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Sample Personal Project Proposal

Personal Interest - (explain your personal interest for pursuing this project)

I am really concerned about the climate crisis and am motivated to do my part to help
address it. A couple of years ago a research team in Zurich Switzerland published a
paper suggesting that planting half a trillion trees around the world could reduce
atmospheric carbon by 25%, and thereby mitigate some of the worst effects of climate
change. The paper attracted a lot of attention and even commitments by governments
around the world pledging massive tree planting initiatives. I believe in the potential for
this initiative and further believe that individuals and local communities can get involved,
rather than relying solely on government action. Thus, I was inspired to start a tree
planting initiative with the students at our school.


Product / Outcome Goal - (state the intended product or outcome)

I will plan and facilitate a tree planting initiative with our students in collaboration with
the Toronto Region Conservation Authority.

Learning Goal - (state what you intend to learn)

Through research and my collaboration with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority,
I will learn about the benefits of urban greening projects for communities and the

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