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Reflection Paper on "How Technology is Rapidly Changing Generation Z and Millenials”

The only constant word in this world is “Change”. This change is due to the continuous
innovation and development of technology. Technology is those machineries and equipment developed
from the application of scientific knowledge. It makes everything more convenient for everyone. It helps
people be virtually connected wherever they are locally or globally. And with that interconnectivity,
news are being passed easily that sometimes results in the circulation of fake news on the internet. Yes,
this may sacrifice the quality and factuality of the news that the people may receive but we can all be
willing to learn to accept and adapt change with right and careful usage of it.

The current generation Z and the millennials are the most active generations participating in
today’s technology. They are the ones who have been born and already have technology surrounding
them. According to the speaker on the video, Ryan Jenkins, the technology on when they were born is
not what they perceived as innovation but is only a standard. This is why this world that we are living in
has this endless thought of innovating and trying to beat up those what the current generation is calling
a standard. This is why change is inevitable.

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