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The purpose of cooperative learning is that the students are learning from one another.

A heterogonous team is formed of students of mixed ability levels, sex, ethnicity or race.
You have to decide which method is better according to characteristics and interest of your student
and the aims of the classes; if we want them practicing a skill, solving a problem or working on a
You should be make change of students each two months.
First you have to make a list according of ranking, for example, high, high medium, medium, low
that indicate a specific proficiency level.
You have to think into considerations individual characteristics, for example. You have to consider
students with special need or thinking about friendships and how they affect team dynamics,
students who you know that working bad together.

You should rearrange the desk in the classroom, because, your physical surroundings to foster a
cooperative learning environment, it’s really important, for example you have to put four
tables, and the students should sit face to face. besides, you determine about the purpose of the
class the type of team. other thing, you have considered the disposition of the group, in order,
they can move and doing the best way their activities
I feel my students enjoy working in groups, they learn each other and it’s is more amusing, but
I like when they help students need, you can develop values through this way of work.
I You have to think into considerations individual characteristics, for example. You have to
consider students with special need or thinking about friendships and how they affect team
dynamics, students who you know that working bad together.

truly believe that the heterogeneous method works better nowadays, I always try to mix them
randomly I almost always had use one for creating random teams is the "Numbering off
Method" where students number off from 1 through 4 and then group together based on their
number , because is more practical for me.

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