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RTA102/108 F21 First Person Narratives Checklist/Tipsheet

Here are some things to consider and keep in mind when writing your blog (many of which
apply to vlogs, too):

● Offer something your audience wants or needs (while keeping in mind how it
relates/connects with your client organization): Inform, educate, challenge, persuade
them. Move them to action. Make them laugh.

● Consider how you can help your audience solve a problem, achieve a goal, or
understand a complex issue (again, related to your client organization).

● Double-check your facts, back up your opinions, and cite any sources for info obtained

● Assume your audience doesn’t have much time and can easily ‘click away’ to other
content. Give them what they came for.

● Stay focused and on-topic (Avoid too much repetition or going off on tangents).

● Get creative! You can reference a current event or hot topic that is related to your own
topic (and audience) as a ‘hook’... before offering your ‘fresh take’ on it/relating it to the
main topic of your post

● For a blog, write a short, catchy headline that both summarizes the topic and grabs the
attention of your audience. For a vlog, find a creative hook (e.g. jump right into who you
are and what the video is about/how it will help the audience)

● For a blog, consider layout and format. Break up long chunks of written text with photos
or videos (with proper attributions), subheadings, italicizing and bolding and underlining
for effect (but not too much), lists or bullet points if applicable, etc.

● Find a way to clearly connect to your client organization, especially at the end. Include a
clear call to action and even links/invitations (ask a question to invite comments on the
post, etc.).

● Review drafts of the content to ensure the voice and tone are clear, consistent (a good
tip is to read other blogs and take note of voice/tone/language, etc.)

● Consider ethics, integrity, authenticity and be clear on when you are giving opinion or
personal experience and when you are citing facts/evidence. How are you building trust
with your audience? How are you relating to them? How can you demonstrate your
authenticity (and expertise where applicable)

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