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Hurricane: storm (located in the first sentence of paragraph 1)

Those whom the hurricane had just thrown on this coast were neither aeronauts by
profession nor amateurs.

Example of sentences :

 a powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast

 the manager resigned in a hurricane of disagreement
 Details about hurricane Katrina will appear in a future report.

2. Voyage : journey (located in the last sentence of paragraph 2)

Their aerial voyage had lasted five days.

Example of sentences :

 a six-year voyage to Jupiter

 writing a biography is a voyage of discovery
 This voyage was his first taste of freedom.

3. Notwithstanding: Although, even though, regardless. (located in the last sentence of

paragraph 7)

The Southerner notwithstanding missed Gideon Spilett, who, with his usual fortune, came
out of this affair without a scratch.

Example of sentences :

 notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict
 this small contretemps notwithstanding, they both had a good time
 notwithstanding that the hall was packed with bullies, our champion played on steadily
and patiently
4. Acquaintance: acquaintance, knowledge. (located in the second sentence of paragraph 8)

The engineer's wounds rapidly healed, and it was during his convalescence that he made
acquaintance with the reporter.

Example of sentences :

 most men of her acquaintance were in uniform now.

 the students had little acquaintance with the language.
 I renewed my acquaintance with Herbert.
 I first made his acquaintance in the early 1960s.

5. Anxious: restless, anxious (located in the fourth sentence of paragraph 13)

However, the siege continued; and if the prisoners were anxious to escape and join Grant's
army, certain of the besieged were no less anxious to join the Southern forces.

Example of sentences :

 there were some anxious moments.

 she was extremely anxious about her exams.
 I tend to feel anxious and depressed during exams.
1. Hurricane : badai ( terletak pada kalimat pertama paragraph 1)
Those whom the hurricane had just thrown on this coast were neither aeronauts by profession
nor amateurs.
Contoh kalimat :
 a powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast
 the manager resigned in a hurricane of disagreement
 Details about Hurricane Katrina will appear in a future report.

2. Voyage : perjalanan ( terletak pada kalimat terakhir paragraph 2)

Their aerial voyage had lasted five days.
Contoh kalimat :
 a six-year voyage to Jupiter
 writing a biography is a voyage of discovery
 This voyage was his first taste of freedom.

3. Notwithstanding : Meskipun,walaupun,terlepas. (terletak pada kalimat terahir paragraph 7)

The Southerner notwithstanding missed Gideon Spilett, who, with his usual fortune, came
out of this affair without a scratch.
Contoh kalimat :
 notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict
 this small contretemps notwithstanding, they both had a good time
 notwithstanding that the hall was packed with bullies, our champion played on
steadily and patiently

4. Acquaintance : kenalan,pengetahuan. (terletak pada kalimat kedua paragraph 8)

The engineer’s wounds rapidly healed, and it was during his convalescence that he made
acquaintance with the reporter.
Contoh kalimat :
 most men of her acquaintance were in uniform now.
 the students had little acquaintance with the language.
 I renewed my acquaintance with Herbert.
 I first made his acquaintance in the early 1960s.

5. Anxious : gelisah,cemas (terletak pada kalimat keempat paragraph 13)

However, the siege continued; and if the prisoners were anxious to escape and join Grant’s
army, certain of the besieged were no less anxious to join the Southern forces.
Contoh kalimat :
 there were some anxious moments.
 she was extremely anxious about her exams.
 I tend to feel anxious and depressed during exams.

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