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The concept of caring in nursing

Nurses are health workers whose numbers are very much found in hospitals ranging from 55-
65%, nurses are the most important human resource in the hospital. Nurse is a profession that is
always with the patient 24 hours a day, so that the nurse knows every change in the patient's
health condition. Nursing services affect the quality of hospital services so that every effort is
made to improve the quality of hospital services and is accompanied by an increase in the quality
and professionalism of nurses.Quality nursing care is the most important thing in maintaining
patient trust.

Quality nursing care is certainly realized by the existence of standards that must be
possessed by nurses such as, The first is commitment, a nurse's primary commitment is to
provide nursing services, so that nurses are morally obliged to care for all patients. However, in
certain situations the risk of harm may be greater than the moral obligation of the nurse or the
duty to help the patient. The second is conscience, concience to grow and convey the truth.
Nurses have a moral standard of caring for the welfare of others which is embraced and reflected
in their behavior. Third is competence, a nurse must have knowledge, experience skills, energy
and motivation as a sense of responsibility for the profession. If the nurse does not have the
competence, there will be medical negligence. Fourth is compassion, nurses must be sensitive to
the patient's difficulties and pain and can help patients to survive, provide opportunities to share,
and provide space for patients to share feelings, and provide full support. A nurse must carry out
her main duty in caring for the patient wholeheartedly, both when receiving patients, taking care
of them and separating from patients. Don’t look at patients from any background related to
economy, ethnicity, religion, race and certain groups. Be the best angel for the patient and
patient's family. The fifth is cofidence, self-confidence as a nurse is needed in taking action. if
the nurse is not confident in taking action it could be a medical error.

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