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Force degradation of orthodontic latex

elastics: An in-vivo study
Sadeq M. Adel Qodcieh,a Susan N. Al-Khateeb,a Ziad W. Jaradat,b and Elham S. J. Abu Alhaijaa
Irbid, Jordan

Introduction: Our objectives were to assess the force degradation of orthodontic latex elastics over 48 hours
in vivo and to study the relationship between the amount of mouth opening and the degree of force decay.
Methods: Fifty-two orthodontic patients wearing fixed appliances using Class II elastics were asked to wear
premeasured-force 3/16-in heavy and medium intermaxillary elastics. The force amounts were measured and
compared at different time intervals. Results: Fifty percent of the force was lost after 3.9 hours for the medium
elastics and after 4.9 hours for the heavy elastics. A continuous significant force drop in all elastics was seen at
all time intervals (P \0.05, P \0.001). There was greater force loss in the heavy elastics compared with the me-
dium elastics in vivo at all time intervals (P\0.001); the rates of force loss, however, were similar. Conclusions:
Fifty percent of force degradation occurred in the first 4 to 5 hours. Because of breakage and for oral hygiene
purposes, orthodontic elastics should be changed daily; otherwise, elastics can be used for 48 hours. Force
decay of the elastics was correlated to the lateral distance between the maxillary canine and the mandibular first
molar in occlusion. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2017;151:507-12)

he use of elastics in orthodontics was introduced Mechanical degradation effects are thought to be the
about a century ago.1,2 Elastics are considered an primary cause for force degradation of orthodontic
essential part of any orthodontic practice.3 Latex elastic bands during clinical use.6,9,14,15 It was reported
elastics are characterized by high flexibility, relatively that rubber elastics in a watery or oral environment
enduring forces, and low cost. Additionally, their use is lose 10% to 40% of their initial force after 30 minutes
easy for patients; they can change the elastics by them- to 24 hours after they are applied.11,15 As a
selves and maintain good oral hygiene while wearing consequence of these observations, Andreasen and
them.4-6 Bishara16 suggested using 40% more force than optimal
Force-extension characteristics and force degradation at the commencement of elastic application to compen-
properties of latex elastics have been reported.7-11 Several sate for the initial loss. Gangurde et al6 suggested that
factors may influence force degradation including lumen the elastics did not need to be replaced so frequently
size of the elastics, saliva environment, PH, and by the patient because, after the initial degradation,
thermocycling.4,6,12,13 the force may remain relatively constant for a few days.
Most force degradation studies were ex vivo, in which
the experimental conditions could be controlled, and the
results were also reproducible.6,8,9,11 However, the ex-
From Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
Department of Preventive Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, Faculty of vivo approach for assessment of mechanical perfor-
Dentistry. mance of biomaterials has been proven to underestimate
Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Science and the extent and severity of effects induced during intrao-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of ral aging of these materials.17 A few studies have been
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. carried out in vivo to evaluate force decay in elastomeric
Supported by a grant (16/2009) from the Deanship of Scientific Research of Jor- chains.18 To our knowledge, no in-vivo studies have
dan University of Science and Technology.
This research was part of the first author's requirements for his masters thesis. investigated force degradation in orthodontic latex elas-
Address correspondence to: Susan N. Al-Khateeb, Department of Preventive tics at several time points except for a pilot study con-
Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of ducted with a small sample size and a study
Science and Technology, PO Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan; e-mail, susank@ comparing latex-containing and nonlatex-containing
Submitted, April 2016; revised and accepted, August 2016. elastics at only few time points.4,19 Accordingly, the
0889-5406/$36.00 aim of this study was to assess the force degradation
Ó 2016 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. of latex elastics longitudinally over 48 hours in vivo.

508 Qodcieh et al

MATERIAL AND METHODS elastics was then remeasured 3 times, and the mean of
Fifty-two orthodontic patients (40 female, 12 male) the 3 readings was recorded.
between 14 and 27 years of age (mean, 20.7 years; SD, Before each elastic was worn by the patients, the
63.5 years) treated at the orthodontic clinics of the force delivered by the elastic was measured 3 times using
Dental Teaching Clinics, Faculty of Dentistry, at Jordan a force gauge (Federwaage, bis 1000-g dial-type, stress
University of Science and Technology in Irbid, Jordan, and tension gauge; Dentaurum, Pforzheim, Germany).
participated in this study. Mean force of the 3 readings was recorded. To measure
The patients wore straight-wire fixed appliances the force, each elastic was stretched with the force gauge
(Omni Arch; GAC, Bohemia, NY) with Roth prescription from a 1.5-mm thick pin fixed on a custom-made acrylic
(0.022-in slot). The patients used Class II elastics on base with a ruler on the side to determine the stretching
0.019 3 0.025 stainless steel wires as part of their treat- distance. A groove was made along the ruler to facilitate
ment. This study was approved by the institutional stretching the elastics with accuracy. The elastics for
research board of Jordan University of Science and Tech- each patient were stretched the same distance as
nology (approval number IRB/12/300). measured intraorally from the tip of the canine to the
For each participant, the following measurements tip of the first molar in centric occlusion of each partic-
were made. ipant.
A pilot study was conducted on 10 participants
1. Distance from the maxillary canine to the mandib- before this study. The participants were given elastics
ular molar on the same side in centric occlusion to wear for 24 hours, 1 on the right side and 1 on the
(DCO). The measurement was performed from the left. The force losses were measured on both sides and
cusp tip of the maxillary canine to the tip of the me- compared (using the Student t test for independent sam-
siobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar. ples). No difference (P 5 0.33) was recorded between the
2. Maximum mouth opening measured from the right and left sides. Accordingly, the participants were
incisal edge of the maxillary central incisors to the instructed to wear the experimental elastics on the right
incisal edge of the mandibular central incisors side only. All participants received extra similar elastics
(MMO). to wear on the left side according to their orthodontists'
3. The distance from the cusp tip of the maxillary recommendation.
canine to the mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular Sixty elastics (30 medium, 30 heavy) were randomly
first molar on the same side in maximum mouth selected from the elastic bags and measured 3 times,
opening (MMOLat). and the mean reading was recorded. The same elastics
4. The rubber bands' breakage rates over time and were remeasured according to the same procedure after
their color changes. 3 weeks. The elastics were stored in a sealed package in a
A millimetric stainless steel ruler (Moyoko/Union dark and cool environment as recommended by the
Broach; Endo Ruler, Montgomeryville, Pa) was used to manufacturer during these 3 weeks.
measure these distances to the nearest 0.5 mm. Dahlberg's formula20 for the double measurement
error was used to calculate the standard error of the
Samples of medium (4 oz) and heavy (6 oz) force elas- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tics with 3/1600 diameter (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) method ðS 5 ðd1  d2Þ2 =2n Þ and Houston's co-
were used in this study by each participant. All elastics efficient of reliability21 was calculated. The Dahlberg
had recent manufacturing dates and were stored in errors were 5.02 cN for the heavy elastics and 3.63 cN
sealed plastic packages in a cool and dark environment for the medium elastics, with reliability above 95%.
according to the manufacturer's instructions.
A set of 7 tubes contained the premeasured
medium elastics. Each tube was marked with the pa- Statistical analysis
tient's name, type of elastic, and one of the following Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical
time intervals: 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, or 48 hours. A similar Package for Social Science computer software (version
set of 7 tubes with heavy elastics was also distributed to 17.0; SPSS, Chicago, Ill).
all participants. Descriptive statistics were used (means, standard de-
The participants were instructed to wear the elastics viations, and percentages of force loss). A general linear
according to the assigned intervals marked on the tubes. model with repeated-measures analysis was used to
After the end of each interval, they were instructed to put investigate the effects of time, extension distance, and
the elastic back in its tube. The tubes were collected type of elastics. One-way analysis of variance was used
within 2 to 3 hours at most. The force delivered by the to compare the amounts of force degradation between

March 2017  Vol 151  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Qodcieh et al 509

effect (P \0.05) as shown by the general linear model.

Table I. Means, standard deviations, and percentage
MMOLat had no effect on force changes.
of force loss in medium and heavy elastics over time
DCO was strongly correlated with the amounts of
Medium elastics Heavy elastics force loss at the different time intervals (with an r value
interval Mean 6 SD Force loss Mean 6 SD Force
between 0.71 and 0.89). Table III shows the Pearson cor-
(h) (cN) (%) (cN) loss (%) relation coefficient values and their significance at all
1 26.3 6 8.6 13.4 38.2 6 14.0 12.0 time intervals for medium and heavy elastics. No corre-
3 31.7 6 9.5 15.7 42.0 6 12.6 13.8 lation was found between force degradation and mouth
6 37.8 6 10.9 18.5 52.3 6 12.6 16.9 opening either anteriorly or laterally.
12 39.8 6 11.0 19.9 59.5 6 13.9 19.2
18 46.4 6 10.8 22.2 65.8 6 16.6 21.1
Rubber bands have changed in color after usage from
24 59.4 6 17.3 28.2 85.7 6 21.1 26.8 yellowish straw color to off-white, with a swollen
48 66.0 6 17.9 30.9 98.7 6 25.6 30.2 appearance.
A few elastics were broken during the study. The
breakages occurred during the last scheduled time inter-
the different time intervals. Pearson correlation coeffi- vals. Numbers and percentages of broken medium and
cients (r) were calculated for the force losses at the heavy elastics at the corresponding time intervals are
different time intervals for the medium and heavy elas- shown in Table IV.
tics and all the measured distances intraorally. Addition-
ally, linear regression analysis was carried out to check DISCUSSION
the effect of the measured distances on force degrada- In this study, we evaluated the force degradation of
tion. orthodontic elastics longitudinally in vivo. Most previous
studies were conducted ex vivo, where the experimental
RESULTS conditions could be controlled and give reproducible re-
Means and standard deviations of force loss from the sults.6,9,11,15 However, the ex-vivo approach for investi-
medium and heavy elastics at the measured time inter- gation of the mechanical performance of biomaterials
vals are shown in Table I. The Figure shows the gradual has been associated with underestimations of the extent
loss of force over time from both medium and heavy and severity of the effects induced by such materials dur-
elastics. ing intraoral aging.17
There was a rapid loss of force during the first few The participants in this study were cooperative and
hours followed by a more gradual degradation. Fifty precise and managed their elastics properly. Although
percent of the forces were lost after 3.9 hours for the me- the sample size was large, female subjects outnumbered
dium elastics and after 4.9 hours for the heavy elastics. male subjects by almost 3 times. Such differences in
Continuous significant drops in elastic force for the me- numbers might have partly affected the results, consid-
dium and heavy elastics were seen at all time intervals ering the difference in masseter muscle activity between
(P \0.05, P \0.001) except between the 6 and the sexes.22
12 hour interval for medium elastics and between the All elastic samples were tested at the following inter-
1 and 3 hour interval for heavy elastics. Table II shows vals: 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 48 hours. The first 3 intervals
the differences between the time intervals and their sig- represented the period of large initial fall of force in
nificance for medium and heavy elastics. several studies. Some studies reported high slopes in
There was greater force loss in the heavy elastics force degradation in the first 3 to 5 hours, whereas other
when compared with the medium elastics at all time in- studies found force degradation in the first hour.4,7,9,15
tervals (P \0.001) as shown in the Figure. The percent- The next 3 time intervals showed slower and
ages of force loss from the original values at each time continuous force degradation for the rest of the day.
interval, however, were similar in the medium and heavy Several studies used the 24-hour interval as the last
elastics. time point for their measurements.4,11 The 48-hour
The means and standard deviations were interval represented the longest period that the rubber
24.1 6 4.2 mm for DCO, 47.4 6 6.1 mm for MMO, bands can survive intraorally, and it was used by other
and 46.5 6 6.7 mm for MMOLat. studies.4,6
DCO, representing the stretching distance of elastics, The measured distances in the patient's mouth—DCO,
had a tendency to affect the force decay but did not MMO, and MMOLat—represented the amounts of stretch
reach a significant level (P 5 0.06), whereas the of the elastics. DCO is considered as the most reproduc-
maximum mouth opening anteriorly had a significant ible distance to measure.23,24

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics March 2017  Vol 151  Issue 3
510 Qodcieh et al

Fig. Force decay of medium and heavy elastics over time.

Table II. Change in force between the time intervals Table III. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) values be-
and their significance for medium and heavy elastics tween the force loss at the different time intervals and
the distance between maxillary canine and mandibular
Force change (cN), Force change (cN),
Time interval (h) medium elastics heavy elastics first molar at centric occlusion
0 0.0 0.0 Time interval (h) Medium elastics Heavy elastics
1 26.3z 38.2z
1 0.85* 0.86*
3 5.4* 3.8 (NS)
3 0.89* 0.80*
6 6.1y 10.3z
6 0.89* 0.73*
12 2.0 (NS) 7.2z
12 0.88* 0.71*
18 6.5* 6.3*
18 0.89* 0.83*
24 13.0z 19.9z
24 0.89* 0.84*
48 6.7* 13.0y
48 0.89* 0.84*
NS, Not significant.
*P \0.05; yP \0.01; zP \0.001. *P \0.001.

The force degradation pattern exhibited a rapid to an amount between 100 and 150 cN for the medium
initial fall of force in the first few hours followed by a and heavy elastics, respectively.
slower decay for the remaining 48 hours. A similar Significant force losses were recorded at all time in-
pattern was reported in other studies but in an ex-vivo tervals except between 6 and 12 hours in medium elas-
setup.9,15,16 Fifty percent of the force was lost after 4 tics and between 3 and 6 hours in heavy elastics. This
to 5 hours by both medium and heavy elastics. This might be because during these time periods the partici-
result was similar to that reported by Gioka et al9; pants had less dynamic oral activities after their lunch.25
most of the elastic relaxation occurred within the first Fernandes et al10 reported similar findings.
3 to 5 hours after extension. Fifty percent of the force was lost in the medium elas-
The elastics used in this study were stretched accord- tics earlier than the heavy elastics by almost an hour
ing to the recommendations of the treating orthodon- in vivo. Russell et al8 reported faster rates of force loss
tists; in some patients, this was more than for heavy elastics in the first few hours compared with
recommended by the manufacturer. After a few hours, medium elastics in some brands, although equal rates
however, the force dropped by 50% of its value to reach of force loss were reported for other brands. They also

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Rubber bands underwent some changes in their

Table IV. Numbers and percentages of broken elastics
appearance; they changed color from yellowish straw
during the study
color to off-white. They also had a swollen appearance.
Time interval Broken elastics (n) Percentage (%) Similar changes have been observed in other studies.15
24-h M 2 3.8 Maximum mouth opening anteriorly had a signifi-
24-h H 2 3.8 cant effect on force decay but not on the lateral distance.
48-h M 10 19.2
There are no reports in the literature on the effect of
48-h H 9 17.3
maximum mouth opening on the force degradation of
M, Medium elastics; H, heavy elastics.
elastics either anteriorly or laterally. There was a signif-
icantly strong correlation between DCO and force decay.
Other studies reported that more elongation of the elas-
reported that medium elastics were more homogenous
tics potentiated an increased force degradation.8,9,34
and showed less variation within the sample compared
Some factors may interact with the effect of maximum
with their light and heavy counterparts. Therefore, me-
mouth opening or the lateral distance at centric
dium elastics were recommended as the clinician's first
occlusion such as food consumption, temperature
changes, and activity of the perioral muscles. It is
Greater force loss was noticed in heavy elastics
impossible to study the effect of each variable alone in
compared with medium elastics in this study. On the
the oral environment.9
contrary, previous studies on latex elastics have sug-
It is not only important for practitioners to know the
gested that thicker elastics maintain higher forces over
properties of elastics well, but it is also necessary for
time, while smaller elastics are more consistent in their
manufacturers to well document and report the proper-
force delivery but might be more susceptible to creep
ties of force degradation of their products because of the
and show more force loss over time.19,26 The
differences in properties of the various brands of
percentage of force loss, however, seemed more
comparable in both medium and heavy force elastics.
Wong27 and Taloumis et al28 reported that the greater CONCLUSIONS
the initial force of the rubber band, the greater the
amount of force decay, whereas other authors reported 1. Fifty percent of force degradation occurred in the
that the initial force had no relationship to the amount first 4 to 5 hours, followed by continuous and
of force decay.29,30 Hwang and Cha31 reported a rela- gradual force degradation for the remaining time
tionship between the initial force and the amount of intervals.
force decay but in silicone rubber bands. 2. Because of breakage and for oral hygiene purposes,
Less than 30% of the original elastic force was lost af- orthodontic elastics should be changed every
ter 24 hours. After that, the further force reduction was 24 hours. Otherwise, elastics can be used for 48 hours.
relatively small. Liu et al32 confirmed that the force value 3. Force decay of the elastics was correlated with
was remarkably stable after 1 day because the structural lateral distance between the maxillary canine and
changes caused by repeated stretching were not cumu- the mandibular first molar at centric occlusion.
lative. Some studies have suggested that elastics do 4. The amount of anterior mouth opening had a sig-
not need to be replaced so frequently because, after nificant effect on force degradation of the elastics.
most of the force decay in the first day, the force could
remain relatively constant for a few days.4,6,33
However, a daily change of the elastics is advisable
because of more elastic breakage after 24 hours and
We thank Yousef Alkhader for his help in statistical
for oral hygiene considerations.
analysis and all patients who participated in the study
Clinically, a decision must be made whether to start
for their cooperation and enthusiasm in using the elas-
with a higher force than deemed necessary or end up
tics for the assigned time periods.
with lower forces than desired after a short time in the
mouth.25 One study suggested changing the rubber REFERENCES
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March 2017  Vol 151  Issue 3 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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