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Jenna Kupferschmid

What steps will you take to ensure your brand's ethics?

A brand’s ethics are widely determined by its relationship with the key audience. In order to
form a stable and strong relationship with this audience it is important to follow the TARES
ethics model. This entails that there is truthfulness towards ones message, authenticity, respect,
equity, and social responsibility between the brand and its audience. In order to accomplish each
of the aspects of TARES between my brand and my key audience I will determine how each of
these categories relates to my website and brand. Therefore the first step I will take in
determining my ethics is to ensure that all of the information I put on my website and promote on
my social media pages is truthful. This can range from being truthful with my statements, facts,
and information to looking into what I repost or retweet from other brand’s as well. Next, in
order to ensure my authenticity I will take full responsibility for all my posts in order to promote
my deep concern for the value of others which therefore includes interaction between my brand
and my audience. Next, there will be a guaranteed level of respect between my audience and me
with the notion that each member of my audience deserves equal attention and effort to serve
their needs and answer their questions. Consequently, equity will be accomplished by promoting
the idea that each person in my audience will be treated fairly, with no commenter’s ideas being
valued higher over another. Lastly, social responsibility will be accounted for because my brand
is doing good for society by celebrating young minds and promoting the need for well-rounded
members of society. Therefore by completing TARES, my steps to ensure my brand’s ethics will
also be simultaneously completed as well.

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