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Sherly : Then from this chapter we can connect with our own life or to the real world like :

1. loyal friends and prioritize common interests above personal interests. this can be seen
when Spilett, Herbert, Pencroft, and Neb are still looking for their friend Cyrus Harding
who disappeared when they landed from the hot air balloon. they immediately looked for
Cyrus Harding when they found out that he was missing, even though they were
exhausted from being hit by the waves for days. even though they are trapped on an
uninhabited island, they are still trying to find a way out while looking for Cyrus Harding

2. If you look at the stories of abandoned people on a mysterious island, of course there are
also those who have experienced this in real life. such as the stories of Pedro de Serrano,
Robert Drury, Philip Ashton, Robert Jeffery, and Bernard Carnot. They are trapped on a
mysterious island for various reasons. they also survive by utilizing nature as in the story
"the mysterious island" in this story they eat shells covered in sand, then they look for dry
wood to make a fire but on the island there is not a single dry wood seen.

3. In the third chapter of the story "the mysterious island", the four friends estimate the hour
by looking at the sun, then look at the distance from the beach to the sound of the beach
and the sound that produces an echo, and take advantage of the receding beach water to
cross. this has certainly been done in real life, especially for old people.

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