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Nama : Mauritius De Sales Lodhu Jawa

NRP : 2443018200
Penulisan Akademik Kelas A

Anticancer effects of gallic acid isolated from Indonesian herbal medicine,

Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl, on human cancer cell lines

1. Is the title of article good?

Yes it is, because the title is not too long and can describe the content of the article.

2. Is the author good?

Yes it is, because the name of authors is written consistently.

3. Is the affiliation good?

Yes it is, because the affiliation show who are the authors and the article show who is the
corresponding author clearly.

4. Is the keywords good?

Yes it is, because the keyword have been mentioned in abstract.

5. Is the abstract good?

Yes it is, The Abstract is good because describe purpose, methods and research result, and
conclusion are very clear.

6. Is the introduction good?

Yes it is, because the introduction can explain about the topic of the article, the sitasions is
sequence and the introduction has reason of this reasearch .

7. Is the conclusion good?

Yes it is, because the conclusion is concluded the research result and then can answer the
pupose of this research.

8. Are the refrences good?

Yes it is, because the references is used numbering system and the references is written

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