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Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357

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Cranial blunt force trauma in relation to the victim’s position:

An experimental study using polyurethane bone spheres
Antoine Ruchonneta , Mallory Diehla , Yi-Hua Tanga,b , Elena F. Kraniotia,c,d,*
Edinburgh Unit of Forensic Anthropology, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei City, Taiwan
Department of Forensic Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece
Forensic Pathology Division Crete, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Justice Transparency and Human Rights, Heraklion, Crete, Greece


Article history: Blunt force trauma is the most common injury found during autopsies. Among the cases involving blunt
Received 6 October 2018 force injuries, fractures to the skull are the most frequent, and these are often fatal to the victim.
Received in revised form 22 March 2019 Understanding the circumstances surrounding the creation of such injuries is essential for investigating
Accepted 22 May 2019
trauma-related deaths. This paper explores the characteristics of cranial trauma produced following one
Available online 5 June 2019
to three consecutive blows with a series of blunt objects.
Fourteen Synbone1 spheres filled with porcine gelatine and coated with rubber skin were used to
simulate the human skull in a series of experiments. Trials recreated two scenarios, individuals standing
Forensic pathology
Blunt force trauma
and individuals with their head resting against a hard surface. Six blunt objects were used to represent
Skull possible weapons. Each sphere was struck twice to generate fracture patterns, which were then analysed.
Cranial injuries In most simulations of a blow to the head resting against a hard surface, the first fracture follows a
Experimental research linear pattern regardless of the direction of force and/or the surface of the weapon; while the second
Synbone1 blow results in a depressed fracture. In the case of a free moving head, weapons with large contact
surfaces result in depressed fractures, while weapons with small contact surfaces may not cause a
fracture at all.
Our results are consistent with Moritz who stated that, if the head is free to move, the fractures will be
linear or incompletely depressed. Inversely, if the head rests against a solid surface, a blow will result in a
depressed fracture. More experiments are needed to verify these preliminary observations.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the facial structure (including the splanchnocranium) may be

considered –in the perpetrator’s mind– as a forensic countermeasure
Forensic pathologists consider blunt force trauma the most in that it will delay or even impede the identification of a victim
common injury found in autopsies following traumatic events [1]. through visual recognition or analysis of dental records. These
Among the cases involving blunt force trauma, fractures to the motivations may lead to the total destruction of the victim’s skull [10].
skull are the most frequent and most likely to be fatal for the victim When investigating skull fractures, it is necessary to bear in
[2,3]. Understanding the etiology of cranial trauma patterning is mind that any fracture is the result of one of the following
therefore essential to forensic investigation [4]. mechanical scenarios: (i) damage is localised at or nearby the point
The head is often the target of blunt force trauma in assaults [1,5] as of impact; (ii) fractures may first appear far away from the point of
the face of an individual is the most personal and intimate target for impact or (iii) trauma patterns may exhibit features characteristic
attack, and therefore serves as the foci of aggression [6,7]. Several of scenarios (i and ii), that is, some localised damage near the point
studies on homicidal blunt force trauma report the head to be the of impact along with more distant fracture, which both result from
location that is most frequently injured [8,9]. The obliteration of a single impact (as in a singular blow) [2]. The location of the
fracture, is dependent upon various factors, most notably,
the velocity of the impacting object, as well as the intrinsic
resistance, elasticity, and strength of the bone [1,2,4,5].
* Corresponding author at: Department of Forensic Sciences Medical School,
The type and shape of the fracture is dependent on the speed
University of Crete 71110, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Tel.: +30 2810 542097; Fax +30
2810 392521. the object is moving when it strikes the bone. A high velocity
E-mail address: (E.F. Kranioti). impact, as is caused by a bullet, a projectile violently flung from a
0379-0738/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357 351

slingshot, or a quick hammer strike, may create a depressed made of modified polyurethane and wrapped in a rubber coating, to
fracture limited to a small area, reflecting the dimension of the simulate the skin and periosteum. The sphere is a simplified version
impacting object. Concomitantly, some radiating fractures may be of the human skull, the glue line between the two hemispheres being
found in the periphery of the breakage. This type of radiating similar to a suture line. The polyurethane has been specifically
damage is directly dependent on the resistance of the bone [2]. engineered to simulate the material/ biomechanical properties of the
When the stress is applied very quickly, the bone goes through the human cranial vault [22].
elastic and plastic phases more rapidly, and, subsequently, shatters
with little or no plastic deformation [2–4,11]. 2.2. Ballistic gelatine
Low-velocity impacts to the head (car and airplane crashes,
blunt force trauma, fall from height, beatings, etc.) can bend the Ballistic gelatine [23] was used to simulate the human brain
bone below or up to its elastic limit. Subsequently it may returns to and cerebrospinal fluids following previous work [15]. The
its original shape after the force is removed (elastic deformation), gelatine is a product of Sigma-Aldrich1. It is made from porcine
undergo permanent deformation (plastic deformation), or fracture skin, specifically for the purpose of ballistic experimentation
[12]. Specific fracture patterns have been associated with different (Type 3). Previous work [15,24,25] suggests that 10% gelatine is a
types of traumatic events. For instance linear fractures are often suitable substitute for cranial soft tissues. For the gelatine
the result of falls, and fractures to the vault are more often a result preparation we followed the protocol developed by Fackler and
of assault while fractures to the base of the skull are associated Malinowski; [24,26] also described by Sellier and Kneubuehl [27].
with accidental injuries. It seems, however, that such generic rules Detailed description of the gelatine preparation can be found in
may not hold across a multiplicity of possible injury scenarios [10]. Supplementary material 1.
In homicidal assaults the victim may receive multiple blows to the
head with the same object, and the effect this has on fracture 2.3. Weapons
patterns is not known [13].
This study will explore trauma patterns associated with low- In order to create blunt force trauma, six weapons were used:
velocity blunt force trauma to the head using a series of an aluminium bat (AB) a wooden bat (WB), a rolling pin (RP), a
experimental procedures. More specifically it aims to investigate wooden club (C) a window opening pole (OP). Four of them were
cranial fracture patterns following low-impact strikes to the head composed of wood (WB, RP, C, OP) and one of aluminium (AB). All
in two different scenarios: (a) blows received while the individual were of different diameters. A list of the weapons, material,
is standing with their head free to move and (b) blows received dimensions and weights can be found in Table 1 and Fig. 1, for a
when the individual’s head is resting against a solid surface, like detailed description refer to Supplementary material 2.
the ground or a wall. For the purpose of the study, Synbone1
artificial spheres are used. Synbone1 spheres are designed for 2.4. Experiments
ballistic testing [14], which is essentially high-velocity impact.
These tests successfully replicate macroscopic damage patterns A total of fourteen experiments were conducted. The experi-
observed in real skeletal material [15,16]. A recent study on the mental process consisted of a subject wielding a weapon against a
biomechanical properties of different surrogate head proxies Synbone1 sphere, to create a fracture pattern. The spheres were
showed that Synbone1 spheres have a mean pore diameter very struck one to three times, to generate distinguishable patterns.
similar to that reported for humans and a nominally low strain rate Seven spheres were struck using diverse weapons to simulate
(Young's modulus of 1.5 GPa when loaded transversely), which is assault to the head of an individual resting on a solid surface (e.g.
very similar to the reported values for human crania [17]. Hence, person on the ground, against the wall etc.) The same weapons
they are the most appropriate commercially available proxies to were used on seven spheres to simulate blows to the head of a
simulate the human cranial vault in this experimental study on standing individual.
blunt force trauma. The experimental process is described below:

2. Materials and methods 1 Head against a solid surface scenario:

A metallic force scale provided a rigid and immobile surface to
2.1. Synbone1 spheres simulate a wall or floor (see Supplementary material 3). This
setting was employed to record force values, but these were not
Fourteen polyurethane spheres were used to simulate the human analysed in this instance due to the fact that consistent
cranium. The spheres are manufactured by the Swiss company recording was not possible for all experimental settings. A total
Synbone1 AG (Malans, Switzerland). The firm produces human and of seven spheres were hit following this methodology to test the
animal anatomical models for teaching and research purposes. The six weapons.
anatomical models are used quite extensively in surgical research a) Round 1. Three weapons (AB,WB,RP) were used to apply two
[18,19], ballistics testing [14–16,20] and recently in archaeology [21]. consecutive blows to each one of the four Synbone1 spheres
The model selected is the PR0110.G. It consists of two hollow from a diagonal direction (approximately a 45 angle relative
hemispheres glued together. The spheres are 190 mm in diameter, to the top of the sphere). A fourth weapon (OP) was used to
7 mm thick, and weigh approximately 600 g when empty. They are strike a sphere three times diagonally.

Table 1
Description of each weapon used in the experimental process.

Weapon Aluminium baseball bat Wooden baseball bat Rolling pin Window opening pole Club
Material Aluminium Wood Wood Wood Wood
Length (in mm) 810 840 464 691 741
Weight (in g) 450 702 522 385 344
Max Ø (in mm) 66.1 62.5 46.8 23.5 38.1
Min Ø (in mm) 24.6 23 33.5 23.5 35.3
352 A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357

obtain a three dimensional rendering of every object. They were

then emptied of the gelatine and their rubber skins peeled off.
Photographs were taken again, of the whole object and of the
potential fragments that were dislodged during the processing.
Measurements of the fractures were taken with sliding callipers or
measuring tape. Due to the curved nature of the sphere,
measurement of some fragments and linear fractures required
the use of a measuring tape.

3. Results

The weapons can be divided in two categories: Large diameter

weapons, such as Baseball bats, and small diameter weapons.
Table 2 summarises the fracture patterns caused by each weapon,
Fig. 1. Weapons used in the experiments.
the number of strikes, the position of the sphere, and the direction
of the force.

b) Round 2. Two wooden weapons (WB, C) were used to apply 3.1. Large diameter weapons
two consecutive blows to each one of the two Synbone1
spheres from a vertical direction. As seen in Table 2, on a free moving head, large diameter objects
c) Round 3. One wooden weapon (WB) was used to apply two created a depressed fracture on the first strike, regardless of the
consecutive blows to one Synbone1 sphere from a vertical position of the head, the direction of the force, the material of the
direction. object, and the strength of the assailant. When the spheres were
2 Free moving head of a standing individual: resting on a hard surface, both baseball bats created a linear fracture
on the first strike followed by a depressed fracture on the second
This part of the experiment involved a head free to move when strike in both vertical and diagonal position (See Figs. 2 and 3).
struck. Five experiments using all available weapons (Round 1)
took place after fixing the mannequin torso on a chair at 1.60 m 3.2. Small diameter weapons
height. The spheres were taped to a cork ring on the neck allowing
them to move upon impact. WB was used to inflict 1 strike and the All weapons of this category resulted in skin laceration after
remaining 4 weapons were used to inflict three strikes. The strikes striking a free moving head vertically. The rolling pin created a
were applied in vertical direction. In addition, the WB was used to linear fracture on the second and a depressed on the third strike,
inflict two consecutive strikes to one Synbone1 sphere from a after the applied force was increased considerably. The club caused
diagonal direction. no fracture to the Synbone1 in the first two strikes and a small
A second setting included a cork ring placed on the neck of a hairline fracture on the third strike but the counterforce resulted in
mannequin, to which the sphere was affixed using tape. The damage of the weapon itself.
dummy torso was placed with the waist against a solid surface and The rolling pin and the club produced linear or incomplete
fixed to simulate a standing individual with a height of 1.90 m. Two depressed fractures, followed by a depressed fracture after two
independent experiments (single strike) using the AB were strikes to a head against a flat surface, regardless of the direction of
conducted using this setting. The direction of the blow was the force. See Fig. 4.
vertical in both cases. The window pole did not cause any severe fracture regardless of
Table 2 presents a summary of the experiments with each the position of the head and the direction of the force except for a
weapon for both scenarios. small hairline fracture after the third strike from a diagonal
2.5. Data acquisition and fracture documentation
3.3. Dimensions of the fractures
Multiple pictures of the fracture and damage inflicted to the
spheres were taken at each step as well as videos of each strike. The The lengths of the linear fractures and the depressed areas were
spheres were fully scanned by a 3D3 Solutions surface scanner, to measured, and measurements are given in Table 3. The values have

Table 2
Summary table of the fracture patterns produced in each experiment.

Position Round Strike Al baseball bat Wooden baseball bat Rolling pin Club Window opening pole Direction
On a hard surface Round 1 Strike 1 Linear Linear Linear No fracture Diagonal
Strike 2 Depressed Depressed Depressed No fracture
Strike 3 Hairline fracture
Round 2 Strike 1 Linear Linear Vertical
Strike 2 Depressed Depressed
Round 3 Strike 1 Linear
Strike 2 Depressed
Resistance free Setting 1 Strike 1 Depressed Diagonal
Strike 2 Depressed- fragmentation
Strike 1 Depressed No fracture No fracture No fracture Vertical
Strike 2 Linear No fracture No fracture
Strike 3 Depressed Hairline fracture No Fracture
Setting 2 Strike 1 Depressed
Strike 1 Depressed
A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357 353

Fig. 2. Strikes with an aluminium baseball bat (a–b) one blow on a on a free moving head (c) one blow on a hard surface (d) two blows on a hard surface. White arrows indicate
the impact points after the first blow and black arrows the impact site of the second blow.

been compared by weapon, i.e. the fracture length or the depressed effect on experiments testing sharp force trauma. These resulted in
area created by a certain weapon in the two assault scenarios. The more realistic patterns of injury, with clear cut-marks on the
same implement appears to be more destructive when the blow is surface of the bone that could be used to identify the type of
struck on a hard surface than when the head is free to move. The weapon employed [31,28].
linear fractures are longer, and the area affected is typically wider Kroman et al. [32] experimented on human cadavers to study
when the sphere rests on the scale than when it is mounted on the the patterns of blunt force trauma to the head in relation to the
mannequin. On average, the linear fractures measured 508.4 mm mechanism of fracture. This study represents the closest simula-
on the scale and 326.3 mm on the mannequin and the depressed tion to perimortem trauma possible, but it raises several ethical
area was 4491.1 mm2 on the scale and 3188.7 mm2 in the free to concerns regarding the proper treatment of human remains. It is
move configuration. The damage is more extensive when spheres not surprising that it remains the only recent experimental blunt
are hit while resting on a hard surface than when spheres are free force trauma study on actual human cadavers.
to move. This project used artificial material instead of organic tissues
such as animal heads. Recent experiments on blunt force trauma
4. Discussion [14,33] suggest that synthetic bone spheres produce far more
accurate results than porcine models. This makes them an ideal
Experimental studies on cranial blunt force trauma used material for experimental use, as they raise none of the ethical
material ranging from coconuts [28] to primate [29] and pig _
concerns associated with the use of animals or cadavers. Işcan and
crania as well as human cadavers [30]. These tests achieved Steyn [11] and Berrymann and Symes [12] Thali et al. [14] tested
variable results, and each had distinct methodological drawbacks. skin and skull injuries on their “skin-skull-brain” model by using a
Surrogate models have often proven inadequate for experimental modification of Messerer’s experimental set-up. The authors
testing, as the anatomical dissimilarities with the human head did conducted experimental blows with a hammer at different angles,
not allow for realistic simulations. Porcine models were used to and this resulted in realistic injury patterns both for the skin and
investigate sharp force trauma [31] and blunt force trauma, with the synthetic skull [14]. A case study simulating three consecutive
very poor results for the latter. This was mainly due to the fact that blows with a baseball on an artificial skull made by Synbone1
the porcine skull is considerably more flexible than the human synthetic material resulted in a similar trauma pattern to that
skull. At the same time the skin and subcutaneous fat is very thick. observed in a real case, although the authors note
Porcine cranial sutures can move more freely than in humans, that fragmentation was less extensive and involved fewer frag-
which often results in no lasting damage. The same factors had less ments in the artificial model [33].
354 A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357

Fig. 3. A single blow with a wooden Baseball bat on a free moving head in SYNBONE1 1 (S1) resulted in a depressed fracture (a) with radiating fractures extending to the
‘foramen magnum’ of the head-model (b). Two consecutive blows with the same weapon on a free moving head (S2) resulted in a linear fracture (c) after the first blow and a
depressed fracture with two small lacerations (stars) after the second blow (d). White arrows indicate the impact site after the first blow and black arrows the impact site of
the second blow. Note the radiating fracture R1 which stops when it meets the preexisting LF (c,d).

Fig. 4. Small diameter weapons fractures (a) lacerations and linear fracture after strike with a rolling pin on a free moving head. (b) Linear (white arrow) and incompletely
depressed (black dotted arrow) fractures after strikes with a wooden club on a head with resistance. (c) Linear (white arrow) and incompletely depressed (black dotted arrow)
fractures after strikes with a polling pin on a head with resistance.

In our study we tested two different scenarios and several Berryman and Symes [12] Zhi-Jin and Jia-Zhen [3] and Clark et al.
weapons of different weight and diameter. Low-velocity impact Our observations are consistent with the case study by Glasser
with large objects (e.g. baseball bats) resulted in depressed et al. [33] that simulated a baseball bat injury with the head resting
fractures on a resistance free head, and such assaults produced in a solid surface which also produced first a linear fracture
linear fractures when the head was placed against a solid surface. extending to the occipital bone and then a depressed fracture. The
Smaller diameter objects required more effort to cause fractures on results also agree with previous studies which suggested that
a free moving head. When the head rests against a surface, they macroscopic appearance of the fractures on Synbone1 following
initially cause linear fractures, sometimes associated with a small blunt force trauma matched real fracture patterns — and reinforce
depression or hairline radiations from the impact site. The second the suitability of Synbone1 spheres as experimental substitutes to
strike produces depressed fractures (see Fig. 4b and c). The test forensic scenarios [14,15].
depressed fractures caused by the baseball bats (Figs. 2 and 3) are The experimental data further suggest that objects with large
almost identical to the patterns described by Moritz [2] and surfaces tend to create incompletely depressed fractures on a free
A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357 355

Table 3 moving head, while elongated objects with smaller diameter tend
Measurements of the fractures after each blow in relation to the injury pattern and
to create linear fractures. This is consistent with Moritz [2], who
corresponding weapon.
states “if the head is free to move with the impact the fractures
Position Blow Weapon Fracture length or area Fracture tend to be linear or incompletely depressed [...]”. Single strikes on a
On scale First Rolling pin 501 mm Linear head against a solid surface resulted in linear fractures in all cases,
Second Rolling pin 1690.97 mm2 Depressed independently of the diameter of the striking surface, the direction
First Baseball bat 433 mm Linear
of the blow, the weight of the object, and strength of the ‘assailant’.
Second Baseball bat 4857.5 mm2 Depressed
First Open. pole – No
Moritz [2] also states that “if the head rests against a solid surface
Second Open. pole – No heavy blows will comminute the skull and drive the fragments
Third Open. pole 27.3 mm Hairline inwards.” Importantly, none of the weapons here weighs more
First Baseball bat 511 mm Linear than 700 g, which means they do not fall in the category of ‘heavy
Second Baseball bat 7520 mm2 Depressed
blows’. Interestingly a clinical study on baseball bat assaults [34]
First Baseball bat 525 mm Linear
Second Baseball bat 7539 mm2 Depressed reported that the majority of the injuries were linear fractures on
First Al Baseball bat 546mm Linear the cranial base (31/39). Only eight were located on the vault, and
Second Al Baseball bat 7452 mm2 Depressed of the recorded vault fractures five were linear and three were
First Club 551 mm Linear
depressed. This study did not provide any information on the
Second Club 935 mm2 Depressed
Resistance free First Al baseball bat 4312.5 mm2 Depressed
position of the victim when struck, and the number of cranial
First Al baseball bat 5000 mm2 Depressed fractures on the vault is insufficient to draw any meaningful
First Baseball bat 2585.6 mm2 Depressed conclusions on the most common fracture patterns.
First Baseball bat 2417 mm2 Depressed Regarding the extent of the injuries, when the length of the
Second Baseball bat 8942 mm2 Depressed
linear fractures and the depressed areas are compared between
First Club – No
Second Club – No the two scenarios, it appears that the spheres struck against the
Third Club 229mm Hairline hard surface of the scale suffered more severe and extensive
First Rolling pin – No damage than spheres that were free to move. The linear fractures
Second Rolling pin 431 mm Linear measured on free moving spheres are more than one third shorter
Third Rolling pin 856.8 mm2 Depressed
than those struck while resting on the scale. The depressed area is
more than one-quarter smaller when the sphere is free to move.
These differences do not seem to depend on the type and diameter
of the weapon, or the strength of the attacker. The spheres freedom
of movement appears solely responsible for the discrepancy in

Fig. 5. Example of cranial injuries after a fatal attack with a metallic pipe. The lacerations on the head indicate at least two blows (a). The observed cranial fractures include
crushing injuries on the frontal area (b) a linear facture on the vault (c), an incompletely depressed with a pond fracture in the endocranial surface of the vault (d).
Source: Prof. Manolis Michalodimitrakis, Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Crete, Greece.
356 A. Ruchonnet et al. / Forensic Science International 301 (2019) 350–357

damage. The sphere, when allowed to move away from the impact, Lukas Albietz and Alan Dalton for their help during the experi-
appears to dissipate enough force to sustain less damage than it ments. Part of this project was funded by the Munro Research
would if resting on a hard surface. According to Newton’s third law Grant of the University of Edinburgh. Elena Kranioti would like to
of motion, the downward impact creates an upward counter force thank Prof. Manolis Michalodimitrakis and the Department of
that inflicts greater damage when the sphere rests against a hard Forensic Sciences of the University of Crete for giving permission
surface. The reaction is not as strong in the free standing scenario, for the use of the photographs included in this manuscript. The
because part of the energy is transformed into kinetic energy that authors are grateful to Dr Benjamin Osipov for the English review.
moves the head.
Obviously, several factors need to be taken under consideration
Appendix A. Supplementary data
when using a model to simulate real world events, and conclusions
must be drawn with caution. However, the results suggest that
Supplementary material related to this article can be
Synbone1 spheres can be used to simulate the human head in order
found, in the online version, at doi:
to test different blunt force trauma scenarios, and suggest which is
the most likely to have produced a certain fracture pattern. The
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