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I am the type of person that likes to have a fit body.

So, I decided to attend this class

with sir Maga. This kind of wrp makes me happy because I really like to do body work outs. The
first thing that we do is warm up. We do Jumping jacks for 30 seconds, high kness for 30 second
and also, butt kicks for 30 seconds too. It is important to do warm ups before the core work out
to condition your body. For the main core work out, I am very excited on how sir Maga will
demonstrate it to us. The first thing that we do is flutter kicks. This work out can help the
muscles of your core. The second one is Reverse Crunches, this work out will help your rectus
abdominis or so call six-pack abs. The third one is heel touches, this work out can help you to
increase your flexibility and stability. For the last work out, this is my most hated part of the
work out, the plank. We all know that plank is the easiest work out that we can do but for me,
this is the hardest part of the core work out. But this can help to strengthen your body from
head to toe. All of the work outs has 30 seconds or 30 reps. As we go along, if we are going
through the next set of work out, we are going to add more seconds and more reps in each set.
I enjoyed the class and have a happy moment with my professor and schoolmates as well. Next
time I will try to attend other body work outs. Exercise is very important in our body. It can
helps the circulation of our blood and to strengthen our body too.

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