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People in my country usually carry out the following activities:

1. Slow down! Quickly slow down a few notches. Mexico is advancing at a slower pace.
2. 2. Proper greetings are essential in Mexico, which involve an initial exchange of
pleasantries with everyone and a general inquiry about each other. Anything less is
considered rude and impolite.
4. 3. When first meeting, two Mexican men typically shake hands. When two women or a
man and woman meet, they kiss each other once on the cheek. As men and women
become more familiar with each other, they greet with a gentle hug, a pat on the back,
and then shake hands.
6. 4. Interpersonal conflict and confrontation are discouraged. Conversations begin politely
although informally and gradually ease into the topic. Mexicans tend to be agreeable and
pleasant, and expect similar responses.
8. 5. Indirect speech is the style of communication in Mexico. Mexicans rarely make
straightforward statements about a topic, speaking instead rhetorically and elaborately in
generalities. Speaking itself is an art, so enjoy the conversation! After all, it is one of the
Romance languages and is music to the ears.

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