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Euro 2016: One Critical After Marseille Clashes

An England supporter is in critical condition tonight - and two others have been seriously injured - after
violence worsened during a third day of trouble in Marseille.
A gang of well-organised Russian fans is suspected to have clashed with England supporters - possibly in
co-ordination with French ultras -ahead of the home side's first match of Euro 2016 against Russia,which ended 1-1.
Violence also broke out at the end of the match with images showing what appeared to Russian fans
attacking England supporters inside the Stade Velodrome.
Earlier, police used water cannon, tear gas, dogs and batons to control England fans at the old port in
Marseille, and outside the stadium just before England kicked off their campaign.
Further footage showed fighting on a set of steps in the city that led to one man smashing a chair over
another's head and other chairs being thrown.
It was not clear if England fans were involved in that incident.
Structure of news is brevity, conciseness, laconism.
Information function is one of the main functions of of news. Purpose of news - satisfaction of
information demands of the person, society, state.


Captain America: Civil War

At this point, the team-up film is Marvel Studios’ bread and butter. They set the world on fire back in 2012
with Joss Whedon’s The Avengers, and in the years since then have repeatedly orchestrated creative groupings and
pairings that continue to demonstrate the tremendous fun and inventiveness that comes from bringing engaging,
interesting characters together. They repeatedly set a high bar in this area, and are not only constantly reaching for it
with each new project, but basically have the entire industry doing it, too. Now, however, we have Joe and Anthony
Russo’s Captain America: Civil War, which succeeds in raising the bar higher than you’d think it could go.
Functioning as both a sequel to Captain America: The Winter Solider and The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the
film is the most comprehensive Marvel Cinematic Universe chapter to date, and while that put a great deal on the
plate of writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the movie soars because the challenge is accepted and
responded to in brilliant and entertaining fashion. Bringing together tremendous character dynamics; bold structure;
an emotional narrative earned after years of story work; and spell-binding, fun action sequences, it’s everything a
blockbuster should be.
Structure of review- the review can represent only the short notice the reader's author about the
impressions of the seen movie or the read book. Review can be in the form of compressed, saturated, an arguable
analysis of a product.
Function of review- the review informs about the new work, it contains a brief analysis and assessment


Healthy Living
Being healthy is not just about what you eat, even though that is a big portion. Being healthy is
about how you treat your body, meaning what you put into it, and the type of things you put your body
through. Most people think being healthy is an expensive and difficult lifestyle. It is really not much
different or much more expensive than the way that most people live now. People are just reluctant to
make changes in their lives. So these are merely excuses that hold people back from leading healthy lives.
One thing that can be done to lead a healthier life style is to change the way you eat. Everyone should
eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and healthy oils and fats. Some people think
fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats are more expensive. Sometimes this may be true, but most of
the time, you pay for what you get. So if you buy cheap food, with no nutritional value, then it is usually
not healthy. If you spend the little extra on your meats, vegetables, and fruits, then in the long run you are
doing yourself a favor.
Structure of essay- flimsiness(легкость), imagery
Function of essay - interpretation of some problems in free form.

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