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Group - ?

Abangan, Micaella
Cuerdo, Javeira
Fajardo, Kenji
Villamor, Ariana
Mendoza, Arthur Jude

In the film clip “Saving the President” the use of words or speeches of every
character in the clip are all sociolinguistically appropriate utterances which means
that the characters in the film used the right words to address and communicate
to each other appropriately. There are several factors and influences that can
affect one’s delivery of language or how they will interact and speak to people
congruously; Factors like relationships, norms, and roles. Sociolinguistic
interaction was seen and demonstrated in the film between the President and the
characters. Where the family of the President, namely the wife and the daughter,
uses an informal way of communicating and addressing him. Because they have
different relationships and bonds with the President, they are family. So, a casual
way of communicating is just appropriate between them, and intimacy in their
words is just natural. As for the soldiers and the pilot, they used a formal way of
addressing the President. They used polite words such as "Sir" and "Mr.
President" to show that they have respect and to regard his position as the
President of America. I observed that the language of the characters is very
appropriate because they used honorifics and considered using appropriate
language towards every persona in the film. Even though they are shouting at
each other in the clip, I would say it is relevant because they are in a stressful

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