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Base on the Electrocardiogram or ECG which is T-wave inversion interprets that it may indicate
myocardial ischemia. Myocardial ischemia occurs when blood flow to the heart
muscle (myocardium) it is obstructed by a partial or complete blockage of a coronary artery by a
buildup of plaques or atherosclerosis and Myocardial Infarction happens when blood flow to the
heart muscle is blocked and chest pain which travel left arm to neck.

2. Treatment will depend on your symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how
severe the condition is.

-The immediate treatment of MI includes, taking aspirin, which prevents blood from clotting,
and nitro-glycerin to treat chest pain and oxygen and to dissolve arterial blockage, an injection
of thrombolytic or clot dissolving drugs such as tissue plasminogen activator, streptokinase or
urokinase in blood within 3 h of the onset of a heart attack. The painkillers such as morphine or
meperidine can be administered to relieve pain. Nitroglycerin and antihypertensive drugs such
as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers may also be used to lower blood
pressure and to improve the oxygen demand of heart.

-Your healthcare provider may prescribe medicines if you have angina. The most common is
nitroglycerin. This helps to relieve pain by widening your blood vessels. This lets more blood
flow to your heart muscle. It decreases the workload of your heart. You may take a long-acting
form of nitroglycerin daily to prevent angina. Or, you may take it as a nose spray or under the
tongue when angina occurs.

Don't take erectile dysfunction (ED) medicines if you take nitroglycerin. These include sildenafil,
vardenafil, and tadalafil. This can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure. Tell your healthcare
provider if you are taking ED medicines. 

Other medicines can be used to treat angina. These include beta-blockers and calcium channel
blockers. Beta-blockers block a hormone that increases the heart rate and blood pressure. This
helps relax the blood vessels to improve blood flow. Calcium channel blockers help open the
coronary arteries

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