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Long ago, there lived a group of sty people on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. Today, we call it Easter Island. They lived In a very organized society. They devoted their time to agriculture, fishing ‘and the construction of very big stone statues that were placed near the coast of the island ‘The forests provided them the necessary resources: food, shade, water, and the materials to construct houses, canoes that \were used to fish in the ocean and tools to transport the big statues to the coast. But slowly things began to change. ‘As time passed, the population increased and there were more ‘and more people living on the island. There were conflicts and the people divided into two ‘groups. They started competing for the resources the island provided. Without thinking of the ‘consequences of their actions, they cut down more and more trees to bulld statues. When most of the trees were gone, the island suffered, Without trees, there was ‘soil erasion, making agriculture impossible. The rivers and lakes dried up and many animals died, When the people realized the problem, they decided to escape the island, but it was too late. ‘Without wood it was impossible to build enough cances for everyone toleave. And so the population of the Island was reduced to a few people, and eventually they also died, The only things left now are. the huge stone statues standing on the coast, looking out to sea.

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