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DATE: 29-08-2021



This research report is dedicated to our teacher, “SIR SYED ARSALAN HUSSAIN”, for their
unwavering support and encouragement in our academic course “INTERNATIONAL
MARKET ENTRY”, we want to thank him as a teacher, for the motivation and encouragement
he provided to us and experiencing the new knowledge and sessions. It means a lot to us that he
stepped up when we needed the most and took on the responsibility of guiding us in the right
direction. Furthermore, he pushed us to think outside the box and challenged us to look beyond
what is right in front of us. Without him we would not have been able to complete this report.
For these reasons and many more, we will be forever grateful. It was very nice having him as a

The denim sector is booming worldwide, because of the spread of denim culture. All over the
world it has brought with it a trend of fast-changing fashion. Denim washing has emerged as one
of the important production routes toward meeting the fast-changing demands of the fashion
market. There are huge ecological concerns, as this sector is enormous. Up to 10,000 Liters of
Water to Make One Pair of Jeans. If this continues, soon it will pose a serious problem to
drinking water supplies. It is therefore important to study the environmental impact of denim and
find alternative processes. In this study we discussed the plan how we will introduce our brand
and what our brand exactly based on we are working on sustainable garments to reduce the
consumption of water for this purpose we used different techniques are mentioned blow and
furthermore how we will develop our brand image and what our business plan actually is.
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 2
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 7
DENIM PRODUCTION SEQUENCE ........................................................................................................... 8
WATER POLLUTION ................................................................................................................................... 9
BRAND STORY .......................................................................................................................................... 10
BRAND LAUNCH ....................................................................................................................................... 11
BRAND NAME ............................................................................................................................................ 11
BRAND LOGO ............................................................................................................................................ 11
TAG LINE .................................................................................................................................................... 11
BRAND IMAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 11
IDEA GENERATION: ................................................................................................................................. 12
IDEA SCREENING: .................................................................................................................................... 12
BRAND POSITIONING .............................................................................................................................. 13
BRAND NOTION ........................................................................................................................................ 14
MISSION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 14
VISION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 14
CORE VALUES ........................................................................................................................................... 14
PRODUCT DEVELOPEMENT ................................................................................................................... 14
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PRODUCT ................................................................................... 15
BENIFITS TO ENTER AN INTERNATIONAL MARKET ....................................................................... 15
LAUNCHING COUNTRY .......................................................................................................................... 15
PRODUCT SELLING COUNTRY: ............................................................................................................. 15
STEPS TO ENTER INTERNATIONAL MARKET .................................................................................... 15
ENTER USA FOR PRODUCT SELLING ................................................................................................... 16
KEY FACTORS ........................................................................................................................................... 16
FACTORS INFLUENCING US INTERNATIONAL TRADE ................................................................... 16
SOME BARRIER FACE IN US MARKET ................................................................................................. 16
QUALITY OF LAUNCH ............................................................................................................................. 16
DEGREE OF PRODUCT NEWNESS ......................................................................................................... 17
PRODUCT DIFFUSION INTERNATIONALLY: ...................................................................................... 17
Product factors .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Country Factors:............................................................................................................................................ 17
BRAND LAUNCHING PLAN .................................................................................................................... 18
OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................... 18
FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................ 18
MARKETING OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................... 18
OUR GOALS ................................................................................................................................................ 19
PHILANTHROPIC GOALS ........................................................................................................................ 19
BUSINESS GOALS ..................................................................................................................................... 19
STRATEGIC GOALS .................................................................................................................................. 19
SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS....................................................................................................................... 19
INCOME CLASS ......................................................................................................................................... 20
TARGET SEGMENTATION....................................................................................................................... 20
COMPITITORS ............................................................................................................................................ 21
SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH ................................................................................................................. 21
WEEKNESSES............................................................................................................................................. 21
OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................................................................................................ 21
THREATS .................................................................................................................................................... 22
GAP ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................................... 22
SYSTEM FOR ORDERING ........................................................................................................................ 23
SYSTEM OF BILLING ................................................................................................................................ 23
SYSTEM OF DELIVERY ............................................................................................................................ 23
SYSTEM OF STORING .............................................................................................................................. 23
FOUR P’s ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
PRODUCT .................................................................................................................................................... 24
PLACE .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
PRICE ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
PROMOTION ............................................................................................................................................... 25
BRANDING CAMPAIGN SALES PROMOTION ..................................................................................... 25
CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT .................................................................................................................. 25
DIRECT MARKETING ............................................................................................................................... 26
VIRAL MARKETING ................................................................................................................................. 26
DISPLAY MARKETING ............................................................................................................................. 26
BRAND EXTENSION ................................................................................................................................. 27
PIN DEPTH STUDY .................................................................................................................................... 27
PIN LENGTH STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 28
PIN WIDTH STUDY ................................................................................................................................... 29
PRINT TAGS................................................................................................................................................ 30
BOTTOM SECTION AD ............................................................................................................................. 30
SHOES SECTION AD ................................................................................................................................. 31
BAG SECTION AD ..................................................................................................................................... 32
TOPS SECTION AD .................................................................................................................................... 33
SALING AD ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Denim is the oldest, most widely used, most fashionable, and most versatile fabric in the world.
Though initially the fabric was developed for use as sailcloth, at present denim is mainly used for
producing garments, particular trousers for young people. Denim has its origin in tough canvas
cloth from Nîmes, France (“de Nîmes” means “of Nîmes”). Genoese sailors used this cloth to make
rough-and-ready pants that lasted forever, called “Genoese.” Over time this term became corrupted
to “Geans” or “Jeans.” These trousers found favor around the world wherever men had to do work
that would ruin most other clothes . Today’s consumers enjoy more casual, relaxed, and yet
sophisticated lifestyles. Fabrics must therefore not only provide comfort and beauty but also have
the stamina to stand up to the rigors of daily life, so the market for denim jeans is one of the fastest-
growing apparel markets, in both developed and developing countries. Denim is strong and
versatile, and gets softer and more comfortable with wear. In the 1950s, Hollywood westerns made
a cultural icon of the cowboy and helped jeans cross over into mainstream wear. Today, denim has
also gone from being a work-wear look to a fashion commodity. The present young generation in
all regions loves to wear denim, of course; it is a trendsetting garment. Denim fabric is
manufactured in a different range of weights. Heavier clothing may weigh up to 14.5 oz/yd2 and
lighter clothes weigh 6.5 oz/yd2. As already stated, 3 1 twill (fabric structure) is the norm for
classic denim; its weft is un-dyed and only the warp can be dyed with indigo dyes

Typically, large amounts of nonrenewable resources are extracted to produce fabric of any kind.
In fact, making two pounds of fabric generates an average of 50 pounds of greenhouse gases. But
carbon created from the overproduction of clothing isn't the only way the fashion industry is
impacting the environment. Denim itself is a large culprit in this, as a typical pair of jeans uses the
same amount of water that one person drinks in 13 years—approximately 8000 liters, or 2114
gallons, of water—according to E.L.V. Denim's founder. Not only does the traditional denim
production process use copious amounts of water, but the dyeing and treatment of denim are also
problematic. Currently, it is estimated that 20% of industrial water pollution globally comes from
textile production.

Manufacturers have done a lot of experimentation on denim to satisfy the needs of customers. A
variety of denim is available in the market, such as stretch denim, ecru denim, heavy denim, ring
denim, reused denim, soda pop denim, sandblast denim, and shotgun denim. In recent years denim
has had huge market potential; this was confirmed in a survey by Cotton Inc. In 2015, denim had
a market value of $55 billion, with expected growth of 8% by 2021. This is due to increased
consumption in Latin American and Asian countries. The expected growth rates (by 2021) are
15% in Latin America, 12% in Asia, 10% in the USA and Canada, and 4% in Europe.
Approximately 1.9 billion denim garments were sold in 2015 alone, which could increase to 2
billion by 2021.

But it is not just the amount of water and nonrenewable resources that make textile production so
wasteful. On average, $100 billion is lost annually due to dead stock fabrics (fabric leftover in the
production process) and no recyclable materials. While more companies have recently been using
these dead stock fabrics to create face masks for the COVID-19 crisis, this is only a partial solution
to the larger problem and does not acknowledge the toll of producing a pair of jeans. Although it
is widely acknowledged that many fast-fashion companies notoriously violate workers' rights,
underpay labor, and exacerbate communities' financial autonomy by using toxins that impact their
health and water supply long-term, consumers' shopping habits are slow to change, thus
perpetuating the cycle.


The raw material for denim is textile fibers, including natural and man-made fibers. Mostly,
cellulose-based fibers are used. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate or produce the fibers, which
is the first phase in the sequence. After production of the fibers, it is necessary to remove impurities
and make the fibers open, mix, and comb properly, helping to produce good-quality yarn, which
is the second phase. Spinning of the fibers can be done either by ring spinning machines or by an
open-end spinning system. Once the yarn is produced, the warping can be done. After the warping
process, the warp sheets can be colored with indigo dyes and sized with suitable size formulations.
In some cases, 300–450 warp threads are joined together to make ropes, and around 11–36 ropes
are dyed together in coloration units. After coloration, the ropes can be dried using drying cylinders
and prepared for the weaver’s beam. The weaver’s beam is the feeding beam in the weaving
machine used to make denim fabric. After the weaving process, de-sizing and other preparation
processes are carried out. Once these have been done, the fabric is ready to make garments and is
then washed with different washing techniques to achieve different kinds of effects.
The denim industry has one of the largest water footprints on the planet and discharges huge
amounts of wastewater into nearby streams and water bodies. We know that water is one of the
most important a-biotic elements for life. Untreated wastewater from denim mills can change the
physical, chemical, and biological properties of water bodies, making them unsafe for human and
animal consumption [6]. Generally, the denim industry produces 50–70 l of water to process 1 kg
of materials. The denim industry is just one part of the textile industry. According to the World
Bank, 20% of global water pollution is caused by textile processing. The leading nongovernmental
organization (NGO) Greenpeace International says that China, India, and Bangladesh are among
the most polluted countries (see Table 1). Wastewater generated by the denim industry contains a
wide variety of hazardous and toxic chemicals, which persist in the environment. In denim
processing, coloration is the major source of environmental impacts, involving dyes, dyeing
additives, and other chemicals. Obviously, dyes contain heavy metals, which are highly toxic.
These pollutants, which cause aquatic toxicity, include various toxic elements such as salts,
surfactants, ionic metals and their complexes, formaldehyde, toxic organic chemicals, biocides and
toxic anions, detergents, emulsifiers, and dispersants. Therefore, wastewater from the denim
industry is highly polluted and
A while back, I began working on a story about how our shopping habits contribute to our carbon
footprints and how it has become critical for consumers to adopt smarter shopping habits and
prioritize purchasing sustainable brands. Even now, there is still a large misconception around
sustainability, specifically with denim. The most controversial thing about denim is not the fact
that low-rise jeans are becoming a thing again (surprisingly) but that denim production is one of
the biggest contributors to the fashion industry's carbon footprint and overall environmental
impact. Considering how a pair of jeans is produced might never cross the mind of the average
consumer, but it should.
Our brand will be launch as soon as possible.


Our Brand Name is “BG JEANS”


Over here B stands for Blue, and water is blue on the other hand G stands for green and green is
referring to earth. Together BG jeans means less water and ecofriendly product.

Bring sustainable Denim in your Life, Bring change in your Life.

• You can get change in your life by wearing sustainable denim because in sustainable denim
there is no usage of harmful chemicals.
• It impacts our environment as well.
• The garment looks more natural, and it also increased the life of the garment means you can
wear it for a long run.

Our products will be produced based on ecofriendly and will be good for customer health when it
will come in contact their skin it will no harm for them when they ware our products.

We want to create image in our customers mind is they have no harm with our product.

Nowadays consumer is very advance, and they all wanted to know about the product either its
ecofriendly or not.

We wanted to use this reason as our competitive advantage and launch a brand with ecofriendly
denim products.

As we already know denim process requires Up to 10,000 Liters of Water to Make One Pair of
Jeans other than water many hazardous chemical, dyes and polymers are used during denim
manufacturing. We want to produce denim with low carbon footprint.

As for the coming trend most of the companies are switching towards sustainable products rapidly
as those who are working on it will retain their position in the market while others cannot survive
during that time.

As sustainable products are in startup phase, the current cost of production is at its peak. With the
help of research and technological breakthrough we can substantially reduce cost and make it much
more cost efficient and effective for customers.

First, I want to tell where I got this idea. Recently I am working in denim company normally we
make garments for export, maternity products and kids garment etc. So, our focus is always this
how we can get change in denim.

Recently I got an idea to launch a denim brand in US to capture the international market why this
idea comes to my mind? Because all the international brands import their goods from us due to
reduce their costs if we create our own brand so it will be cheaper for us, and our focus will be
on sustainability because US people are more focusing on sustainable products. Well Idea of BG
geans was running through my mind but there was a question, how should we make it different
from other brands? So, I generated the idea that we should add something which other brands are
not focusing more and that is sustainable product.


Idea screening was done by doing research on currently available on sustainability in market and
we concluded that it is the right time to launch our brand.

We will position our brand in local denim market with competitive advantage of sustainable

There are many brands currently working in USA but except levis no one is working on
sustainable product.

We will create an image of blue is new green on consumer to create a perception that our product
is developed with low carbon footprint.

Our target market will be diversified with respect to gender male and female. Further classification
of gender will be done with respect to kids, teens, and men.

our target market will be upper class, upper middle class, and middle-class people as these
people with respect to their demographics required our product the most.

We will offer market competitive price for our consumers to gain their loyalty.
Will be focused with a notion of having Quality, Looking, Dashing Look, comfort wearing need
of customers. On the same front it would taste good to feeling touch as well and would be available
in variety of fabric. Our jeans will dedicate in creating specialty jeans for all occasions which can
fit to the individual needs of our diversified customer base.

Our mission is to create a fashionable, sustainable and eco efficient denim product for a consumer
who is aware of global warming, providing solution to these people in form of our sustainable

• We aim to provide quality jeans that are eco-friendly to ensure that our customers have a good
• We aim to provide an environment that will be adaptable with jeans product menu including
more style of all types of choices.
• We aim to provide immediate service with delivery at customer’s doorstep.
• Being environmentally responsible is our prime motive.

Our vision is to create a better sustainable future for upcoming generation so that they can
experience the way of life as we are experiencing. It will help us to become a transformative
vehicle in our world, creating a positive impact on society.

• We intend to adopt practices that are eco-friendly and helps nourishing our environment.
• We believe in providing best product for our customers with unique experience.

Our business core values would lie in three key attributes of business that is “Service”, “Sustain”
and “Contribute”. Service: Building an environment for our customers where they get best possible
service and an experience that let them come again and again. Sustainability: Taking approach that
is sustainable and help retaining our business for a longer period.


• First, we will create a prototype.

• Then create brand identity and marketing mix
• We did coordinate strategy across international subsidiaries.

We are going to set a standardized product because we our business partner have an experience
of dealing with international clients and we know all their laws and regulations as he is the
citizen of USA and already running his own brand there.


• large variety of products for the local population.

• Higher level of competition with decreasing prices.
• Fierce competition leads to high level of technological progress.
• Companies can expand their target market.
• Companies can buy cheap resources from countries with weak currencies.
• Low production costs.
• Countries can specialize in certain products.
• International cooperation.
• Trade partners can support each other.
• International trade can increase total global welfare.



The main and important thing is why I selected US market for BG jeans, because of the
uniqueness of our product. we are good to sell our denim products in Local market. And due to
uniqueness of our product it will be successful in US market we know US people are more
conscious about sustainability.


• Review your company. Take a careful look at your business to make sure you're ready to
expand internationally.
• Develop a market entry strategy. The next step is to develop a market entry strategy.
• Prepare and execute an export marketing plan.

We are choosing USA to sell our denim products so I will discuss which factors we consider
entering in USA.

• First, we taken Registration according to US requirements.

• The most and important thing is Licensing and Franchising. first, we get a license for what we
import or what we sell. If we want franchise so we must need a license.
• Then we chose which method we followed Direct exports or Indirect Exports.
• If we want warehouse in US for Outsourcing something we planned first, how will we get this
warehouse for inventory purpose.
• Partnerships/Alliances.
• Joint Ventures.
• Direct Foreign Investment.



Exchange rates, competitiveness, growing globalization, tariffs, and trade barriers, transportation
costs, languages, cultures, various trade agreements affect companies by its decision to trade


• Government policies are very strict.

• Special tax benefits for Government
• Strong brand identity
• High customer switch cost
• Customer loyalty


• Our Quality service will be high for our new customer.

• Appropriate product will be available.
• Quality sales force and support.
• Quality and amount of promotion.

• Our product has unique features in existing market.

• New product features to existing country.
• New line.
• Innovation in denim market.


Product factors

Relative advantage
We are competing competitive products in market.

With the needs of the customers.

Communication ability to other consumers.

Trail ability
The ability of consumers to experience the product with only minimal effort.

Country Factors:

We selected a country is USA for exporting our new denim garments. As we know we are
already selling denim in local market, and we don’t have experience of US market so it’s a big
challenge for us so. How to enter the market, how to compete our competitors, how to settle
down in USA market, where we must open stores, how our designated team will work in USA
for marketing denim products. what are the rules and Laws of USA? We will do research on it
and one of my friends in US running his own brand there we are going to make him a partner in
our brand so it will not a big deal for us to open up brand in US because he will take care of
everything in US because he knows their laws and regulations due to running own brand in US.
• Before launching we will start a campaign of sustainability in US.
• Taking part in exhibitions of all countries specially US.
• Secessions in school, colleges, and universities and give them awareness about sustainable
products and its impact on life in US.
• Ads in Business Magazines of US.
• Ads in Social Media platform for increasing awareness.
• Distribute free samples in US before launching brand.

• The primary objective of this project is to provide a working business model for launching a
sustainable products brand.
• We intend to achieve our objective by researching the business parameters as well as the
technological issues.
• The model of our business will be future oriented.
• Providing Latest style of denim Jean’s menu for all our customers.
• Offering superior, quality, fast and friendly service for all our customers. Establishing
ourselves as one of the leading service providers in BG Jeans.

• Increase our sales by 17.36 % within the first year in US.
• Exceeding our monthly forecasted sales in US.
• Meeting annual forecasted profits.
• Maintaining strong cash flow by meeting estimated cash flow balances.

• Maintain strong customer base through intensive marketing efforts by advertising and sales
• Creating online advertising and maintaining word of mouth through our optimum service and
quality of Denim Jeans
• Creating a brand value
• Ensuring brand loyalty

• Offering our customers, the freshest and Comfort possible Jeans which are made from our best
• Promoting the notion of “Go Green”, through our brand and advertising tools to protect our
mother earth.
• Dedicating 3.7% of our earned profits to support education for handicapped children.

• To sell optimum quality Jeans with high customer delight.
• Providing a unique experience to our customer.
• Ensuring that the Jeans delivered is best for customers.
• Giving high efforts nearly 80 hours per month specifically for branding and promotion.
• Minimize our cost and maximize our effectiveness.

• Participating in nation-wide and local trade or event shows.
• Raising funds to support our goals through interested capital investors.
• Achieving 95% customer satisfaction and ensuring more and more loyal customers.

We would provide service that would create an ultimate experience for our customer and would
attract them to come again and again that would in turn promote brand loyalty. Our service will
have following points of differentiation.

• Instant denim products preparation and Ware-house delivery at customer’s doorstep.

• Able to take orders online, through E-commerce, e-portals Like Amazon, and process order
payments online through online banking system/credit cards/debit cards.
• High quality ambience and friendly staff putting customers at ease.
Since we would be providing customized Jeans, we would be targeting both premium customers
as well as economical customers. We will have separate section for both. For economical class we
would target customers with an average disposable income of $3,500 to $10,000 per month. For
premium class, our target customers would be one with an average disposable income above
$3,000 to $10,000 per month.

Our prime target would be to raise volumes of sales by targeting specific occasions or events. This
occasion is ranked in order of their priority. Our target is in identifying people who enjoy luxury
items, organic products, and care about their health and are Concern about protecting environment.

Our target market will be diversified with respect to gender male and female. Further classification
of gender will be done with respect to kids, teens, and men of US.

Our target market will be upper class, upper middle class, and middle-class people as these people
with respect to their demographics required our product the most.

We will offer market competitive price for our consumers to gain their loyalty.

Our prime target would be to raise volumes of sales by targeting specific occasions or events. This
occasion is ranked in order of their priority.

• Birthday
• Festivals
• Marriage& Weddings
• Anniversary parties
• Baby showers
• Valentine’s Day
• Christmas
• New Year
• Family Functions
• Bon Voyage
• Bridal showers
• Congratulatory celebrations
• Graduations
• Holidays i.e., Easter, Christmas, Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Thanksgiving,
Earth Day, Memorial Day, etc.
• New Home Welcoming
• Retirements
• Thank you giving.
• Other Many festivals Occasions
Brands like Levi’s, Able, Reformation, Mott & Bow are BG Jeans main competitors. All these
brands are seeking the attention of the millennial customer. Wrangler is the most popular among
the 50+ demographics and is the least popular among the millennial consumers.

The emergence of brands like Levi’s, Reformation has made the competition even tougher for
BG Jeans. Levi’s which had a virtual monopoly among the young customer is also facing strong
competition. Levi’s has done good job marketing to the younger customers.


• High quality products.
• High presence on the social media presence.
• Sustainable products
• Wide range of designs in woven and knitted both fabrics.
• Full collection of denim products.
• Skin friendly products.

• High price exclusive target.
• Newly launched brand.
• Target market is small.

• There is a chance to capitalize on the changing market need.
• Vast area of Denim market in USA.
• Online placing of orders, placing design and shopping for Jeans has not taken up at a large
scale. The use of eco-friendly technology has been becoming popular in the market.
• There is lesser barrier to entry as very few players have captured vast market share.
• Domestic market in India is booming and expected to have large customer base.
• Denim Jeans market is growing and hence supply needs to be increased with increase in
• Changes in lifestyle of people to go living a life full of happenings, celebrations, occasions,
events, festivals, ceremonies have given a thrust to the BG Jeans Company.
• Need for instant home delivery and online payment have significantly risen.
• Competitors can steal our idea, imitate, copy, or build superior products on our lacunae.
• Business may face trouble due to delayed breakeven and liquidity crisis.
• Partnership in long term may become important issues.
• Breakdown in technological, online portals or maintenance can lead to unexpected shut down
of business.
• Financial problems could threaten our first year’s success.
• Time management could falter our productivity.
• Substitute products can overtake our products.
• Misunderstanding with suppliers can lead to cost conflicts.
• Economy slowdown can lead to losses.
• Growing inflation can put pressure on increase of cost which may have a competitive


Track of sustainability is a big issue that customer wants. for this we have design a proper data
base of our sustainability record whose audit will done by a third-party testing laboratory.
second issue that we might face is the price. as by due recycling and less water dyeing techniques
it will not be possible for us to develop a product that is cheap. however, we are using some
alternate vendors of these chemicals so that we can reduce our price.
there are some process limitations that we must cater also. for examples black shades in recycle
fiber / post-consumer fibers are difficult to achieve. for this are trying to remove impurities that
are the cause of this problem.
We would be able to take orders online, through e-commerce a mobile based application, e-
ecommerce an online based web portal where customers would be in a position to view the menu
and catalogues, watch out special offers and make their choice of denim products through drag
and drop features available. The orders would automatically come to the Staff at our outlet; with
auto generated mails send to the webmaster and director. The customers will have the option to
modify the order, reach out our staff in case of query through SKYPE enable video chatting, text
message chatting or a phone call through Skype. Other than that they can also communicate to us
through mails, phone.

Online processing of order will be available through the gateway payment facility which would
accept Credit card, VISA or master card, debit card for all banks in US. They will also be able to
make payments through online banking or mobile banking system. On our shop to we will be
expecting cash/cards to process their transaction.

We will have a network of home delivery in nearby areas, where while placing an order, the order
will be delivered at home once the product has been packed. Automatically a message would be
sent to the customer that the parcel is ready and will delivered shortly, with details and phone
number of the person who will be delivering. On the same front the staff in charge of delivery
would get customer details and contact with address and mobile number. He updates the progress
to customers in case of any delay. Our online team can monitor anytime the exact position of staff
on delivery on Google maps through android enabled GPRS tracking system. Manager can
anytime check the status of a particular order that whether it is closed, opened or is in progress
with percentage of progress made.

An inventory tracking tool will help us to manage of our resources and material to be stored. This
software tool will generate automatic reports on the number of products ordered, requirements of
stuffs either knit wear or woven wear etc. or will generate a net summary on total requirement of
every detailed item in an hourly basis. This system will let us know the shortage or excess of
anytime and thus would help in maintaining inventory at proper level with safety limit that would
reduce the cost of storage. The software would also be in a position to alarm when it sees that there
is a chance that the store will go out of processing capacity due to large orders or shortage of any
resources to meet the target in given timeline.

Here Jeans will be produced based on the exact needs of the customers or order put by the

Product will have 3 important points of differentiation.

• Customers can buy different type of products in denim category tops, bottoms, shoes and bags
and all products will be sustainable.
• Theses all products will be in form of knitted and woven denim.
• Pre framed designs for Jeans with wearing various occasions like “Birthday”,” Christmas”,
New-year”, “valentine’s Day”, Festive Seasons and Daily wearing Jeans etc. will be available.

This business is basically established and is registered in Karachi Pakistan. The BG Jeans IS
located in the Karachi, which is the biggest city of Pakistan. Karachi is one of them high population
city in Pakistan residents and is expected to have highest demand of denim in entire Pakistan.
But now we are going internationally at USA because of its presence of high-income class
people, young working group of people and students and a presence of lifestyle that would
trigger several happenings, party themes, celebrations, events and occasion all around the
country raising the demand for denim and attractive denim brands.

BG jeans pricing policy includes:

• Low margin.
• Priced for all type of customers.
• Market competitor’s prices.
• Discounted prices.
• Set prices.
We are expecting to come in touch with our customers through the internet by means of social
media like Facebook, promoting through twitter. A website will be freshly launched that will
dedicate to sell our product, will help in branding and promoting our brand value. Other than
promoting from internet, business corporate cards, brochure with menu and product selection will
help in promoting our brands. Pamphlets, posters, and flyers will be used in Streets of USA to
attract customers. Use of media, newspaper will too be used to promote our brand and products
and convey that how we are unique over other players. We hope to contact our customers through
the Internet by the use of social Networking sites, such as Facebook, and our own website in order
to sell our products as Well as attract people to our on-location business. Beyond an Internet
connection, we will incorporate business cards, brochures that provide our menu and product
selection, a Window display that will be a direct aesthetic appeal, and in the beginning use
Advertisements in the newspaper to introduce our new business. Various modes of Promotion
would be as follows.


Free Samples would be distributed to people in malls and near our shop to try and experience our
product. This sampling will help in promoting our brand. Weekly Sale Item would help in raising
the sales to a new level at end of every week. Organizing Trade show son retail mall would help
people come I touch to the brand and be aware of our products in the market. Sponsorship or
corporate social responsibility will be a catchy way to attract mass youth at a time.

we will interactive celebrity endorsement with respect to our brand image and brand perception.
we will hit our target market with respect to their social media influencer or celebrity. for example,
we will choose young stunners and Film Stars Seleena and Justine with an interactive ad
campaign. as Justine and seleena and young stunners are very popular in youths, so they easily
target our target market with groovy add campaign. this type of ad campaign with a message of
sustainably advance fashion will be the key message of our campaign to target our youth market.
similarly, we will design other add campaign with celebrity how can give strong messages with
respect to their followers. we can design another campaign to target adult market.
Direct marketing can be an effective tool to promote brands through media sources like Radio.
Two weeks prior to grand opening of BG Jeans, several 30-second plots of announcement will do
in radio FMs. The advertisements will be aired 2-5 times an everyday which will help in grand
opening. Local Newspaper advertisement would help in raising awareness as well as credulity of
the brand, as Newspaper are being read by mass population and is also trusted upon the facts
portrayed by newspaper.

Internet marketing would help in gaining attention of huge population through word of mouth.
Blogs and word press can be used to promote opinions on the product and how people would love
to have it. A video promotion or illustrators on YouTube can give an extra mileage to viral
marketing. Social networking forum like Face book, Myspace have communities where posting
can lead us to footfalls or posting of link that direct to company website would generate traffic for
awareness. Website will help customer direct, place order, watch brochures, make payment and
get order online. Sending of Direct Mail to people from customer’s database and bulk SMS to
target customers can help us achieving a high footfall in our shop.

Posters, banners can help us attract attention of customer in an unconscious state while are
travelling on road or walking. Pamphlets, flyers put inside newspaper or supplied at doorstep can
be of great help. Digital boards and display can make an added advantage.

As we can see denim tops and denim bottoms section in almost all the denim brands, but we have
done something unique we have extended our product lines into denim bags and denim shoes also
the uniqueness of our brand is our all products are sustainable and ecofriendly and furthermore its
available in two types of fabrics.

1. Woven fabric.
2. Knitted fabric.


Also, we are working on product dept e.g., in denim tops section if we select product denim shirts
so we will increase its depth in.

1. Half sleeves
2. Full sleeves
3. Collar
4. Round neck
And furthermore, in depth we will offer sizes in it.

1. XS
2. S
3. M
4. L
5. XL
6. XXL
We will extend our all products of all categories in the same style in woven and knitted fabric.


In length we are extending our line if you can take our denim tops section, we have added different
types of tops in it like shirts, jacket, vest coat, hoodies and we will extend it furthermore also time
to time. And these tops available in both fabrics woven and knitted.

This is just an example we have extended our all categories in the same style you can see our line
extension table are attached above.
In pin Width we have extended our categories in following.

1. Denim tops
2. Denim bottoms
3. Denim bags
4. Denim shoes
Furthermore, we have categories in two types of fabrics woven and knitted and time by time we
will increase in more range.


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