneksika persamaan
konsep yang n pada dua level matematis
utuh jika soal representasi seperti pada
diawali oleh menunjukkan siswa hukum
representasi sudah mampu persamaan laju
makroskopik menarik kesimpulan reaksi. Banyak
kemudian namun kesulitan penelitian yang
representasi menemukan telah
simbolik dan alasannya. Sebanyak mengungkapka
yang terakhir 14.96% siswa n miskonsepsi
representasi cenderung lebih dan kesulitan
submikroskopik memahami konsep siswa dalam
. pada level memahami
representasi konsep laju
submikroskopik reaksi
menunjukkan siswa
tidak dapat menarik
kesimpulan dari
alasan yang
diketahui dan
sebanyak 37.56%
siswa belum
memahami maupun
konsep pada tiga
level representasi.
3. Analysis Of This research Explaining the Descriptive Used in data Kriteria tingkat Showed that the The factors that
Students aimed to data obtained research collection was keyakinan level of caused the
Misconceptio investigate the from the result with a a test jawaban (TKJ) understanding misconceptions
n Using students' regarding the qualitative equipped with pada Tabel 1 experienced by were the lack
Certainly Of understanding misconceptions a choice of the tidak students was still of students'
Responses level and the that occur. confidence menggunakan very low, that is initial concepts
Index (CRI) In occurrence of level of persentase, 20.2% of students and the basic
The Periodic student's answer (TKJ), karena peserta identified as abilities of
misconception questionnaires didik secara students who students.
s about the , and langsung misconception
periodic interviews. dikategorikan about the subject
system of sebagai peserta and 8.5%
elements didik yang understood the
subject. miskonsepsi, concept and 71.3%
paham konsep, of students who did
tidak paham not understand the
konsep. concept.
yang tidak yakin
memilih kriteria
TKJ 0 dan untuk
kurang yakin
memilih kriteria
TKJ 1,
responden yang
yakin dengan
memilih kriteria
TKJ 2.
yang menjawab
benar dengan
memilih nilai
kriteria TKJ 2
bahwa peserta
konsep dengan
baik, sedangkan
jika jawaban
salah berarti
bahwa terjadi
pada peserta
didik. Kriteria
paham konsep
dan tidak
paham konsep
dapat dilihat
pada Tabel 2.

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