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The Pandemic in Philippines.

Times like this are the most dangerous time to be outside in our home because of
pandemic that we are experiencing, its not just an hindrance to our lives but also a
threat to our love ones. That’s why we need to know how we are going to prevent it from
further spreading and making our lives miserable so we can go back to the pre
pandemic situation where we can enjoy the sun without a fear of pandemic. So the
question is:
 What can we do at times like this to help preventing the spread of virus?
 How we can help our healtcare worker in battle of this pandemic?
 What are the safety guidelines and protocols to help us battle this pandemic?

This issue is very alarming not just because its threatening our lives but also making the
economy of the Philippines go down because of the business establishment that have
been forced to closed down making the thousands of Filipino go jobless and making the
poorest of the poor suffer because they can’t go to work or any job that will earn them a
penny that will save them though a day.

As of now we all know that not going outside is the simplest way to help prevent the
pandemic washing our hands everytime we go out, using alcohol everytime we sneeze
or cough and wearing a mask and face shield everytime we go out.

As for this research I have chosen the Experimental Research design for it will explain
the cause and possible treatment from the certain amount of time and Empirical-
Analytical research methods using these methods will help any Filipino from any age
that have the ability to read and think for what is right and what is wrong.

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