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This is the formatted version of the notes that Mr.

Freedude took
from his meeting with Bungie‟s reps. Please let me know if there
is anything else to include or if any change is necessary.


It was said that the lack of development in the traveler‟s story in

“Destiny 1” was intentional, since its awakening was always
intended to be the beginning of “Destiny 2”. The new game
appears to begin with the traveler awakening and summoning
the speaker, explaining why it tried to escape before the
darkness could consume him and how Rasputin‟s intervention
provided the darkness with traveler‟s fragments. It seems this
fragments are being corrupted by the darkness and the whole
game is about retrieving them. “Destiny 2” is, therefore, set after
the events of the first game.


Character progression was one of the most impressive changes

made from the first game. According to the reps, the community
felt that the game wasn‟t exploring enough of its role-playing
aspects, and the main reason for it was a stale progression and
the lack of customization. In response, the whole progression
system was tweaked, allowing a much more deep RPG style
character customization:
a. “Destiny 1” had two progression systems:
the first was a level progression based on
experience, up to the cap of lvl 40; the second
was a level progression based on gear, up to the
cap of 400. They said both progressions were
scraped, but “Destiny 2” will also have two
different progression systems.

b. The first new system will be of ranks, and

players will progress in it by completing set
feats, like finishing story missions, doing the
strikes and raids, getting kills in crucible, etc.
They expect to have up to 20 ranks available at
launch (seems like from apprentice to guardian).

c. The second system will be a reworked light

level progression based on experience, not on
gear. It was said that from the first enemy ever
killed you start your progression, and you keep
going forward in it with every activity available.
This system will not have a level cap, and after
each new light level players will be granted a
“light point”, used to customize the character‟s


After the new progression systems, we were introduced to the

new “light points”, something clearly inspired by the paragon
levels of Diablo 3:

a. After every new light level, the character is

granted a light point, similar to a skill point,
that can be spent to increase an attribute (e.g. %
increase in reload speed, movement speed or
headshot damage), up to 100 light points to each

b. Since there will be no level cap to light

levels, there will also be no cap to light points,
meaning a dedicated player could eventually
max out every attribute.

c. Players can freely reassign light points to

their characters, so that they can change their
playstyle whenever and however they choose.

d. Specific activities (e.g. regular crucible and

raids) will have light points restrictions to
enforce balanced gameplay.


Players will still create their characters as one of the original

classes (titan, warlock and hunter). But all of the subclasses have
been reworked for “Destiny 2”:

a. Subclasses will be based on class-specific

weapons or skills (they showed concepts of three
Titan subclasses: one with a double handed axe,
one wielding a shield and one „brawler‟ with no

b. Players will have questlines to master each

of the damage types (solar, arc and void) from
the first game, and after completing each quest
they will be able to select that damage type with
any of the subclasses of given character.

c. Every subclass will have a regular

progression, much like there was in the first
game, but they can be customized with damage
types and „stances‟, although this new mechanic
was not properly explained (there was a clip
showing a shield-titan performing his super
twice: first, he moved around wielding a
Reinhardt-like shield, then he created a half-
bubble shield on the ground, but it was not clear
whether this were stance or regular
customization options).


According to their reps, the changes in character progression,

customization and subclasses were all the community expected
for “Destiny 2”, but they wanted to go further. This would come
with their new weapon customization system:

a. Every weapon type in “Destiny 2” will have

a set of specific modules (e.g. sights, handles,
magazines). For every module (they showed the
system with a „alfa-test sight‟ for scout rifles) you
have an underlining quest that will be triggered
after a given number of kills and dismantling of
weapons that had such specific module. After
meeting all criteria, the gunsmith will be able to
forge custom weapons with the modules that you
have already mastered (regarding balance
issues, they said the system is being tested

b. Also, every weapon in game will have its

own progression system based only on
experience, meaning that players can grind
experience using any weapon that they‟ve forged
or dropped, upgrading them to max damage level
of its tier.

c. Weapon infusion will still be a thing in
Destiny 2. Therefore, players can upgrade their
weapons with grinding or by infusing it with a
higher level weapon.

d. There is still many variables to be

considered regarding the weapons (e.g. types,
modules, tiers). At the meeting, they were
working with five weapon tiers: green (max lvl
250), blue (500), purple (1000), yellow and silver
(both at 1200).

e. Silver-tier weapons and armors are

equipment related to specific game activities
(e.g. raid, trials of Osiris) and silver weapons will
have its performance enhanced if the player is
wearing the full armor set of same given activity.

f. It will not be possible to forge yellow or

silver tier weapons, and there will still be a
restriction regarding yellow-tier equipment.


a. Armor pieces will still be divided in helmet,

chest, arms, legs, class items and artifacts. But
now class items will actually be „subclass‟ items,
meaning that the player will be able to set three
of them at the same time, but only the one
compatible with active subclass will be „on‟.
b. Armor pieces will also be upgradable with
infusion or grinding, just as weapons, and will
share the same tier level cap.

c. Silver-tier armor pieces will form „armor

sets‟ that will enhance players abilities and
respective silver-tier weapons performances (e.g.
higher super charge, increased damage or shield,
movement speed).

d. Every armor piece will have a „resistance‟

and an „agility‟ value. Higher resistance armor
provides more shield and less damage, but
decrease movement speed and weapon handling.

e. Upgrading an armor piece will increase its

protection, but won‟t change its agility stats
(upgrading will provide better armor and
defense, but won‟t chance movement speed or
weapon handling).


Reps said that “Destiny 2” will be released September 2017 with

as many activities as “Destiny 1” had before the release of “The
Taken King”. There was a clip of the release schedule and
navigation menu, but there wasn‟t time enough to register
everything correctly.

a. Game will have only one social space, five
different playable areas to patrol (they didn‟t say
if five different planets, though), ten strikes,
sixteen crucible maps, an arena game mode and
two raids (one of them is set to be released later).

b. Reps insisted that if there is one mistake

they will not repeat in “Destiny 2” is to leave
content behind over time. They meant that every
activity in game at release will still be relevant
during its whole cycle.

c. They also announced a revamped

companion app and kiosk system, that will allow
better storage and usage of purple, yellow and
silver tier equipment.

d. It won‟t be possible do carry progress from

the first game to “Destiny 2”, although reps said
they are already working on rewards for legacy

e. Every mechanic presented will be available

at launch, but will be presented progressively to
the players throughout de campaign, in order to
avoid overwhelming them with too much
customization options at once.

f. Matchmaking will be optional and

available to every single activity, except raids.


a. The „daily heroic‟ activity will be replaced

with a „heroic mission playlist‟, in which players
will go through random story missions in a
harder difficult setting and with two random
modifiers. There will also be a „heroic strike
playlist‟, along the same lines.

b. Modifiers will be categorized as „good‟ (e.g.

small arms), „neutral‟ (elemental burn) or „bad‟
(lightswitch). If both modifiers in any given
heroic mission or strike are bad for players, the
session will go into a „nightfall mode‟ with much
better rewards for players that complete it.

c. There will also be weekly and monthly

activities, but nothing else was said about them.

d. Crucible will have „some old gametypes and

some new‟, the latter possibly involving
modifiers and AI enemies. Also, Iron Banner and
Trials of Osiris are confirmed, „with some

e. Reps said they are working hard to keep

players invested in many different activities, not
only „end-game‟ ones like raid or trials. They
believe the game will have high replay value due
to the new customization options and silver-tier

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