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Nama : Muhammad Andy Rachman Hakim

Nim: 43119010253

Maybe this is an unforgettable experience for me to date. When I was six years old I began to
learn how to read the Qur'an. My teacher's house is two complexes from my house, so whenever
I want to go there I have to use a bicycle. There were many children studying with me at that
time and when the class was over, we played together occasionally before we returned home.

One day when the class was over I went to the park with some of my friends. We were cycling
around the park when I suddenly fell off my bicycle. My body was thrown into the bush. Then I
tried to stand up while trying to stand up I saw a small beehive hanging from the bush. I thought
it was an empty nest because it was very small and there were no bees flying around. The shape
was interesting to me so I decided to touch it, but unfortunately the nest fell and was damaged.
Then in a few seconds, a group of bees appeared and flew towards me. I panicked and tried to
run, but the bee was faster than me. One of them flew straight towards my nose and struck my
nose with the sting right in the middle. It was so painful that my tears dripped continuously. My
nose turns red. My friends tried to help me by swinging their hands at the bee. After a while, the
bees left us.

We decided to go home after that. On the way home, my friend told me that my nose was
swollen and red. They also say that it is sharp. When I got home, I showed my nose to my
mother and told her the incident. My mother smiled at me and said that was okay and that it was
not dangerous. He also said that it was a natural immunization. From that day on, I promised
myself that I would never play with bees again.

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