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Rules and Assumptions for a moment-in-time

Definition of the Metaverse
1. Anything* that is connected to the broader public network, usually the Internet, is a
part of the Metaverse. *Anything, including equipment, software, blockchain, A.I., the
Internet of Things, feeds, humans, robotics, the vast supranet, security cameras,
YouTube, social media, chats and bots, and all un-named anythings that are connected.
2. All interactions with the Metaverse are content in, and a part of, the Metaverse.
3. Anything which can be connected, becomes a part of the Metaverse upon connection. It
may remain persistent even after disconnection.
4. Connected Humans are a living part of the Metaverse. Connections and interactions
may be intentional or unintentional, consensual or non-consensual, in a variety of
combinations, all a part of the Metaverse. Similar to equipment, A.I., and software.
Any bionic part of a Human, either of which is connected.
5. Digital worlds or universes which are not connected to a broader public network are
part of the Metaverse. Access to such worlds/universes by anything which is connected
to the Metaverse, become part of the Metaverse, in the same way a private but
connected cloud is a component of the Metaverse, or a multi-player online game.
6. If it is accessible digitally it is a part of the Metaverse.
7. Implicitly all accessible electronics are a part of the Metaverse.
8. All regulatory, compliance and legal strictures are a part of The Metaverse.
9. All technology protocols and the derived behavioral implications become a part of the
10. Anything identifiable from inside the Metaverse, is a part of the Metaverse. i.e. reality
that is observed or digitally encoded in any way.
© 2021 Ralph R. Zerbonia All Rights Reserved. VII

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