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Water Pollution

Water is an important resource in human life and supports the global life system.
Humans need water to carry out daily activities such as agriculture, fishing,
industry, transportation and so on. However, the water is becoming more and
more polluted due to the irresponsible attitude of some parties.

The main cause of water pollution is the dumping of garbage from residential
areas around rivers, lakes and the sea. Uncontrolled disposal of wastes such as
garbage, oil, and feces will cause the nature of water to change and in turned
lead to pollution. For example, the Taman Jaya River was among the rivers
polluted due to pig manure last year. These polluted rivers will flow into the sea
and in turn lead to marine pollution.

In addition, the irresponsible attitude of some factory operators in dumping toxic

wastes into the rivers or the sea also leads to water pollution. This disposal is
considered as easy as it does not require disposal costs. The problem arises
when the chemical liquids that are disposed into the river are not treated and
contain toxic substances that contains the river water. Studies show that some
developed countries into drums before dumping it into the sea.

Water pollution will affects human healths. Waste water contains chemicals such
as sodium, nitrate, and more so on that can be harmful to human healths. So
many sickness can cause nerve problems. There are various diseases that are
transmitted through drinking water and bath water such as dysentery,
salmonella, cryptosporidium and hepatitis.

Oil spills that occur in waters will form a layer of oil that can threatening marine
organisms. The spill will affect the growth and sea animals. Marine life such as
fish, snails, shrimp and crabs will die due to the dumping of garbage and toxic
waste that has resulted in water pollution which is the habitat of marine life. This
will lead to the extinction of marine life.
Social media and electronic media play an important roles in raising public
awareness on the importance of rivers Awareness campaigns should be held
through television, newspapers and so on to give awareness to the community
about the importance of water in daily life. With the organizations of these
campaigns, it is hoped to cultivate an attitude of love for the environment.

In addition, the government is also responsible for enforcing the law. Meanwhile,
the existing law needs to be tightened so that offenders get a punishments based
on their offense. For example, peoples or companies who commit the offense of
polluting a river, if can be punished under the Environmental which is a fine not
exceeding RM 100,00000 or imprisonment for a term 5 years or both- both at

To ensure that garbage does not causesthe drainage system to clog then
maintenance should be carried out about once or twice a month. In this way, the
garbage will not causes water blockage so the garbage does not escapes to the
main drainage system in the rivers.

In conclusion, as God's creatures we should not be selfish but we should support

all activities carried out by the government or the private sector to ensure that the
hopes and dreams of the country can be successfully achieved.

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