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Name : Rizka Rasyida

NRP : 2221600045
Class : 1 D4 Telekomunikasi B

Sentences containing verb phrases such as fell steadily can often be rewritten using the
correct form of there is/are and a related noun. Read the examples. Then rewrite
sentences a—j below.

The consumption of chocolate fell steadily. (verb + adverb)
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate. (there was a + adjective + noun)

There has been a dramatic rise in the production of films. (there has been a + adjective +
The production of films has risen dramatically. (verb + adverb)
a. Spice exports from Africa fluctuated wildly over the period.
There were a wild fluctuations in the spice exports from Africa over the period.
b. The development of new products fell gradually.
There was a gradual fall in the development of new products
c. There has been a noticeable decrease in research investment.
Research investment has decreased noticeably
d. The purchases of tickets dropped significantly last month.
There was a significant drop in the purchases of tickets last month
e. On the Internet,. the number of sites rose significantly.
There was a significant rise in the number of sites on the internet.
f. There was a sudden decrease in the sale of mangos.
The Sale of mangos was deacreased suddenly
g. At the theme park. there were very slight fluctuations in the number of visitors.
The number of visitors at the theme park. fluctuated very slightly
h. There was a gradual decline in sugar imports.
Sugar imports was declined gradually
i. The quality of food in supermarkets has increased slowly.
There has been a slow increase in the quality of food in supermarkets
j. The number of air travellers fluctuated remarkably.
There was a remarkable fluctuation in the number of air travellers.

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