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Nama: Alica Sahara Nanda Aryanto

Nim: A12020010

Kelas: 2A / S1 Keperawatan

1. Are parents good teachers of their children?

Based on that topic, I agree. As it is said that parents are the first teacher of the child, to
be the greatest teacher to his children. Parents who have the principle of stupid times, will
potentially destroy the future of their own children. Parents are also the best
psychologists for children, because he is the one who always observes the growth and
development of children. They will see the talents and interests of the child from an early
age. Some children, for example, show special talents in music and art at an early age.
The period of development of children to be an independent and mature is also the
upbringing of both. No wonder the fruit falls not far from the tree. Because what is given
good and bad parents who are taught to their children are not far from the attitude and
ethics of their parents.
2. Do you agree or disagree?
"Libraries and sports have similar importance to colleges and universities."
I agree that sports and libraries have the same importance as a college or university
because with sports we can relieve fatigue during study, make the body healthy and fit
because behind a healthy body there is a strong soul. and Libraries are also needed for
students and students because they require many sources in studying material in various
fields of education, adding to one's insight to expand one's skills or talents and of course
getting experience from literacy in the library.

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