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Topic: Some women now work for pay instead of being a traditional

homemaker. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

These days, it is commonplace that a woman seeks a job rather than following the
conventional model of a housewife. This essay will give an objective insight into the
upside and downside of this phenomenon.

In the first place, the fact that women maintain a stable career has various
benefits. Firstly, it is undoubted that this acts as a supplementary source of
income for the family. Along with the pace of social advances, the cost of living has
generally rocketed in the last few decades. As a result, many families find it
gradually difficult to be dependant on the male breadwinner, which necessitates
the financial help of the woman partner with household bills, education fees, or
children’s demands. In addition, the share of housework and childcare will be more
reasonable in the family. When both parents have a job, they have a tendency to
take turns in doing domestic chores and child-rearing. This is certainly
advantageous, not only that the toxic traditional family model virtually disappears
but also the equal amount of love and care given by fathers and mothers, not to
mention the better mental life of the family.

Although beneficial to a great extent, this trend in one way or another has some
setbacks. One noticeable is the alarming rate of overworking in women. It is worth
indicating that though most fathers are willing to share the daily chores, some still
follow the conventional, which means the woman partner has to be devoted to both
the working and family life. This will possibly take a toll on women’s physical and
mental health, illustrated by the fact that many working mothers have to suffer
from anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and a higher incidence of heart failure.

In conclusion, while the rising rate of working housewives has proved to trigger the
trend of overworking in women, its advantages are blindingly obvious in terms of
improved financial background and equality of responsibilities taken by both sides.

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