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SENTENCE CONSTRUCTIONS IN TENSES INTERNAL USE ONLY CHAPTER 1 Verb Tenses SPEAKING/WRITING = © EXERCISE 1—. Interview another student in the class. Take notes during the interview, and then introduce this student to the rest of the class. Possible. 4 topics for the interview follow. As a class, discuss what questions you might ask to elicit this information. - 1, name 6. reasoi for coming here 2. "spelling of name 7. field of study or work 3. country of origin 8. spare-time activities and ~ 4. residence at present : “interests 5, length of time in (this city or 9. general well-being and county), both past and future adjustment ta living here ‘ 10, comments on living here * (EXERCISE 2—WRITTEN: Write a chort suvobiographica! paragraph telling who you are, ‘what you have done in the past two years, and what your plans are for the next two years. : = SPBAKIVG/WRITING = CO EXERCISE3— (BOOKS CLOSED): Askactasimate a question using what + a form of do (¢.g., What are you doing? What did you do? What have you done?). Use ‘the given time expressions. . Example: every morning ‘Student A: What do you do every morning? ‘Student B: 1 (go to classes/cat breakfast/etc.) every morning. 1. every day béfore you come to 6. for the past five minutes school * 7. tomorrow 2. last night 8. at (this exact tine) tomorrow 3. since you got up this morning 9. by the time you got to class this 4. right now morning 5, at (this exact time) yesterday 10. by the time you go to bed tonig it * AN OVERVIEW OF ENGLISH VERB TENSES FOLLOWS IN CHARTS I-l: THROUGH I-S. The diagram shown below will be used in the tente descriptions: now A on ; 1-1 "THE SIMPLE TENSES TENSE EXAMPLES ‘MEANING ‘SIMPLE PRESENT (a) Itsnows in Alaska. In general, the simple present (b) Timaich tclevision every day. | ‘expresses events yr aituations ‘that exid cleay:, rs ha~ aeiengle aac 3 Biually, they exist now, have “ existed in the past, and prob- ably will exist in the future. SIMPLE PAST (c) Ie mowed yestertay. ‘At ene particular time in the (@) I watched television last night. | past, this happened. It began ‘and ended in the past. —— | ‘SIMPLE FUTURE - (¢) Teivitl mow tomorrow. At one particular time in the fur - Uf) [will watch television ‘bere, this will happen. worse. 2 0 CHAPTER t 1-2 THE PROGRESSIVE TENSES* Form: be + sing (present participle) ‘The tenses say Unat an action begins before, time of action, “Meaning: The progressive tenses give the idee that an action is in progress during a particular time. in progress during, and continues afier another PRESENT PROGRESSIVE | (a) He it sleeping right now. He went wo sleep at 10:00 tonight. Tt is now “11: and he fe ctill asleep, His sleep began in the past, ir ity progress at the present time, and probably will contiriue, (b) He was sleeping when'l arrived. Jast night. [ arrived at 3.3 11:00. He was still asleep: S5 His sleep began before 3 ‘ind’ was i progress at a [. : : particular time in the past. Te probably continued. FUTURE ‘He went,to sleep at 10:00 (c) He will be sleoping when we arrive. He will go to sleep at 10:00 tomorrow night. We will arrive at 11:00. ‘The action of steeping will be- gin before we arrive and it ‘ill be i Progress at a par- ticular tine in the Probably his sleep will continue. “The progressive tenses aie alsocalled the continuous teases: present condizuous, past contiswous, and fture continuous. : Verb Tenses O 3 SSE 1-3. THE PERFECT TENSES Form: have + pastpaniziple | ‘Meaning: The perfect tenses all give the idea that one thing happens before another tlme or event. PRESENT PERFECT | (a) {Aave already eaten. I finished enting, some= 5 time before now, The ex £ act time is not impor- ry - tant, PAST PERFECT (b) I had already eaten when they arrived. First 1 finished cating. z= Later they arrived. My 3 £ eating was completely = finished before another ime i the pas, FUTURE PERFECT First I will finish eating. = ¢£ Later they will arrive. g § ‘My eating will be com: pletely finished before a 5 . other tne inthe future 412) CHAPTER 14 THE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE TENSES Form: have + been + sing (present participle) ‘Meaning: The perfect progressive tenses give the idea that one event is i progress immediately Before, {up to, until another time or event. The tenses arc used to express the duration of the ftst event.” PRESENT PERFECT | (a) Thave been studying for wohours. | Event in progress: studying. PROGRESSIVE When? Before now, up to roe, a: a ae How loig? For two hours, Thr! : 2 PAST PERFECT (b) Lhad Been studying for twohours "| Bventin progress: studying. PROGRESSIVE before my friend came. ‘When? Before anotker event in the past. = How long? For twohours. The! FUTUREPERFECT | (c) Teil have been studying for two Event in progress: studying. PROGRESSIVE hours by the time you arrive. ‘When? Before ancther event in the fue. a ‘How long? For two hours. The = voro Tenses 0, 5 1-5. SUMMARY CHART OF VERB TENSES SIMPLE PRESENT PRESENT PROGRESSIVE, ‘The world i round, Tae studying right now. A study every day. SIMPLE PAST PAST PROGRESSIVE t ¥p T srudled last night. Twas studying when they came, SIMPLE FUTURE. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE Tevill study tomorrow. ‘I will be studying when you come. 60 cw PRREEGI PRUISENT PRIPHC — a yo Tihave slvendy seutied Chapter One, ere teen stot for two hon, ius PAST PERE! eet — Thad already studied Chapter One before 1 hued been seadying for wo hours before my began to study Chapter Two. friendly cume, FUTURE PERFECT | FUTURE PER Twill already have studied Chapter Fourbefore | Twill karve been studying. for two hous by the I study Chapter Five’ . time you arrive, | | [. : . Voi Tonsos C1 7 SPEAKING/WRITIWG= . EXERCISE 4— (BOOKS CLOSED): Practice using tenses by answering the + questions in complete sentences. : + 1, What do you do every day? 2, What did you do yesterday? . 3. What will you do tomorrow? 4. Whatare you doing right now? 5. What wére you doing at this time yesterday? 6. What will you be doing at this time tommorrow? 7. What have you done since you got up this morning? 8, What had you donc before you went to bed last night? 9, What will you have done by the time you go to bed tonight? 10. What are you doing? How long have you been doing that? 11. What were you doing before I watked into the classrooin today? How Jong had you been doing that? ' 12, What will you be doing before I walk into the classroom tomorrow? How | Jong will you Hiave been doing that? OD _EXERCISE 5—SPELLING PRETEST (BOOKS CLOSED): You will be using many verbs . in their -ing and -ed forshs in this chapter.’ Use this pretest to check yoursélf on spelling rules. On another piece of paper, write the words that your teacher: ~ says, : : Example: (ery + - wy : Oh? What’s wrong? + Well, for one thing she’s always : Really? : And not only that.She’s forever. more day. She’s driving me crazy. : That must be very inconvenient for you. 2 It is. And what’s more, she’s constantly. Can you believe that? And she’s always -11 REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS : I think you'ré right, You need to find a new roommate, REGULAR VERBS: The simple past and past participle end in -ed. SIMPLE FORM hope stop Eisten study start SIMPLE PAST PRESENT PAST PARTICIPLE PARTICIPLE hoped hoped hoping stopped stopped stopping Histened listened listening studied snudied studying started sand sartiag English’ yerbs have four principal parts: Q) simple form @) simple past G) past participle @ present participle IRREGULAR VERBS: The simple past and past participle do not SIMPLE Pray end in-ed. SIMPLE. PAST: PRESENT PAST PARTICIPLE PARTICIPLE: broke broken breaking came come coming found found finding hie hit iting * soa swum swing Some verbs have, it- regular past forins, ‘Most of the irregular ‘verbs in English are giver in the follow- ing alphabetical list. Verto Tensos O 17 \ AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS. ‘SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST. SIMPLE SIMPLE ‘PAST. FORM PAST PARTICIPLE | FORM PAST PARTICIPLE arise arose arisen forbid forbade forbidden be was, Were been forecast forecast forecast bear bore borne/born forget forgot ' forgotten beat beat beaten/oeat | forgive forgave forgiven become became become forsake forsook forsaken begin, began begun freeze froze frozen bend bent bent get got gotten* bet bet bet* give gave given bid bid bid go. went gone bind bound bound grind ground ground bite bit bitten grow Brew grown bleed bled bled hang hung hung blow blew blown have had had break broke broken hear heard heard breed bred bred - hide hid hidden bring brought brought hit hit hit broadcist broadcast —_—broadcast hold held held: build built built hurt hurt hurt burst burst burst keep Kept kept buy bought bought know knew known cast cast cast lay laid laid catch caught caught lead led led choose chose chosen Jeave eft left cling clung clung Tend Tent lent come came come tet let let cost cost cost lie lay lain creep crept crept slight livlighted: livlighted cut cut cut lose lost. lost deal dealt dealt make made made dig dug dug mean < meant meant do did ‘done meet met met draw drew drawn mislay mishid mislaid cat ate eaten mistake mistook mistaken fall fell fallen pay paid paid feed fed fed put put put feel felt felt quit quit quic* fight fought fought read read read find found found nid rid rid fit fit fit* ride rode ridden flee fled fled xing rang. * * rung © fling . fling flung rise rose risen fly. flew. flown run ran ran 18 O CHAPTER 4 ‘SIMPLE ‘SIMPLE PAST. ‘SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST FORM PAST PARTICIPLE || FORM PAST PARTICIPLE pith say said said” sting stung stung see saw seen stink stank/stunk stunk | seek sought sought “surive, strove striven sell sold sold strike struck struck/stricken send sent sent string strung strung set + set set swear swore sworn ., shake shook shaken sweep swept swept shed shed shed swim swam swum shine shone/shined shone/shined | swing swung swung shoot shot shot take took taken show showed shown/showed | teach taught taught shrink shrank/shrunk _ shrunk tear tore torn shut shut shut tell told told sing sang sung think thought thought sit sat sat throw threw thrown sleep slept slept thrust thrust thrust slide slid slid understand understood understood slit slit stit undertake undertook undertaken speak spoke spoken upset upset upset speed sped/speeded spedi/speeded | wake woke/waked — woken/waked spend spent spent wear wore 9. = wom spin spun spun weave wove woven spit spitspat spit/spat weep wept wept split split split win won won spread spread spread wind wound wound _ spring sprang/sprung sprung, withdraw withdrew withdrawn stand stood stood wring wrung, wrung steal stole stolen write wrote written stick stuck stuck *The following are some differences in verb forms between American English and British English: American bet-ber-bet Bait bet-bet-bet OR bet-betted -betted Sitsfited fied Bet-got-got guit-quined-quined Amesican: burn, dream, kneel, lean, leap, learn, smelt, spell, sill, spoil are usually regular: burned, dreawied, hnedled, leaned, leaped, etc. British: simple past’and past participle forms of these verbs can be regular but more commonly eiid with oe 4 <1: burnt, dreart, knelt, leant, leapt, learnt, smack, spelt, spilt, spoil, ah Verio Tenses 0. 19 SPEAR V6 Av RITENG = © EXERCISE 15- fractice pronouncing the following past formis of regular verbs, | GROUP A: Final -ed is pronounced /#/ after voiceless sounds: 1, looked 5. pushed 2, asked 6. watched - 3. helped 7. dressed 4, laughed 8. boxed GROUP B: Final -ed is pronounced /d/ after voiced sounds: 9. sobbed 13, roamed 10. believed 14, judged 11. filled 15, enjoyed 12. poured 16, dried GROUP.C: Final -ed is pronounced /od/ after «d and -t: 17. needed 21, waited 18. defended 22, rested | 19. added * 23. counted \ 20. loaded 24, halted | Practice te following sentences aloud. | 25. My friend jumped up and down and shouted when she heard the news. | 26. The concert lasted for two hours. | 27. With the coming of spring, the river flodded and inundated several villages. 28. She tapped the top of her desk, 29, He described his house. 30. They demanded to know the answer, 31, The airplane departed at six and landed ateight. 32, Alice pushed and I pulled. 33. He handed me his dictionary. 34, Jack tooted his horn. 35. They asked us to help them. : SPEAKTNG/WRITIVG Oo EXERCISE 16— (BOOKS CLOSED): This and the following three exercises are quick oral reviews of irregular verbs. In this exercise, answer with ‘‘yes” anda ‘ccmnplete tenizpee.® *Usually a short answer is given to a yes/no question. Example: ‘A: Did you sit down? B: Yes, I did (short answer) Inthis exercise you are asked to give a full enswer so thet you can review the simple past of irregular verbs. Which irregular verbs come easily for you? Which ones are e little more _ woublesome? Which ones don't you know? 200 CHAPTER T ™ Example: Did you sit down? ‘Response: . Yes, lsat down. 1. Did you drink some coffee _ 14, Did you burt yourself when you before class? fell? 2. Did you bring your books to 15, Did you fly to (¢his city)? class? # 16. Did you wear a coat to class? 3. Did you forget your briefcase? 17. Did'you hang your coat ona 4, Did you shake your head? hook? 5, Did you catch the bus this 18, Did you eat lunch? morning? 19. Did you take chemistry in high 6. Did you drive to school? school? 7. Did you lose your book? 20. Did you ride the bus to school? 8. Did you find your book? 21.“Did you swear to tell the truth? 9. Did you wind your watch this 22. Tmade a mistake. Did you morning? forgive me? 10. Did you understand what] said? 23. Did you write a letter to yout 11. Did you tell your friend the family? news? . 24, Did you bite the dog??? 12. Did you spread the news? = 13. Did you fall on the ice? SPEAKIN G/WEITING > EXERCISE 17— (BOOKS CLOSED): Answer, “No, Someone else « ~ Example: Did-you shut the door? ‘Response: No, someone else shut the door. Did you make a mistake? Did you break that window? - Did you steal my wallet? Did you take my piece of paper? Did you draw that picture? 2 Did you sweep the floor this morning? Did yout teach class yesterday? Did you dig that hole in the garden? Did you feed the cat? Did you hide my book from me? ; Did you blow that whistle? "Bid you throw a piece of chalk out the wi | Did you tear that piece of paper? | Did you build that house? Did'you speak to(. . + )? rindow?. Verb Tenses 0 27. a | SPeAkIne/ye rITIwe | 1 EXERCISE 18 -. (BOOKS CLOSED): Answer wi “yes?” Example: Did you sit down? t Response: Yes, Isat down. Did you give me some money? Did you stand at the bus stop? | Did you choose the blue pen? Did you run to class this (morning)? Did you sleep well last night? Did you hear that noise outside the window? Did you! withdraw some money from the bank? | Did you wake up at seven this morning? . Did you swim in the ocean? | 10, Did you go home after class yesterday? | 11. Did you bend your elbow? 12. Did you senda letter? een auayepr 13, Did you sing a song? . 14, Did you stick your hand in your pocket? 15. Did you grind the pepper? 16. Did you strike the desk with your hand? 17. Did you light match? 18. Did you mean what you said? 19. Did you hold yotir hand up? 20. Did you speak to(. . -)? SPERIKENG/W RETING + 1 EXERCISE19—. [BOOKS CLOSED): Answer with “yes.” Example: Did the students come to class? ‘Response: Yes, they came to class. 1, Did class begin at (nine)? 2, Did the sun rise at six this morning? 3, Did you cut your finger? . 4, Did it bleed when you cut it? 5. Did the grass grow after the rain?” 6. Did a bee sting you? 7. Did the telephone ring? 8. Did the water freeze? 9, Did your friend quit school? 10. Did the soldiers fight? 11, Did the thief creep into the room? 12. Did the policeman shoot at the thiel? 22 0 CHAPTER 4 13, Did the thief flee? 14, Did your team win the game yesterday? 15, Did your car slide on the ice? 16. Did the door swing open? 17. Did the children blow up some balloons? 18, Did the balloons burst? 19. Did the radio station broadcast the news? 20. Did you know all of the irregular verbs? (1 EXERCISE 20: Some of the verbs in the irregular verl sist can be troublesome. Many native speakers find some of these verbs troublesome, too, especially Jay and lig. Study the eximples. (See Appendix 1, Chart A-1 for more information about transitive and intrancitive verbs.) ‘TRANSITIVE . INTRANSITIVE (followed by an object) (not followed by am object) (@) raise, raised, raised () rise, rose, risen ‘Tom raised his head. ‘The sun rises in the east. © 404, set, sor @ sit, sas, sat ‘I wil! set the book on the desk. sit in the front row. © lay, laid, laid (0 Weta, tain ~~ “ Tam laying the book on the desk. ‘He is lying on his bed. @ hang, hang, bung I bung my clothes in the closet. (b) hang, hanged, hanged ‘They hanged the criminal by the neck unul __ he was dead. = iiss arepular verb (i, lied) when it cans "not el the tuth” He ied wo me abou his age Choose the correct word in parentheses. 1. The student (raised, rose) his hand in class. 2. Hot air (raises, rises). : 3, Ann (set, sat) in a chair because she was tired. 4, I (get, sat) your dictionary on thé table « few minutes ago. 5. Hens (lay, lie) eggs. 6. Al is (laying, lying) on the the park right now. : 7. Jan (laid, lay) the comb on top of the dresser a few minutes ago. * 8. Ifyou are tired, you should (lay, lie) down and take a nap. 9. Sin Francisco (lay; lies) to the north of Los Angeles. 10. We (hanged, hung) the picture on the wall. . Vero Tenses 0 23 1-12 SIMPLE PAST -}- (a) Tevatked 10 school yesterday. (b) He fived in Paris for ten ‘The simple past indicates that an activity or situation (e) When she heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate, (£) When I dropped ny cup, the coffee spilded on my lap. years, but now be is Living in. | began and ended ata particular Rome. time in the past. (e) Tbought a new car three days ago. : (d) Tstood under troe wien it | If a sentence contains when began to rain, and has the simple past in both clauses, the action in the “‘qohen clause” happens first. In (@; Ist: The rain began 2nd: I stood under a tree. 1-13 PAST PROGRESSIVE Ce) Iwas wallsing down the street when it began to.rain. (hy While I was walizing down the street, it began to rain. (Ci) Twas standing under a tree when it began to rain, Gj) Ateight o'clock last night, T ‘was studying. ° (Ck) Last year at this time, Texas attending school. (1) While Lwas seadying in one room of our apartment, my roommate was having & party in the other room. In (g): Lot: I was walking down the street. 2nd: Tt began to rain. In other words, both actions eceucred at the same time, ‘but one action began earlier cand was in progress wher the ther. action occurred. In @): My studying began be~ fore 8:00, was in progress at ime; and probably con- |/ Sometimes the past progres- sive is used in both parts of a sentence when two, actions are in progress simultane- || ously. (m) It rained this morning, (n) Itqwas raining this morning. In some cases, the simple Past and the past progressive |' give almost the same mean- ing, as in (m) and (n). OO EXERCISE 24: Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST PROGRESSIVE in the following. 1. Tam sitting in class right now. I (si) __28 siting in class at this | exact'same time yesterday. (24-0 CHAPTER 4 10. il. 12. . I (hear, not) . My brother and sister (argue) . T don’t want to go to the 200 today because itis raining, The same thing happened yesterday. I (want, not)___________ to go to the 200 because it (rain) . K (calf) ____ Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not) at home. He (study). at the library. ~ the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep) . Itwas beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine) _____. Acool breeze (blow) ‘The birds (sing) about something |... when I (walk) —" into the room. . I got a package in the mail. When I (open) —______ it, T (find) ___-__asurprise.° . Tommy went to his friends’ house, but the boys (be, not) there. They (play) ______ soccer in the vacant lot down the street. |. Stanley (climb) the stairs when he (trip) and (fall) —— . Luckily, he (hurt, not) himself. . While Mrs. Emerson (read) _— the little boy a story, he (fal) asleep, so she (clase) the book and quietly. (tiptoe) “-_ out of the room, I really, enjoyed my vacation last January. While it (snow) in Towa, the sun (shine) in Florida. While you (shovel) snow in Lowa, 1 (Ha) ____ on the beach in Florida. 12. While Ted (shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife (bring) him a cup of hot chocolate. Vero Tenses O 25 ee (CD EXERCISE 22: Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PAST PROGRESSIVE. 26 0 CHAPTERS . It was my first day of class, I (find, finally) I Grave, almost) a car accident lust night. T (drive) suddenly I (see) down Washington Avenue when, ‘a car in my lane. It (come) right at my car. I (step) on the brakes and (swerve) to the right. The other car (miss, just) my car by about an inch, 10 . ‘Ten years ago, the government (decide) : begin a food program. At that time, many people in the rural areas of the country (starve) due to several years of ry drought. the right room. The room (be, already) full of students. On one side of the room, students (alk, busily) to ench other in Spanish, Other students" ~ Japanese; and some (converse) in Arabic. It sounded like the United (peak) Nations. Some of the students, however, (st, just) quietly by themselves. I (choose) seat in the last row and (sit) anempty down. Ina few “into the room minutes, the teacher (walk) * and all the multilingual conversation (stop) . A: Hear, you) What she just ssid? B: No, I (listen, not) “_. I (think) about something else. . A: Why.weren’t you at the meeting? B: I (wait) for an overseas call from my family. A: I’m sure you met Carol Jones at the party last night. B: Idon’t remember her. What (wear, she)

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