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LỜI NÓI ĐẦU........................................................................................................... 2

CÁCH SỬ DỤNG CUỐN SÁCH.................................................................................. 3

BỒI DƯỠNG TỪ VỰNG CHO ................................................................................... 5

SPEAKING PART 1 6.5+ ........................................................................................... 5

TOPIC 1: WORK & STUDIES............................................................................. 6
TOPIC 2: HOMETOWN .................................................................................. 15
TOPIC 3: NAME ............................................................................................ 25
TOPIC 4: FOOD & COOKING.......................................................................... 33
TOPIC 5: FAMILY & FRIENDS......................................................................... 42
TOPIC 6: ENTERTAINMENT ........................................................................... 51
TOPIC 7: FASHION ........................................................................................ 60
TOPIC 8: NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES..................................................... 69
TOPIC 9: HOLIDAY & TRAVEL ........................................................................ 76
TOPIC 10: FREE TIME ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 84

ĐÁP ÁN................................................................................................................. 93

LỜI KẾT ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Cuốn sách “Bồi dưỡng từ vựng cho Speaking Part 1 6.5+” là một ấn phẩm mà Đội ngũ Học
thuật Aland IELTS muốn dành tặng cho tất cả các bạn học viên đang theo học tại trung tâm.
Cuốn sách là thành quả từ việc thu thập và biên soạn lại những nội dung quan trọng của phần
thi IELTS Speaking Part 1, với mục đích chính là giúp các bạn có thể nắm vững các từ vựng
hoặc các cách diễn đạt ở mức điểm 6.5+.
Cuốn sách gồm 10 chủ điểm phổ biến nhất trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1. Trong mỗi
chủ đề này, bài học sẽ được chia thành 3 phần:
 TỪ VỰNG CẦN NHỚ: Phần này sẽ đưa ra một ngữ cảnh cụ thể của phần thi thuộc chủ
điểm, với 20 từ và cụm từ cần nhớ được phân tích rõ.
 BÀI TẬP: Sau khi học xong những từ và cụm từ được đánh dấu ở phần trên, phần Bài
tập sẽ yêu cầu các bạn áp dụng kiến thức này để hoàn thiện các câu hỏi Speaking Part
1 khác với các gợi ý cho sẵn.
 LUYỆN TẬP: Sau khi đã nắm chắc kiến thức về cách sử dụng các từ và cụm từ đã cho,
các bạn sẽ áp dụng chúng để tự mình trả lời 5 câu hỏi Speaking Part 1 thuộc chủ đề

Đội ngũ Học thuật Aland IELTS tin rằng cuốn sách “Bồi dưỡng từ vựng cho Speaking Part 1
6.5+” sẽ là một trợ thủ đắc lực giúp đỡ các bạn trên con đường chinh phục tấm bằng IELTS.

Đội ngũ Phát triển Học thuật ALAND IELTS

1. Cấu trúc cuốn sách.
Cuốn sách “Bồi dưỡng từ vựng cho Speaking Part 1 6.5+” bao gồm 10 chủ điểm quan trọng
trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1. Mỗi chủ điểm sẽ đưa ra cho các bạn từ 15-20 từ vựng
và các cách diễn đạt nâng cao trong phần TỪ VỰNG CẦN NHỚ. Ngoài ra, các bạn sẽ còn được
nhận khối lượng kiến thức khổng lồ trong phần BÀI TẬP từ những câu trả lời gợi ý được đưa
ra. Những kiến thức nâng cao hơn nằm chủ yếu trong phần này, với việc các bạn vừa được
luyện tập áp dụng những gì đã học ở trên, đồng thời mở rộng thêm những kiến thức đó lên
một tầm cao hơn. Cuối sách sẽ có đáp án và giải thích (nếu có) cho phần BÀI TẬP. Phần LUYỆN
TẬP gồm 5 câu hỏi Speaking Part 1 theo chủ đề đã cho, nhằm mục đích cho các bạn áp dụng
những gì học được ở hai phần trên để có thể tự mình trả lời các câu hỏi một cách hoàn thiện
nhất. Các bạn hoàn toàn có thể dựa vào các (cụm) từ ở phần BÀI TẬP để tự mình làm phần
2. Cách sử dụng cuốn sách.
Với mỗi phần của từng chương, các bạn nên học theo phương hướng như sau để đạt được
kết quả tốt nhất.
 TỪ VỰNG CẦN NHỚ: Các (cụm) từ được rút ra từ ngữ cảnh cụ thể và được chú thích
rõ ràng sau mỗi 4-5 câu hỏi. Các bạn sẽ không chỉ cần nhớ nghĩa tiếng Việt, mà còn
phải ghi nhớ ngữ cảnh mà (cụm) từ ngữ đó được dùng để tự mình sử dụng chúng một
cách chính xác nhất. Bên cạnh đó, các bạn còn phải tự mình tra trường từ liên quan
của các (cụm) từ đã cho. Ví dụ như chúng ta có động từ “improve”, các bạn sẽ phải
nắm được danh từ của nó là “improvement” chẳng hạn. Đây là cách tốt nhất để các
bạn có thể mở rộng vốn từ của mình.
 BÀI TẬP: Sau khi đã nắm chắc ngữ nghĩa của các (cụm) từ được rút ra, các bạn sẽ cần
vận dụng chúng để trả lời các câu hỏi cho sẵn. Mỗi câu hỏi trong phần này chính là
một câu hỏi trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 được Đội ngũ Học thuật thu thập và
biên soạn. Đây là những câu hỏi được cho là thường xuyên xuất hiện trong phần thi
này, vì vậy các bạn cần nắm chắc và phát triển vốn từ vựng mà mình đã trau dồi ở
phần trên để áp dụng vào phần BÀI TẬP. Cuối sách là đáp án cho phần này, với mỗi
(cụm) từ còn thiếu được điền vào tạo nên câu trả lời hoàn chỉnh cho phần thi IELTS
Speaking Part 1.
 LUYỆN TẬP: Phần này bao gồm 5 câu hỏi cho phần IELTS Speaking Part 1 thuộc chủ đề
đã cho. Các bạn sẽ cần vận dụng những gì đã tích luỹ ở 2 phần trên để tự mình hoàn
thành các câu hỏi này. Hãy áp dụng các kỹ thuật trả lời Speaking Part 1 đã học trên lớp
và nhớ rằng với phần thi này, không có đáp án Đúng hoặc Sai.

Cuối cùng, sau mỗi chủ điểm, các bạn luôn cần đọc đi đọc lại nhiều lần để ghi nhớ các cụm
(từ) một cách vững chắc nhất, cả về ngữ nghĩa lẫn cách sử dụng. Đội ngũ Học thuật ALAND
IELTS mong rằng đây sẽ là một cuốn cẩm nang hữu ích cho các bạn trên con đường chinh phục
tấm bằng IELTS.

Đội ngũ Phát triển Học thuật ALAND IELTS




Chủ điểm Work & Studies có thể được coi là chủ điểm hay gặp nhất trong phần Speaking
Part 1 với mục đích “warm up” bài thi cho thí sinh. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này thường
xoay quanh việc hỏi nghề nghiệp hay ngành học của bạn là gì, bạn làm việc hay học tập ở
đâu, bạn có dự định nào khác không …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Work &
Studies và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Do you work or study? (Do you work or are you a student?)
Well, I have just finished college and currently I’m working as a freelance copywriter. This is
what I love to do ever since I was a college student. I have a passion for digital marketing, and
how blessed I am to have a job that gives me pay cheques and the freedom to create, without
having to spend days in an office.
2. Do you enjoy your work? (Do you like your job?)
Yes, very much. Although the money is not much, I believe that it sets the foundation for me
to become a better marketer in the future. Furthermore, I get to improve my English
constantly. What I appreciate the most is that I can work wherever and whenever I want with
no strings attached.
3. Why did you choose to do that kind of work?
I chose to be a copywriter because marketing was my major when I was in college. And I have
already accumulated some work experience by taking several part-time jobs before I
graduated. Furthermore, this job really suits my interest, since I have an affinity for writing
and the alike.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

freelance /ˈfriːlɑːns/ làm tự do

have a passion for /hav ə ˈpaʃ(ə)n fɔː/ có đam mê với điều gì

set the foundation for /sɛt ðə faʊnˈdeɪʃ(ə)n fɔː/ đặt nền tảng cho cái gì

improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ cải thiện

no strings attached /nəʊ strɪŋz əˈtatʃt/ không vướng bận

major /ˈmeɪdʒə/ chuyên ngành

accumulate /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/ tích luỹ

work experience /wəːk ɛkˈspɪərɪəns/ kinh nghiệm làm việc

suit /suːt/ phù hợp

have an affinity for /hav ə əˈfɪnɪti fɔː/ thích cái gì

Chúng ta cùng xem tiếp những câu hỏi tiếp theo và rút ra thêm những (cụm) từ vựng đắt giá
dưới đây.
4. Is that a popular job in your country?
I don’t really know. I suppose marketing is a popular choice in general, but not a lot of people
can develop a passion for copywriting since they think it can be a dull job. In that case, I don’t
really blame them though, because having to create similar contents for days can be quite
5. Are there anything special about job?
As I have mentioned earlier, what I love about my job the most is that it gives me the freedom
to create. Unlike many other office work, I don’t have to spend an entire day in my office,
which is pretty cool. My boss, who is very intuiative, actually encourages me to go outside to
find some inspirations for my work.
6. Is there another type of job you would like to do?
Besides this, ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamt of becoming a writer, like J.K Rowling,
you know. I think literature is one of the strongest media that can reflect all aspects of life.
Journalism sounds great too, but I have never been good at photography, so writing books is
probably the only other job I would want to do.
7. Would you recommend your current job to other people?
Yes, I would recommend it to everybody who is majoring in Business in general. Copywriting
can be stressful sometimes, but I believe that it can enhance your creativity and imagination
to a large extent. If you’re good enough, you can be the trend setter for almost anything in
the market.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

develop a passion for /dɪˈvɛləp ə ˈpaʃ(ə)n fɔː/ phát triển niềm đam mê với
cái gì

dull /dʌl/ tù mù, chán nản

monotonous /məˈnɒt(ə)nəs/ tẻ nhạt, đơn điệu

office work /ˈɒfɪs wəːk / công việc văn phòng

intuitive /ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/ thấu hiểu

encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ khuyến khích

dream of /driːm ɒv/ mơ ước về điều gì

be good at /biː ɡʊd at/ giỏi cái gì

recommend /rɛkəˈmɛnd/ khuyên dùng, gợi ý

enhance /ɪnˈhɑːns/ tăng cường, cải thiện

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Have you had a fulltime or part-time job before?
Yes, and actually I have had several part-time jobs as a ............................... teacher. When I
was a freshman, I took a job as a one-on-one English tutor for a high school student. After
finishing my tutoring, I got the chance to be a film translator, you know, creating and editing
movies subtitles.
A. majoring C. improving
B. freelance D. accumulated
2. Do you work or are you a student?
I'm a high school student in Le Quy Don High school. I'll graduate next year and I'm planning
to study in the UK because I believe that the education system there is very advanced. I hope
I can get into my targeted ............................................ , which is Business Administration.
A. freelancer C. work experience
B. passion D. major
3. Do you work or study?
Well, I have been working as an accountant for a private company in my hometown for two
years. I think the job is very …………………………. for me because I could use what I have learned
at school and of course there're also a lot of new things for me to learn in this field.
A. accumulating C. suitable
B. passionate D. majoring
4. Do you like your major?
Yes, I do. I actually chose my major myself because I'm interested in science since high school.
Ever since I was a child, I have ................................... becoming a researcher.
A. accumulated C. suited
B. had the passion for D. dreamt of
5. Do you think it's important to choose a job you are interested in?
Definitely. It's probably true for everybody. When you have developed a passion for....
something, you can put more effort into it and you're more likely to succeed. However, if you
have no interest in anything, you probably can do it, but it's hard to be good at the job.
A. developed a passion for C. accumulated
B. dreamt of D. experienced
6. What kinds of jobs are popular in Vietnam?
It’s hard to say, but for the majority of Vietnamese youngsters, they are trying their best to
secure a job as a white-collar worker. I suppose they assume that intellectual jobs would
make greater income compared to manual ones. But all in all, everybody is interested in a
job that ................................. .
A. gives them passions C. has an affinity for
B. gives them pay cheques D. dreams of
7. What do you plan to do in the future?
I’ve been thinking about going abroad to further my study. My destination of choice is
Canada, a country where there is a close-knit Asian community. After that, I would probably
return home and start looking for a job, hopefully it will help me to ........................... some
valuable work experience.
A. accumulate C. have an affinity for
B. have a passion for D. dream of
8. What are your future work plans?
Now, I'm planning to pursue my master's degree in the UK. After my graduation, I would find
a job at one of the world's best enterprises because there will be more promotion
opportunities in such companies. By that way, I will be able to gain more ........................ .
A. passion C. work experience
B. affinity D. dullness
9. Have you changed your mind on your dream job?
When I was in high school, I used to want to be a doctor, because my class was ...................
in Biology. However, as time passed, I realized that I was not that gifted to be admitted to a
medical school. So, I started to focus on languages and business-related subjects.
A. having a passion for C. experiencing
B. majoring D. dreaming of
10. What's the most important thing/part of your study life?
It's hard to say. As a student, I think the most important thing to develop yourself is to do
what you have ................................... However, a lot of my classmates and I are doing part-
time jobs in our spare time in order to accumulate some work experience and to social
experience. I think both of them are also essential when we find jobs.
A. dreamt of C. work experience
B. an affinity for D. improvement
11. Is there another type of job you would like to do?
Well, I also have an affinity for sports, especially football, but I really don’t wish to become a
professional athlete, though. What I really want is to become a local football coach in my
hometown, you know, helping the kids to take part in this sport and all kinds of physical
activites. I believe it will ………………….……………… them to become active and healthy kids.
A. develop a passion for C. encourage
B. improve D. set the foundation for
12. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
I guess it’s mainly because of the job flexibility and my passion for journalism. To be more
specific, this job isn’t like any other ...................................... because it enables me to find a
better balance between work and life.
A. freelancer C. improvement
B. office work D. dream
13. What do you like about your job?
Well, the perk of being a news editor is that you’ll surround yourself with inspiring news on
a daily basis. What I like about this job is that although I have to do a thousand edits to get
the final one, my boss is encouraging and supportive of my efforts. Sometimes I feel happy
for having such a ........................... boss.
A. intuitive C. monotonous
B. dull D. passionate
14. Do you miss being a student?
I surely will miss my student life once I get involve in the workplace. For me I think when I’m
a student, at least I have someone guide me, whereas at work mostly you must guide yourself.
The academic environment appears to be a comfort zone for me, although sometimes it can
be quite ........................... .
A. intuitive C. monotonous
B. unsuitable D. passionate
15. What would be your ideal job?
My ideal job is be something that always brings something new to life, not a repetitive and
................................. work. I am good at my responsibilities, but I also expect some pleasant
moments at my workplace.
A. intuitive C. monotonous
B. unsuitable D. passionate
16. What do you dislike about your job?
You know, I’d have to say the overwhelming workload is something I am not a fan of.
Furthermore, it is quite a monotonous job, so I feel like I don’t get to ………………. any new
skills. In the future, I might look into another job that is more rewarding.
A. have a passion for C. dream
B. enhance D. be good at
17. Do you get on well with your colleagues?
Yes, of course. I work in a small language school and all the other staff are very friendly and
we always get on well with each other. I’m really ................................................................
making friends, and I believe that is why my job is always full of joy, with both my students
and my fellow teachers.
A. having a passion for C. monotonous
B. dull D. good at
18. Would you recommend your job to another?
No, not really. I mean, I have a very demanding job as I’m one of the very first nurses who
responds to life-threatening situations. As much as possible, nurses who are in this field must
be alert and can surely work under pressure. So for young girls out there, I really don’t .......
......... this job as it can be extremely nerve-wracking.
A. have a passion for C. recommend
B. enhance D. improve
19. Do you want to find another job?
That never crossed my mind! It’s my ....................................... to serve people, I believe I was
born to give medical care to those people who need it. I’m more than grateful and happy with
my work so I will continue working as a nurse until my retirement.
A. passion C. recommendation
B. improvement D. dullness
20. What job do you think you will be doing in five years?
I can’t tell yet. But down the line I will get a job that is less stressful and demanding than my
current one. I guess I can work as a freelancer, you know, by then I will able to work whenever
and wherever I want, with ........................................... .
A. suitability C. passion
B. no strings attached D. enhancement

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. What is your job title?
2. Where do you work/study?
3. What do you like or dislike about your work/study?
4. Why did you choose this particular job/major?
5. Is your job/profession seen as a popular one in your country?

Chủ điểm Hometown có thể được coi là chủ điểm hay gặp nhất trong phần Speaking Part 1
với mục đích “warm up” bài thi cho thí sinh. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này thường xoay
quanh việc hỏi quê nhà của bạn ở đâu, có những đặc điểm gì đặc biệt về nó hay bạn muốn
làm gì để cải thiện một số tình trạng tiêu cực đang diễn ra ở quê mình …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Hometown
và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Are you from a big city or a small town?
I come from a small province with slightly more than 1 million people. It has breathtaking
view of picturesque landscapes with rolling mountains and greenish lakes. However, due to
the increasing economy, a number of business, especially in sugarcane, are invested in my
hometown that turns it into a promising area.
2. Please describe your hometown a little?
My hometown is both traditional and modern. On the one hand, tradition is preserved by a
number of festivals celebrated by local people, and the locals and authorities preserve the
historical sites for tourism and education. On the other hand, a whole lot of high-rise
buildings as residential places or shopping malls are built, which turns our little hometown
into a worth-living place.
3. What do you like about your hometown?
I like the hospitality and the love of people there which I hardly find them in my current place.
Everyone is living close together and willing to give others a hand when they need help.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

province /ˈprɒvɪns/ tỉnh

breathtaking /ˈbrɛθteɪkɪ đẹp mê hồn

picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/ đẹp như tranh

landscape /ˈlan(d)skeɪp/ khung cảnh

economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ nền kinh tế

invest /ɪnˈvɛst/ đầu tư

promising /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/ đầy hứa hẹn

local people /ˈləʊk(ə)l /ˈpiːp(ə)l/ người dân địa phương

high-rise building /hʌɪ rʌɪz ˈbɪldɪŋ/ toà nhà cao tầng

residential place /rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l pleɪs/ khu dân cư

worth-living /wəːθ lɪvɪŋ/ đáng sống

hospitality /hɒspɪˈtalɪti/ tính hiếu khách

lend a helping hand /lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hand/ giúp đỡ ai đó

Province /ˈprɒvɪns/: tỉnh

Breathtaking /ˈbrɛθteɪkɪ/: đẹp mê hồn
Picturesque /ˌpɪktʃəˈrɛsk/: đẹp như tranh
Landscape /ˈlan(d)skeɪp/: khung cảnh
Economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/: nền kinh tế
Invest /ɪnˈvɛst/: đầu tư
Promising /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ/: đầy hứa hẹn
Local people /ˈləʊk(ə)l /ˈpiːp(ə)l/: người dân địa phương
High-rise building /hʌɪ rʌɪz ˈbɪldɪŋ/: toà nhà cao tầng
Residential place /rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l pleɪs/: khu dân cư
Worth-living /wəːθ lɪvɪŋ/: đáng sống
Hospitality /hɒspɪˈtalɪti/: tính hiếu khách
Lend a helping hand /lɛnd ə ˈhɛlpɪŋ hand/: giúp đỡ ai đó
4. Is there anything you dislike about it?
Personally, it’s a bit boring for me because as a small town, there is not much shopping mall
or any other means of entertainment. The streets are not very crowded as well. However, I
believe that it has been improving day by day and becoming a potential hotspot due to the
increasing number of annual visitors.
5. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
To be honest, I hope I could come back there one day to visit my relatives and friends, but to
settle down my life there is not my plan. I am getting familiar with city life and there are
more job opportunities for my future career.
6. Are there any changes you would like to make in your hometown?
I would like to ameliorate the infrastructure conditions there so that I can avoid being stuck
in the traffic jam during the rush hours.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

means /miːnz/ phương tiện

crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/ đông đúc

day by day /deɪ bʌɪ deɪ/ ngày qua ngày

hotspot /ˈhɒtspɒt/ tụ điểm

settle down /ˈsɛt(ə)l daʊn/ ổn định cuộc sống

get familiar with /ɡɛt /fəˈmɪlɪə wɪð/ quen với cái gì

ameliorate /əˈmiːlɪəreɪt/ cải thiện

infrastructure condition /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ điều kiện hạ tầng

traffic jam /ˈtrafɪk dʒam/ tắc nghẽn giao thông

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Where is your hometown?
It is a big city in the North of England, with galleries, theatres and bustling nightlife. It is a
popular place for students, as there are two famous universities. Shopping and eating out are
part of the lifestyle, with many places to go. In the surrounding areas, there are many
historical places to visit. In short, it is such a ……… worth-living
………………… city.
A. picturesque C. dull
B. breathtaking D. worth-living
2. Can you tell me something exciting about your town?
Well, as much as it is just a small province, my hometown does have everything you wish for,
including all ............................ , such as galleries, cinemas, shopping malls, sports centers and
all kinds of fashion boutiques. Once in a while, there are even some celebrities, who probably
are on tour, paying visits to my town.
A. infastructure conditions C. means of entertainment
B. breathtaking views D. hospitality
3. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?
Yes it has evolved from a relatively quiet town to a hub of shopping and entertainment. There
have been major developments, with the construction of shopping malls and high-rise
buildings all around the town. It would be quite a challenge to get used to this since I’m
already ……… familiar with …………….. the sedate and peaceful vibe of the old town.
A. crowded C. promising
B. familiar with D. hospitable
4. What do you think are the improvements required to be done in your hometown?
I think there are many improvements need to be done in Hanoi. Firstly, the traffic problem is
a big challenge here which should be dealt well by the governments while local residents can
also put efforts for the same. Other than this, pollution is increasing ............................ which
affects the atmosphere here. In this regard, reducing the consumption of fuels by minimizing
usage of cars is a good solution.
A. breathtakingly C. promisingly
B. day by day D. hospitably
5. How are the local people in your hometown?
I’m sure you would get a good impression about the people there. Everybody is polite and
hospitable toward tourists. They always ............................................. to other people, even
A. picturesque C. crowding
B. get familiar with D. lend a helping hand
6. What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?
I would be very proud to say that my town marries the traditional values with the modernity.
On one side of the town, you can admire the tranquil and sedate natural landscapes that are
home to many people. On the other side, you can also immerse youself in the fast-paced and
bustling life there, with many …………………………….. and means of entertainment.
A. residential places C. trafic jam
B. picturesque nature D. high-rise building
7. Would you say your hometown a good place to live? Why?
Yes, I would say it is probably an ideal place for everybody to ..............................................
their lives here. The infrastructure conditions are great, and the education system is
advanced. Not to mention, there are various means of entertainment.
A. get familiar with C. settle down
B. enjoy breathtaking views D. promise
8. How has your hometown changed over the past few years?
It is fair to say that my hometown used to be a ghost town, with few people residing there
due to few employment opportunities. Over the past few years, there have been countless
corporations which relocate to my hometown, which has created my jobs there. You can tell
by the emergence of ................................. and residential places.
A. high-rise buildings C. economy
B. breathtaking landscapes D. hospitality
9. What would you recommend a visitor should see and do in your hometown?
I would recommend him to pay visits to the my village, where ................................. are
extremely welcoming and hospitable. They can immerse themselves in the bustling nightlife
by joining the night market or they can enjoying the local food, which I believe is out-of-this-
A. trafic jam C. local people
B. the views D. hotspot
10. Do many people visit your town?
Well, I don’t mean to flaunt, but I consider my hometown to be a tourist hotspot. It is pretty
understandable since my town is located near the beach, and the people there are famous
for their .............................................
A. picturesque landscapes C. hotspot
B. hospitality D. infrastructure conditions
11. Are there good transportation links to your town?
Yes, and I would say the .............................. is very up-to-date. The public transport system
there consists of just buses that pass through the town on an hourly basis. One bus goes north
to the capital city which is really convenient if you need to do any shopping and the other bus
goes south where you can switch buses and enjoy yourself at the beach.
A. high-rise buildings C. residential places
B. infrastructure conditions D. hospitality
12. Would you recommend the town to people with children?
I don’t see why not. I mean, my town has all kinds of means of .............................. , ranging
from sports centers to cinemas. Families can have a good time there, with moms going
shopping in the local souvenir shops, dads enjoying our local cuisine and children enjoying
themselves in our various amusement centers.
A. high-rise buildings C. residential places
B. entertainment D. promises
13. Can you tell me more about your hometown?
Well, this is my hometown, Hoa Binh, I was born and raised here. As you may have known,
this is not a typical metropolis where it is ............................ with people and where the
problem of pollution is a nightmare.This place is laid-back with scenic views.
A. picturesque C. hospitable
B. promising D. crowded
14. How do you like your hometown?
Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more in this magnificent place. This town is safe, people are
hospitable and genuine, the food is incredibly affordable unlike other cities in the world where
I have traveled to, which costs you an arm and a leg. Also, this place is rich in
…………..………………….., and all I can say this is paradise.
A. picturesque landscapes C. hotspot
B. hospitality D. infrastructure conditions
15. What is the most interesting thing about your hometown?
Well, what I love the most about my hometown is the fact that it has many ………………….. for
youngsters. Besides the bustling night markets and many shopping centers, there are a wide
range of bubble milk tea stores there, where people can just lay back and enjoying this
delicious Taiwanese drink.
A. high-rise buildings C. residential places
B. infrastructure conditions D. hotspots
16. What is the biggest change about your hometown?
I would say the most prominent change about my hometown is the local economy. Back in
the days, there were few job opportunities there, and it was pretty much a ghost town. But
things are different now, since there have been countless corporations .............................. in
my town. You can tell by the emergence of many tourism-related businesses there.
A. getting familiar C. settling
B. investing D. promising
17. Would you recommend your hometown to foreign travelers?
Yes, of course. This may sound so ostentatious, but my hometown is probably one of the most
well-known tourist hubs in Vietnam. It is famous for its golden beach, where you can find
many expensive resorts and fancy restaurants. Not to mention, the local people are very
................................... English, and they are extremely hospitable toward foreign visitors.
A. getting familiar C. settling down
B. good at D. promising
18. Would you say your hometown is an ideal place to settle down?
If someone is looking for a well-settled life, I would definitely suggest my town to the person.
The infrastructure conditions are great and the economy is very ……………………. Pollution and
crime may make the town a little bit less desirable, but all in all, it is a worth-living place.
A. picturesque C. hospitable
B. promising D. crowded
19. What is the one thing that you dislike about your hometown?
I think it is definitely the ............................. during peak hours. Because the population size
is getting larger and larger in my town, the number of private vehicles is rising accordingly.
The congestion always takes at least half an hour, and I find it really time-consuming just to
be stuck In the crowd and do nothing.
A. trafic jam C. residential places
B. investments D. hospitality
20. What would you do if you could change something in your hometown?
The first thing I would do is to ......................... the infrastructure conditions, in which I would
want to see more overpasses and bridges getting constructed. This is because traffic
congestion has become quite an annoyance to the citizens since they are wasting a lot of time
just to wait in the crowd.
A. settle down C. ameliorate
B. get familiar with D. lend a helping hand
21. Why do people have a very strong bond with their hometown?
Obviously, people tie to their hometown because this is the place where they were born and
grew up. In addition, their beloved family and childhood friends also live there, so it is
understandable when people decide to .................................. in their hometown too.
A. be hospitable toward C. ameliorate
B. get familiar with D. settle down

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. Is your hometown famous for anything?
2. What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometown?
3. Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?
4. Did your friends also grow up in the same place as you?
5. Would you like to move back there in the future?

Chủ điểm Name có thể được coi là chủ điểm hay gặp nhất trong phần Speaking Part 1 với mục
đích “warm up” bài thi cho thí sinh. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này thường xoay quanh việc
hỏi tên bạn là gì, nó có ý nghĩa ra sao, …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Name và rút
ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. How did your parents choose your name?
To be truthful, I have never asked my parents about this. I suppose they gave me the name
"Trang" just because back then it was a popular name for a baby girl. Probably they were not
creative enough to think of another.
2. Does your name have any special meaning?
Yes, and in fact, it has a lot of meanings. In Chinese, the word "Trang" means grace and
decency. I suppose my mom and dad really want me to become such a person so they sent
all the expectation into my name.
3. Is your name common or unusual in your country?
You know, my name used to be a popular one back when I was born. The consequence of this
is the fact that a huge number of girls that share the similar name with me at school, which
has been quite confusing. The name "Trang" is still common now, but parents have been
creative enough to think of a different middle name.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

creative /kriːˈeɪtɪv/ sáng tạo

meaning /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ ý nghĩa

grace /ɡreɪs/ sự duyên dáng

decency /ˈdiːs(ə)nsi/ sự đứng đắn

send the expectation into /sɛnd ðə ɛkspɛkˈteɪʃ(ə)n ɪntʊ/ gửi gắm kỳ vọng vào đâu

share the similar name /ʃɛː ðə ˈsɪmɪlə neɪm/ trùng tên nhau

confusing /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ gây bối rối

common /ˈkɒmən/ phổ biến

middle name /ˈmɪd(ə)l neɪm/ tên đệm

4. If you could change your name, would you?

Hmm, I've never thought about this. Not really. But if I could make a small adjustment to my
current name, I would shorten it by leaving out one of my middle names. I have two of them,
which is sometimes quite lengthy, especially when I have to fill in any form.
5. Who usually takes the responsibility of giving names?
In general, parents will give the children the name, but sometimes, grandparents will also
take part in the naming process. I think it is universal around the world. Even in some open-
minded countries, close friends can assume such responsibility.
6. Is it easy to change your name in your country?
It's not so easy, though. First, all family members should come to an agreement on that. Then
they have to go to the local authorities for registration. After that, all friends and
acquaintances must be informed of the change, which will require a lot of explanations.
7. What names are most common in your hometown?
Those with nice meanings. A lot of boys are given names like Thanh Dat, meaning making
achievements. And girls' parents prefer names such as Hoa, implying fragrance.
Creative /kriːˈeɪtɪv/: sáng tạo
Meanin /ˈmiːnɪŋ/: ý nghĩa
Decency /ˈdiːs(ə)nsi/: sự đứng đắn
Send the expectation into /sɛnd ðə ɛkspɛkˈteɪʃ(ə)n ɪntʊ/: gửi gắm kỳ vọng vào đâu
Share the similar name /ʃɛː ðə ˈsɪmɪlə neɪm/: trùng tên nhau
Confusing /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/: gây bối rối
Common /ˈkɒmən/: phổ biến
Middle name /ˈmɪd(ə)l neɪm/: tên đệm
Adjustment /əˈdʒʌs(t)m(ə)nt/: sự điều chỉnh
Shorten /ˈʃɔːt(ə)n/: rút ngắn lại
Leave out /liːv aʊt/: bỏ đi
Lengthy /ˈlɛŋ(k)θi/: dài dòng
Universal /juːnɪˈvəːs(ə)l/: được tất cả mọi người biết
Open-minded /ˈəʊp(ə)n mʌɪndɪd/: cởi mở
Assume /əˈsjuːm/: đảm nhiệm
Come to an agreement /kʌm tə an əˈɡriːm(ə)nt/: cùng nhau đồng ý
Registration /rɛdʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/: việc đăng ký
Inform of /ɪnˈfɔːm ɒv/: thông báo
Imply /ɪmˈplʌɪ/: ngụ ý

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

adjustment /əˈdʒʌs(t)m(ə)nt/ sự điều chỉnh

shorten /ˈʃɔːt(ə)n/ rút ngắn lại

leave out /liːv aʊt/ bỏ đi

lengthy /ˈlɛŋ(k)θi/ dài dòng

universal /juːnɪˈvəːs(ə)l/ được tất cả mọi người biết

open-minded /ˈəʊp(ə)n mʌɪndɪd/ cởi mở

assume /əˈsjuːm/ đảm nhiệm

come to an agreement /kʌm tə an əˈɡriːm(ə)nt/ cùng nhau đồng ý

registration /rɛdʒɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ việc đăng ký

inform of /ɪnˈfɔːm ɒv/ thông báo

imply /ɪmˈplʌɪ/ ngụ ý

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Do you like your name?
Yes, I like my name very much. My name was given by my parents and it carries a very good
................................... , which means happy. I believe this name can bring me good luck and
I’ll be happy all the time.
A. middle name C. registration
B. meaning D. adjustment
2. What meanings are there in the nicknames of Vietnamese children?
Most children in Vietnam will have a nickname for different reasons. Some people believe a
nickname can bring their children blessings, and some others just want to call their children
more conveniently. Some ................................ parents even give their kids nicknames based
on their characters.
A. implying C. open-minded
B. decent D. common
3. In your country, do people feel that their names are very important?
Well, every Vietnamese name carries a meaning, and it represents the common values and
the wishes of the family. So people usually consider their own names unique and important.
Some people, who are not happy with their names, even try to make an ............................
to have a perfect one.
A. expectation C. registration
B. meaning D. adjustment
4. Who gave you your name?
Traditionally, in Vietnam, the names of new-born children are given by one of their relatives,
usually their grandparents. However, in my case, an acquaintance of my parents came up with
my name, and mom and dad just instantly came to an agreement …………………………………..,
because neither of them had any idea what to name me.
A. sent all expectation C. left out
B. came to an agreement D. made an adjustment
5. Do you like your name?
In the past, no. I used to blame my parents for giving me such a boyish name. I even had a
deep, warm voice, just like a mature man, which is why all of my classmates made fun of me
back in primary and secondary school. However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve become more
.............. , and I just don’t take these jokes so serious anymore, so I guess it’s fair to say yes.
A. left out C. graceful
B. open-minded D. decent
6. In your country, do people feel that their names are very important?
There’s no doubt about it. In Vietnam, names are not only a means of identification. They also
deliver parents hopes and .................................... when a new child is born. Besides, many
Vietnamese believe that names are blessings for newborns, so most people would consider
their names a lucky charm for them.
A. graces C. expectations
B. responsibilties D. registration
7. Is your name common or unusual in your country?
If someone shouts my name on any crowded streets at any time of the day, I’m sure more
than 5 people will turn their heads back to find out who’s calling them. So, basically, my name
is very ................ in Vietnam.
A. common C. graceful
B. open-minded D. shortened
8. Are there many Vietnamese people who have the same name as you?
I guess so. You know, since my name is very easy to think of, it is suitable for some parents
who are struggling to find the perfect name for their offsprings. Not to mention, they even
give their children the exact ....................... as mine.
A. nickname C. expectation
B. middle name D. grace
9. Do you think your name is special?
Actually, the name Trang is fairly common in my country. You would be pretty surprised at
how many girls here are named like that. I suppose if I want to make my name more unique,
I should either add or .............................. one of my middle names.
A. send all expectation C. leave out
B. come to an agreement D. make an adjustment
10. Did your family have a certain nickname that they called you when you were a child?
When I was born, I had been crying for more than 2 hours. Therefore, my parents decided to
call me Crocodile. It was such a funny name which still makes me embarrassed when my
parents call my ................................. in front of my friends.
A. registration C. nickname
B. grace D. namesake
11. If you could change your name, would you?
No, I definitely wouldn't. My name is part of my identity now, and it would feel strange to
suddenly change it. I don't think my friends and family would like that either. Not to mention,
the ................................. process is going to be complicated as well.
A. middle name C. registration
B. meaning D. adjustment
12. How did your parents choose your name?
To be honest, I'm not sure how they chose it as I've never asked them. I suppose it was just a
name that they both liked, and maybe they thought it ............................... me.
A. implied C. meant
B. suited D. shortened
13. Is your name common or unusual in your country?
Yes, it's quite a common name. I remember that there were two other people who
.............................. with me in my class at school.
A. sent the expectation C. shared the similar name
B. implied D. informed of
14. Do you know anyone who has changed his name?
Yes, I actually do. This friend of mine, a few years ago, had to undergo a name-changing
process, which was very complicated. It was believed that his name was similar to his great
grandfather, therefore his parents decided to ............................... it by leaving out one of his
middle name.
A. imply C. expect
B. lengthen D. shorten
15. Have you ever had troubles with your name?
When I was younger, I didn’t because it’s somewhat hard to pronounce and people always
screwed it up in some way but it doesn’t really bother me anymore. It is a .........................
name to me no matter what. Say if you ask me whether I would like to change my name into
another one, my answer would be a big no.
A. nickname C. open-minded
B. meaningful D. shortened
16. What’s the origin of your name?
My name is named after a famous figure who my parents really admire and they hope that I
can turn out to be exactly like her in the future. So yeah, I guess both of them ...................
about the name.
A. send all the expectation C. leave out
B. come into agreement D. make an adjustment
17. How are babies given their names in Vietnam?
In Vietnam, a newborn baby is a very important event, so naturally names are chosen with
great care and hold much significance. Generally, parents ....................... the responsibility
of choosing a name for their children.
A. imply C. assume
B. mean D. adjust
18. If you could change one thing about your name, what would it be?
I suppose the only adjustment I would make is to shorten my name. It’s not like I hate it, but
it is too ......................................... with two middle names already.
A. lengthy C. graceful
B. open-minded D. decent
19. Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their names?
No, I don’t think so. Giving names to children, to me, is the responsibily between the parents,
so it is kind of wasteful to hold a ceremony for it. As long as friends and relatives are ..........
the name, I don’t see any problems can arise from this.
A. sent all expectation C. informed of
B. came to an agreement D. made an adjustment
20. Why are some names very similar to each other?
It is .......................... known that parents always choose the most significant name for their
children, so the similarity is pretty much unavoidable. A more unique middle name, I suppose,
can make a huge difference.
A. decently C. gracefully
B. open-mindedly D. universally

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. How would you describe your name?
2. Is your name based on anyone else?
3. What does your nickname mean?
4. Do your friends share the same name with you?
5. When you have kids, how will you name them?


Chủ điểm Food & Cooking thường khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc
chủ điểm này thường xoay quanh việc hỏi bạn thích món gì, những món ăn như thế nào, hoặc
hỏi sâu xa hơn về nền ẩm thực của một quốc gia nào đó …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Food &
Cooking và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Have you ever tried foreign food?
As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported beverages are no
exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which are
considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.
2. Do you like to try new food?
I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a number
of foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a type of stinky
and pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food that really puts
me off.
3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?
Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that is
both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a mixture of
brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis, and now I’ve
lost 2kg.
4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?
Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in this
country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou homemade
noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting on these incredible

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

foodie /ˈfuːdi/ người sành ăn

imported beverages /ɪmˈpɔːtɪd ˈbɛv(ə)rɪdʒ/ thức uống nhập khẩu

haunt /hɔːnt/ ám ảnh

put off /ˈpʌt ɒf/ làm (ai đó) phát ớn

scrumptious /ˈskrʌm(p)ʃəs/ ngon miệng

unsweetened /ʌnˈswiːt(ə)nd/ không đường

drool over /druːl ˈəʊvə/ chảy dãi

get the munchies /ɡɛt ðə mʌntʃɪz/ đói bụng

daydream /ˈdeɪdriːm/ mơ màng (giữa ban ngày)

feast on /fiːst ɒn/ ăn thoả thích

5. Do you like to cook?

Not really, to be honest. Most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways, that’s one of the
reasons I love visiting my mum because I can always enjoy lovely home-cooked food.
6. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?
No, I don’t think so. Cooking for other people is a particular pleasure, but for people who have
time only. I guess there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking into
something you’ve cooked yourself.
7. What time do you usually eat dinner?
We have our main meal at around 7.00, which I’m usually starving hungry by then. In fact, I
often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from school.
8. Will you change your diet habit?
Yes, I'd like to make some changes. I actually eat too much junk food, which really makes me
fat and unhealthy. In the future, I think I should learn how to
cook by myself so that I could make healthy and delicious food at home.
9. What do you enjoy the most about a meal?
Well, it is undoubtedly the dessert. I have a sweet tooth, that’s why I always look forward to
a piece of cake or a fruit tart after having my meal. I often spay a big layer of whipping cream
on my dessert, as it makes the dish look way more mouth-watering.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

ready meal /ˈrɛdi miːl/ bữa ăn mua sẵn

take-away /teɪk əˈweɪ/ thức ăn mua mang về

home-cooked food /həʊm kʊkt fuːd/ đồ ăn nấu tại nhà

tuck into /tʌk ɪntʊ/ ăn uống ngon lành

starving hungry /ˈstɑːvɪŋ hʌŋɡri/ rất đói

grab a bite to eat /ɡrab ə bʌɪt tə iːt/ ăn tạm

junk food /dʒʌŋk fuːd/ đồ ăn vặt

dessert /dɪˈzəːt/ món tráng miệng

have a sweet tooth /hav ə swiːt tuːθ/ thích ăn vặt

mouth-watering /maʊθ wɔːtərɪŋ/ (món ăn) làm chảy nước


Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Who does cooking at your home? Why?
My grandma does cooking at my home. I guess I am blessed for having such a talented
grandmother, who happens to be a retired cook. I have always had some sort of a fitness plan,
but my grandma’s ................................... somehow has stood in the way, so I suppose I just
have to live with that.
A. ready meals C. sweet tooth
B. home-cooked meals D. foodie
2. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?
No, actually I didn't learn how to cook when I was a child. I grew up with working parents, and
they were always up to their ears, so cooking, let alone teaching me how to cook, was nealy
impossible for them. When I was small, my meals usually rotated around fast food, frozen
food and ................................. .
A. home-cooked meals C. sweet tooth
B. take-aways D. desserts
3. Do you think Vietnamese people's diet is healthy?
Yes, a lot of Vietnamese people pay attention to the food we eat, and many of us like eating
soup or vegetables. I think that's pretty healthy. But I have to admit that nowadays because
of the fast pace of life, many people have to choose ……………………… for lunch, which is usually
not healthy.
A. home-cooked meals C. sweet tooth
B. a bite D. junk food
4. Do you like tasting new food?
Yes, whenever I travel to a new place, I always try my best to find the famous local food to
have a taste. Most of the dishes are incredible, except for some spicy Thai tomyum I tried
when I was in Bangkok last summer. Let just say that it is the type of food that can ...........
me for life.
A. make my mouth water C. haunt
B. have a sweet tooth D. grab a bite
5. Do you think it is important to cook at home? Why?
Yes, I do. Because of our hectic schedules, family mealtime is probably the only time of the
day when parents and children can gather around to talk and share their feelings. For the
cook, say, mom, it is definitely satisfying for her, watching the entire family .......................
her food.
A. making their mouth water C. daydreaming
B. tucking into D. putting them off
6. What food did you like to eat when you were a child?
Well, I used to be obssessed with KFC Chicken when the fast food chain first entered Vietnam.
The dish that I loved the most was its traditional deep fried chicken, and my parents always
ordered at least 2 pieces for me, plus smashed potato. Just thinking of that already ............
A. puts me off C. makes my mouth water
B. haunts me for life D. feasts on
7. On what occasions do you eat special foods?
I eat special foods on several occasions like birthday parties, weddings, New Year and etc.
Even on small and simple gatherings, my family and I enjoy something new, a chocolatey
.......................... for example.
A. home-cooked meal C. sweet tooth
B. take-away D. dessert
8. Which foods from your country do most foreign people enjoy?
I think foreign people are always eager to try local and exotic foods, especially tourists. But
for those who plan to stay for a long time, expats, for example, I believe they would love to
try other ................................. from Korea or Japan, since it is much cheaper in Vietnam.
A. imported food and beverages C. take-aways
B. home-cooked meals D. junk food
9. What kinds of food do you particularly like?
I’d have to say Asian cuisine is my favorite. I am a huge fan of the bold flavors and spices used
in Korean and Vietnamese dishes. Something I often ………………... about eating is Banh Da Cua,
which is a lip-smacking noodle soup dish served with a crab broth. It’s every bit as delicious
as it sounds.
A. tuck into C. daydream
B. feast on D. put me off
10. Which meal of the day do you think is the most important?
I would definitely say breakfast, since it’s always been called the “most important meal of
the day”. We should eat nutritious, high-calorie foods in the morning to boost our energy and
metabolism for the rest of the day. I do notice I feel better when I have a balanced and
....................... breakfast.
A. dessert B. readily made
C. munchies D. scumptious
11. Is there any special food that you particularly like?
Well, I’m a cheese addict. I just adore the rich, fatness of it. I sometimes make my own cream
cheese to add some flavors to my milk tea, since I have such …………………..
A. a dessert C. the munchies
B. a sweeth tooth D. a daydream
12. What kinds of food do you like to eat?
I mostly like …..home-cooked ............. food. They are hygienic, made from organic sources
and have less chemicals or adhesive. However, my preference in homemade foods does not
discourage me from dining outside. I prefer having dinner in a Chinese or Italian restaurant as
I love their menu. I am also fond of Pizza and Sandwich.
A. imported C. take-aways
B. home-cooked D. junk
13. What was the last meal you cooked?
Well, it must be 3 weeks ago since I last prepared a meal. I was having ............................... ,
so I decided to make a slap-up meal for my family. It included fried rice with eggs, prawn and
vegetables. I also cooked mutton with curry and as a desert, I made an apple pie.
A. a dessert C. the munchies
B. junk food D. a sweet tooth
14. Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? Why?
As I said my preference is home-cooked foods over outside foods. My father does not like the
idea of dining out that often. Apart from that, my mother is an excellent cook and we enjoy
her menu a lot. When I’m starving hungry ................, it is such a joy tucking into her food.
A. starving hungry C. daydreaming
B. grabbing a bite D. putting me off
15. What are some kinds of food you never eat? Why?
Stuffed peppers, pan-fried Scottish scallops served with tomato relish, salmon mollee,
Japanese Sushi, popadums, Sour cream and Chive fries and Shrimp cocktails are some of the
food items I have never eaten. Most of these items are not common in our city and I have
heard about those menus from my friends. Since they are not available in our city and I do
not have an extensive travelling experience, I did not get the chance to take them. Not to
mention, some of these seafood dishes can really .......................... .
A. starving hungry C. daydreaming
B. junky D. put me off
16. Do you watch cookery programmes on TV?
Cooking is not my passion and I rarely try to cook in real-life. However, watching cookery
programmes on TV is very interesting, at least to me. I often watch cookery TV shows like
Baking With Julia, Daisy Cooks!, MasterChef, and World Class Cuisine and like the way they
present new menus and their excellent ways of cooking. Thinking about that already got me
........................................ those delicious dishes.
A. starving hungry C. daydreaming
B. drooling over D. putting me off
17. What are some traditional food in your country?
Obviously, there’s a mixed variety of food in my country. But I guess the most popular one
would probably be Pho, since Vietnam is world-famous for it. It’s tasty, affordable and
available at all hours. In some places, it costs you like 20.000VND for a steaming hot bowl of
Pho. And also, you might find some other things like Bun Cha, Bun Bo Hue, Banh Xeo, etc, they
are all very ............................................ .
A. mouth-watering C. unsweetened
B. haunting D. starving hungry
18. Do you have a healthy diet?
Actually, I don’t. But I try to eat clean and eat green everyday because highly-processed foods
or low-quality foods are linked to obesity and an increased risk of heart disease, and in some
cases, cancer. I would recommend ..................................... milk and cheese as a start for
everybody who wish to have a balanced diet.
A. mouth-watering C. lip-smacking
B. unsweetened D. starving hungry
19. Do you like cooking?
Unfortunately, it’s not my cup of tea, I’m just a food lover. I don’t like the idea of spending so
much time in the messy kitchen – preparing various kinds of ingredients, cutting some veggies
or meat, and right after I have to wash pots or completely tidy up the mess. All I want is to
just ............................ and enjoy myself afterwards.
A. be starving hungry C. daydreaming
B. drool over D. grab a bite to eat
20. Is food important to you?
Sure, I would consider myself as a .............................. My impeccable healthy diet means I
can stay active throughout the whole day, alongside, providing my body with the vital
nutrients. I needs to function at maximum potential.
A. ready meal C. sweet tooth
B. foodie D. take-away

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. What kinds of food do you particularly like?
2. How often do you eat that?
3. When was the last time you ate that?
4. If you had children, what food would you recommend?
5. Do you usually eat the same food every day?


Chủ điểm này thường khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm
này thường xoay quanh việc hỏi người bạn thân của bạn là ai, những điều mà bạn thích ở bạn
hay chị em mình, và một số những câu hỏi khác về mối quan hệ giữa bạn và những người này.
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Family &
Friends và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Do you have a lot of friends?
To be completely honest with you, I have always been an introvert. Therefore, I don't have
so many friends. I would rather have one close friend than many fair-weather friends.
2. How often do you see your friends?
I would say quite often. As we enjoy each other's company very much, it is always a joy to
see my besties.
3. Is there anything special about your best friend?
Of course. To me, she is the most kind-hearted person I have ever met. She is a reliable
shoulder to cry on, who never leaves me when I hit the rockbottom. Sometimes I feel blessed
to have such a friend beside me.
4. How long have you known your best friend?
I met her about 10 years ago when we were in college. At the very beginning, we knew that
we would click. Throughout 10 years together, I cherish all the ups and downs that she has
shared with me.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

introvert /ˈɪntrəvəːt/ người hướng nội

fair-weather /fɛː ˈwɛðə/ hay thay đổi

enjoy each other's company /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ iːtʃ ʌðəz kʌmp(ə)ni/ thích dành thời gian với nhau

shoulder to cry on /ˈʃəʊldə tə krʌɪ ɒn/ bờ vai để dựa vào

hit the rock-bottom /hɪt ðə rɒkˈbɒtəm/ rơi vào khủng hoảng trầm

click /klɪk/ khớp nhau, hợp nhau

ups and downs /ʌps ənd daʊnz/ thăng trầm

5. What do you think is the best trait of a friendship?

In my opinion, the best characteristic of a healthy friendship is its ability to stand the test of
time. A long-term friendship indicates loyalty and appreciation, which are hard to find these
6. Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?
Absolutely, it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love. But I think both
partners should try not to lose touch with their friends, that’s the best way to have a healthy
relationship with your partner.
7. Have you known each other long?
Most of them yes. Although my closest friend Carrie is an exception. We struck up a
relationship at college and got on like a house on fire. But all in all, yes, my other friendships
go back years to when we were at school.
8. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or your friends?
I don't know. Sometimes I want to spend time with my friends because we have a lot of things
in common and it's easy for us to find interesting topics to talk about. But when I'm with my
family, I can feel the love from them, which make
me feel safe and comfortable.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

stand the test of time /stand ðə tɛst ɒv tʌɪm/ dài lâu

drift apart /drɪft əˈpɑːt/ xa nhau dần

lose touch with /luːz tʌtʃ wɪð/ mất liên lạc

strike up a relationship /strʌɪk ʌp ə rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp/ bắt đầu một mối quan hệ

get on like a house on fire /ɡɛt ɒn lʌɪk ə haʊs ɒn fʌɪə/ (tính cách) rất hợp nhau

have a lot of things in /hav ə lɒt ɒv θɪŋz ɪn kɒmən/ có nhiều điểm chung

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Do you have many close friends?
I have only one friend I would confide in. I’m quite picky and more importantly, I have a
somewhat irrational fear that none of my friends really like me and that I’m just a girl they
can barely tolerate and it is hard for me to live in harmony with them. You may say that I’m
an .............................
A. fair-weather friend C. partner
B. introvert D. click
2. What do you and your friends do together?
My closest friends and I have ........................................ , one of which is that we always have
a thirst for clothes shopping, so whenever we have time, we often go shopping together until
we break the bank. Sometimes when we are out of money, just window shopping is aleady
A. a lot of things in common C. clicks
B. struck a good relationship D. got on like a house in fire
3. How do people in your country meet others and make friends?
I don’t think it particularly matters what country you’re from. In every country, you can make
friends just by sitting next to someone a few times during class, then a friendship logically
happens. Otherwise, you can make cyber friends through social networks like Facebook or
Twitter. I believe what matters here is whether the relationship can ....................... .
A. have a lot of things in common C. stand the test of time
B. strike a good relationship D. get on like a house in fire
4. Do adults and children make friends in the same way?
Adults use self-disclosure to develop trust and loyalty among friends. This is quite complicated
in practice while children usually use ………………….. interests and goals as the basis of their
friendships. More importantly, kids have a whale of time with whoever, but adults have to
use their time for work and taking care of their family.
A. fair-weather C. partner
B. introverted D. common
5. In what way is your family important to you?
Well, my family is the centre of my universe. My parents did everything possible to raise me
up and ensure my education and well-being. Their sacrifices and contributions to my life are
unparalleled. My family members know me better than any other person and they will always
be for me no matter what. They are the people who had always been with me through all
........................................ and supported me every way possible.
A. things in common C. the test of time
B. ups and downs D. the rock-bottom
6. Do you get on well with your family? Why?
Yes, I get on very well with my family members. They are supportive, positive, intelligent and
caring. I would not say that we never had any disagreement but that’s usually momentary.
Love is stronger among us and that conquers any misunderstanding that might arrive. In fact,
I am happy to be a part of such a wonderful family. They are truly a reliable .................. .
A. thing in common C. test of time
B. relationship D. shoulder to cry on
7. Who are you close to in your family?
I am close to every single family member in my own way. However, in terms of sharing
personal secrets and spending time, I am more close to my mother than my father. My
younger sister considers me her best friend and thus we always have a lot of things in common
...................................................... .
A. have a lot of things in common C. stand the test of time
B. strike a good relationship D. get on like a house on fire
8. Should we rely heavily on our families or is it better to try to be independent?
I believe that being independent does not contradict our reliance on our family. Every single
person should be economically and personally independent at a certain age and should be
close to his family at the same time. If being independent means living separately and .........
from my family, I do not want such independence and freedom.
A. drifting apart C. having things in common
B. stand the test of time D. hitting the rock-bottom
9. Are people in your country generally close to their families?
Most the people prefer to be with their families and do everything for the members. But
exceptions are everywhere. The people living just opposite of our apartment do not have a
strong ....................... among the family members and always engaged in quarrelling with
each other which is unwanted and indecent.
A. bond C. the test of time
B. ups and downs D. the rockbottom
10. Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?
When I was in my early teens, I preferred many friends but nowadays I only have a few friends
but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close friends than having
too many casual friends. As long as we ................................ , I don’t think I need to make
more friends in my life.
A. have a lot of things in common C. stand the test of time
B. enjoy each other’s company D. get on like a house on fire
11. What do you prefer: going out with your friends or spending your spare time staying at
That depends. Sometimes I prefer being with my friends and sometimes I prefer staying at
home with my family members. I try to maintain a ......................... in terms of spending time
with my friends and with my family. For example, while playing any outdoor sports, I prefer
going out with friends. However, I enjoy watching movies and dining out with my family
A. balance C. introvert
B. company D. relationship
12. Do you think friendships change as we get older? How?
Yes, I believe so. In early ages, we are prone to make many friends and only a few of them
remain for a long time. At this stage in life, the friendship is not that deep except in some
cases. On the contrary, when we get older we prefer to have only a few friends. When we are
young, our expectations from friends are enjoying their companionship and doing all the crazy
things with them. However, as we get older, we may ............................... with them.
A. drift apart C. stand the test of time
B. lose touch D. get on like a house in fire
13. What do you expect from a good friend?
Well, that’s a tough question! Not that I have not thought about it, but I have never drawn a
solid conclusion about it! Umm, my expectation from a good friend is that he would be a good
companion, good listener, who would criticise me whenever needed, would be supportive
and positive, would be a ................................ shoulder to cry on. He must be honest and
would have a sense of humour. Finally, I expect him to be more like a family member than an
A. balanced B. fair-weather
C. reliable D. casual
14. In what ways are your friends important to you?
My friends are very significant to me in many ways. Firstly they share many common interests
that I have and that’s why I enjoy a lot talking to them and spending time with them. I never
feel bored or get out of topics while I am with them and having a conversation or simply
chitchatting. They are indeed very good friends of mine as they have often ..........................
in my crisis time.
A. stood the test of time C. drifted apart
B. lent a helping hand D. lost touch with
15. Do you come from a large family?
My immediate family is not very big. I have a large extended family that includes many uncles,
aunts, and cousins. We are a close-knit family, and we like to D. keep in touch...... with one
another, so birthdays, and other celebrations, are noisy crowded affairs.
A. lose touch C. have our interests clicked
B. strike a relationship D. keep in touch

16. Would you take a friend on a family holiday?

Yes. My family and my best friend ............................... , as she visited me quite frequently at
my home. My family believes that we should nurture our friendships, so they encouraged me
to bring my friend along when we took a seaside holiday last year.
A. get on well with other C. stand the test of time
B. lose touch D. drift apart
17. Do you think friends are important in your life?
Sure, they play an important role in my life. I agree that friends are your relatives chosen by
yourself. My friends accompany me when I am going through ups and downs
……………………………. I think your happiness will be doubled and sadness will be halved if they
are shared by your friends. In addition to that, good friends offer me valuable suggestions
when I feel lost.
A. bond C. the test of time
B. ups and downs D. the rock-bottom
18. What does friendship mean to you?
I think friendship is a necessary part of life. Friendship, in my opinion, means you have
somebody who can share your sadness and pain when you ……………………………. . Friends are
those whom you feel easy with. They are always your good listeners. And they are the people
you can discuss the interesting issues with.
A. drift apart C. hit the rock-bottom
B. lose touch with other D. lend a helping hand
19. What qualities do you value in your best friend?
Honesty and faith, l think, are the most important. We needn’t agree on everything , but we
can trust each other totally. I don’t like being with a person who always tells lies. If I go astray
he will point it to me frankly without hesitation. I don’t like the friends who often flatter me.
In fact they are just ………………………… friends.
A. fair-weather C. partner
B. introverted D. common
20. How do people make friends with others?
Besides being classmates and colleagues, I think the most common way to make friends is
through other friends. It is especially true for people like me, because I am .........................
and not used to introducing myself to strangers. In addition, with the development of the
Internet more and more young people enjoy making friends online.
A. fair-weather C. introverted
B. dull D. common
Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. How often do you go out with your friends?
2. What are the differences between adults and children in making friends?
3. Have you made any friends on the Internet?
4. Do you like meeting new people?
5. Who do you choose, family or friends?

Chủ điểm này thường khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm
này thường xoay quanh việc hỏi bộ phim/bài hát/người nổi tiếng yêu thích của bạn là gì hoặc
là ai, tại sao bạn thích hay ngưỡng mộ họ và hỏi sâu hơn về những đối tượng này.
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm
Entertainment và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
Honestly, I have actually never cared about the Vietnam's showbiz. But there is one particular
guy that I'm quite fond of, who is JVevermind, a very well-known vlogger in my country. His
videos are extremely funny and inspiring, and last year he made it to the top 30 of Young
Asian Entrepreneurs by Forbes.
2. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
Of course. I would say most of my idols are from other countries, as I have no interest in
Vietnam's showbiz. My favorite foreign celebrity is Taylor Swift, a global superstar, who is
often known as "The Princess of country music".
3. Would you like to be celebrity? Why?
Probably no. Despite the fact that I can make a fortune, life of a public figure has never been
easy. In fact, there have been a lot of famous people involved in drug abuse or even suicide
because of the extremely stressful life.
4. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
I only agree with this to an extent. Of course the private life of celebrities should be protected
because it is a human right. On the other hand, some misbehaviors or even crimes committed
by celebrated individuals should be brought into light. For example, the case of a Hollywood
director sexually abused his female co-workers, must be exposed.
5. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?
I'm not quite sure about this. I suppose they can influence their fans through social media. By
uploading personal photos and videos online, celebrities can attract millions of followers.
Good deeds such as charity work can spread a positive message to our community.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

showbiz /ˈʃəʊbɪz/ giới giải trí

fond of /fɒnd ɒv/ thích cái gì

global superstar /ˈɡləʊb(ə)l suːpəstɑː/ siêu sao toàn cầu

make a fortune /meɪk ə ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ kiếm nhiều tiền

public figure /ˈpʌblɪk fɪɡə/ người của công chúng

bring into light /brɪŋ ɪntʊ lʌɪt/ đưa ra ánh sáng

spread a positive message /sprɛd ə pɒzɪtɪv truyền bá thông điệp tích cực

6. Do you like music?

I can't think of any reason for not loving music, actually. Music is the only thing can pump me
up whenever I feel down the dumps. It is also a vehicle for expressing personal emotions to
7. What’s your favorite type of music?
I have a soft spot for country music, you know. I enjoy the soothing tunes and the romantic
lyrics of this genres. I'm also keen on EDM, which stands for Electronic Dance Music.
8. Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?
In my view, knowing how to master a musical instrument is a good way for a child to develop
comprehensively his or her intellectual ability. However, they should only be encouraged,
rather than forced to learn this.
9. What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?
I would say the singing and dancing contests always attract my attention. I mean, the
contestants are incredibly talented and the crowds are amazing. For example, Dancing With
The Stars is all the rage in Vietnam at the moment.
10. What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
I don't really know. I guess dramas and reality shows are dominating the screen. Korean
dramas have always been popular to young girls, and reality shows such as Vietnam's Next
Top Model have very high viewership.
11. Has the internet affected your viewing habits?
Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normal TV. There are
so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV. I also like to binge watch a
series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two rather than waiting for the next

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

pump up /pʌmp ʌp/ làm (ai đó) vui lên

down the dumps /daʊn ðə dʌm(p)s/ buồn chán

vehicle /ˈviːɪk(ə)l/ phương tiện

have a soft spot for /hav ə sɒft spɒt fɔː/ thích cái gì

soothing tune /ˈsuːðɪŋ tjuːn/ giai điệu nhẹ nhàng

lyrics /ˈlɪrɪk/ lời bài hát

master /ˈmɑːstə/ thành thạo

all the rage /ɔːl ðə reɪdʒ rất nổi

dominate the screen /ˈdɒmɪneɪt ðə skriːn/ thống trị màn ảnh

viewership /ˈvjuːəʃɪp/ lượng khán giả

streaming service /ˈstriːmɪŋ ˈsəːvɪs/ dịch vụ xem phim trực tuyến

binge watch /bɪn(d)ʒ wɒtʃ/ cày phim

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Do you prefer foreign films or Vietnamese films?
I enjoy both of them as long as they ................................... meaningful messages to the
viewers. But if I have to choose between those two, I will probably go with foreign films,
especially Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted, with lots of celebrities and
good visual effects.
A. dominate C. soothe
B. spread D. binge watch
2. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?
Not very often actually. I used to go there at least once a month but now I have lots of things
to worry about so I rather focus on my work and just choose a movie to watch at home. It is
still a satisfying experience, thanks to the emergence of many …streaming services…
like Netflix.
A. musical instruments C. streaming services
B. soothing tunes D. viewership
3. What kinds of movies do you like best?
As for me, I like sci-fi movies the best because they usually have fascinating story lines and a
lot of thrilling action scenes. In fact, superheroes movies like Avengers Endgame are
................................... right now.
A. soothing C. pumping
B. down the dumps D. all the rage
4. Do you like watch films?
Absolutely! They are an excellent way to unwind when I’m .................................... .
Moreover, my friends are really into films, so it’s a fun, relaxing way to spend time together.
Afterwards, we discuss and debate the film that we have just watched. Apart from just
relaxing and enjoying the film, I like to delve deeper to discover the subliminal messages.
A. all the rage C. down the dumps
B. speading the message D. pumped up
5. What kinds of movies do you like best?
Well, I would say I’m still a kid at heart, so I really enjoy watching kids’ movies. Although they
seem simple and innocent, there are often many life lessons packed into these films.
Moreover, I’m really into drama and historical movies. When I watch these, I feel that I can
deeply understand human emotions and re-live historical moments, like the Vietnam-America
War or World War II. Meaningful movies like these are truly the ...................... for gaining
more valuable knowledge.
A. viewership C. screen domination
B. vehicle D. speading
6. How often do you watch films?
Well, I am quite a busy bee, but I manage to see about one or two films a week at home. After
a long day of studying, I love snuggling up on the sofa and watching a film to ..................... I
tend to do this on Friday and Sunday evenings with my friends.
A. spread C. soothe
B. unwind D. pump up
7. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
As I’ve mentioned I prefer working in silence. To put it simply, no music is allowed during my
working hours. After a long day at school, I probably want to .................. for like half an hour
with music to help me stay energetic so I can get back to work later.
A. pump myself up B. soothe
C. all the rage D. spread a message
8. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?
My music taste varies widely from West to East and from the 90s to modern EDM. But if
Korean pop is considered as a kind of music, then yeah, that’s my favorite of all time. More
than half of my playlists are Korean songs and I always keep myself updated with the news
related to Korean ..................................... .
A. message C. lyrics
B. vehicle D. showbiz
9. Do you like to listen to live music?
Unless it’s live at a coffee shop, where literally there are only you and music, then yeah I
would love to. It would then be a .................................. night out for me. But I would change
my mind if it’s a concert. The crowd is too crazy. It’s completely a mess that most of the time
I end up having serious dizzy and headaches.
A. pumping C. dominating
B. lyrical D. down the dumps
10. When did you start listening to this type of music?
Since the day a friend of mine introduced her favorite group to me. She couldn’t help herself
talking on and on about them that I thought I somehow needed to catch up with her. And the
more I know about Korean pop, the more ......................... about it I’ve become.
A. dominating C. dull
B. passionate D. introverted
11. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
I learned to play the organ when I was in kindergarten. It was quite funny because I started
out as one of the performers, then my teacher told my mom that I had better play the organ
instead of performing, so I became her trainee and it continued for around 4 to 5 years until
I was 10. I was close to ....................... the instrument, but I decided to set music aside to
focus on my study.
A. enhance C. master
B. develop a passion for D. binge watch
12. C
13. B
14. B
12. Did you watch a lot of TV as a child?
Yes, for sure. You could not imagine how many hours my eyes glued to the TV screen back
then. As an animal lover, I spent countless hours watching the Discovery channel. The Disney
channel with shows such as The Suite life of Jack and Cody or Hannah Montana were also
fundamental in the beginning of my journey to begin learning English. Others such as several
…screen-dominating . reality shows were also on the top of my list.
A. passionate C. screen-dominating
B. binge watching D. lyrical
13. What is your favourite TV programmes?
Well, I have a particular liking for reality shows, especially MasterChef, which has extremely
high .........................viewership. I think what makes them special is that they are highly
entertaining and full of unpredictable features. Also, I’m an avid watcher of Netflix through
which I can enjoy all latest box office films.
A. domination C. tunes
B. viewership D. fortune
14. Are there any programmes you do not like to watch?
Actually, there’s a bunch of TV programmes I don’t enjoy. I think the majority of shows are
mediocre and a waste of time. Some historical documentaries and game shows such as Wheel
of fortune or Vietnam war documentaries sound . monotonous ..... and tiresome to me so
they never spark my interest.
A. soothing C. pumped up
B. monotonous D. lyrical
15. Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
I guess not only me, a number of young people have been highly impressed by her - Deshauna
Barber. She is Miss USA 2016 and the representative of the USA in Miss Universe taking place
in Las Vegas in the same year. After the beauty contests, she became famous for her
outstanding beauty, her amazing characteristics and also her professionalism. That image of
hers definitely …………………….. to young people.
A. lends a helping hand C. spreads a positive message
B. soothes D. is a vehicle
16. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
Absolutely. The person that I have ..................................... is Miley Cyrus. I guess most
people at the same age as me grew up with Disney Channel and among its successful series,
Hannah Montanah starring Miley Cyrus would always be on top of my list. Although now she’s
grown up, I’m still a big fan of her amazing voice and highly inspiring songs.
A. had a soft spot for C. drifted apart
B. kept in touch D. brought into light
17. Would you like to become a widely-known celebrity? Why?
Well though I’ve never thought about it, I’m pretty sure that rising to stardom would never
be one of my life goals. I appreciate all the efforts that celebrities, no matter which field
they’re working on, are making every single day. However, I find myself not belong to that
world, I mean, you never know what’s going on when the curtains close, right? So yeah, I don’t
think I want to become a ............................... , to be honest.
A. fortune C. global superstar
B. domination D. positive message
18. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
Indeed. As you probably can tell, these days fans, anti-fans and even non-fans are so curious
about what ........................... are doing. Some are so aggressive that they often leave hate
comments online. Some even approach them in person on the street, especially the so-called
paparazzis. Thus I strongly agree that there should be some regulations to protect the
celebrities’ privacy.
A. positive messages C. domination
B. public figures D. viewers
19. What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio?
I have to level with you, neither. I mean, I’m always up to my ears at work, and I just get
exhausted by the time I get home. I can’t really have time to chill out in front of a TV or
listening to radio, so my best choice is always the famous ……………………. – Netflix, which
allows me to watch films whenever I please.
A. screen domination C. streaming service
B. lyrics D. cable TV
20. What programs do you like to watch or listen to?
There is one particular series that I’m fond of, which is the famous Vietnamese “Ve Nha Di
Con” on VTV3. It airs every night since September and has gain enormous viewership. Because
of its meaningful and emotional lessons about family relationships, it does not come to my
surprise that the show is ............................. .
A. service streaming C. soothing
B. developing a passion D. dominating the screen

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. How are radio programs and television programs different?
2. Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
3. Do you like listening to the music on a regular basis?
4. Have you ever been interested in singing?
5. Do you think music has an effect on people’s lives?


Chủ điểm này khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này
thường xoay quanh việc món đồ (quần áo, mũ, giầy dép) bạn thích là gì, bạn nên mặc như thế
nào hay sự thay đổi về mốt thời trang đã thay đổi như thế nào, ...


Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Fashion và
rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Do you like shopping for shoes?
Of course. Shopping for clothes and accessories is obviously every girl's favorite activity
whenever we have free time and shoes are no exception. I often buy shoes when they are on
sale to save my money.
2. How often do you buy shoes?
I'm not quite sure about this. I suppose I just purchase a pair of shoes when my old ones have
worn out. Or like I mentioned earlier, whenever shoes are on discount.
3. What kinds of shoes do you usually buy?
I have a soft spot for ankle boots and sneakers. Ankle boots are stylish and sneakers are very
sporty, which match my outfits very much.
4. What kinds of shoes do you usually wear?
As I go to school everyday, I don't think boots would be comfortable for me. So sneakers and
flat shoes are my top choices. Other than that, I only wear boots or high heels when attending
some fancy events.
5. Do you think the type of shoes someone wears reflects their character?
I agree with this to some extent. For example if a woman usually wears high heels, it indicates
that she is girly and modern. For some people like me, we just choose whatever that suits our
purposes. So I think it really depends.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

accessory /əkˈsɛs(ə)ri/ món phụ kiện

on sale /ɒn seɪl/ đang giảm giá

worn out /wɔːn aʊt/ bị sờn, mòn

on discount /ɒn dɪskaʊnt/ đang giảm giá

stylish /ˈstʌɪlɪʃ/ sành điệu

sporty /ˈspɔːti/ mang dáng thể thao, ưa thích

thể thao

match an outfit /matʃ an aʊtfɪt/ phù hợp với một bộ quần áo

nào đó

comfortable /ˈkʌmf(ə)təb(ə)l/ thoải mái

indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ chỉ ra

6. What type of clothes do you like to wear?
Well, I prefer casual clothes – simple and comfortable. A pair of jeans and a shirt would be
perfect. I am not really the fashionable type. But of course, I also dress up for special
7. What kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear?
Climate affects people’s clothing. I live in the tropics, so people in my country usually wear
clothes with light fabrics. We also wear light-colored clothes. For casual attire, a pair of jeans
or short pants and a shirt for men or blouse for women are common.
8. How important is fashion to you?
I am not much worried about it actually. I prefer wearing simple yet presentable clothes.
9. What kind of clothes do you dislike?
Well, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes. Example would be tearing or ripped
jeans. I also avoid clothes with flashy colors or those that are too stunning.
10. Do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes?
Yes, I think people behave differently when they wear different clothes. For example, one
who wears formal clothes may portray an image of being professional and confident. Wearing
casual clothes, on the other hand, makes us look comfortable and relaxed.
11. What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country?
Those who work in the corporate wear either smart casual or business/formal attire on a
regular work day. Some employees such as teachers have uniforms. Other workers are
allowed to wear casual clothes to works.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

casual clothes /ˈkaʒjʊəl kləʊ(ð)z/ quần áo thường ngày

fashionable /ˈfaʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/ hợp thời trang, sành điệu

dress up /drɛs ʌp/ mặc quần áo

light-colored /lʌɪt kələrd/ màu sáng

attire /əˈtʌɪə/ bộ trang phục

presentable /prɪˈzɛntəb(ə)l/ chỉnh tề

untidy /ʌnˈtʌɪdi/ lôi thôi

eccentric /ɛkˈsɛntrɪk/ lạ thường, lập dị

flashy /ˈflaʃi/ bóng bẩy

portray an image /pɔːˈtreɪ ɒn ɪmɪdʒ/ thể hiện một hình ảnh

uniform /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ bộ đồng phục

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. What did you wear to school when you were younger?
Well, wearing .............................. is kind of the norm in my country. Students are often
dressed in a plain white button-up shirt and a pair of navy slacks, and the shirt has to be
tucked in. The look is quite sedate, and I gotta say I liked it, because I didn’t have to stand in
front of the mirror fussing over what to wear to school.
A. casual clothes C. light-colored clothes
B. uniform D. flashy clothes
2. Do you like shoes?
Yes of course! I love shoes, from ............................ trainers, winter boots and pretty summer
A. comfortable C. light-colored
B. casual D. presentable
3. Do you prefer comfortable or good-looking shoes?
That depends on the occasion! For everyday activities, like walking the dog, I would choose
comfortable shoes, like trainers or sandals. But for an event or a special outing, I would wear
something a bit more fancy, like heels or high wedges. They have to ............................ match
my outfit…, of course.
A. presentable C. portray an image
B. match my outfit D. dress up
4. What types of bags do you like?
At the moment I really love bags from the brand Coccinelle, they are so ………………., with small
leather bags in a range of neutrals and pastel colours. I recently bought a tan leather small
handbag which is great for travelling light.
A. untidy C. fashionable
B. eccentric D. dressed up
5. Do you have different bags for different occasions?
Yes, I have large tote bags for work, a large beach bag, a tan leather backpack for shopping
and errands, a laptop bag and small leather bags for various occasions. I also have a collection
of beaded clutch bags, which add a touch of sparkle to my perfect evening .........................
A. attire C. dressing up
B. present D. uniform
6. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
I think that women buy practical bags for going to work or going to the gym, but they tend to
become more creative when choosing bags for different occasions. Leather over the shoulder
bags in neutral colours like black or tan are timeless and will never go out of fashion. I also
think that if they can afford it, women like to treat themselves to some ............ designer
bags, for quality and of course, luxury.
A. eccentric C. dressing up
B. light-colored D. stylish
7. What types of clothes do you wear?
Well, I have a particular liking for smart ...................................... , especially white shirts and
black skirts. It’s a perfect combination because it allows me to feel comfortable, classy and
professional at the same time.
A. presentable clothes C. casual attire
B. casual clothes D. light-colored clothes
8. Are there many clothing shops in your area?
Yes, I live in a commercial district area so there are a whole range of boutique clothing stores
for girls and men’s wear sports shops. Litterally everything is available, from fashionable
clothes, designer clothes or even ………………. clothes. Therefore, I always get a kick out of
searching for bargains in my area.
A. presentable C. untidy
B. casual D. eccentric
9. What clothes do you wear for different situations?
As I briefly mentioned before, my all-time favourite outfits are smart casual clothes. Having
said that, when I hit the bar, go to the gym or attend a wedding ceremony, I would definitely
choose a ............................ outfit for each occasion.
A. presentable C. untidy
B. casual D. eccentric
10. Is there any particular colour you prefer most in clothes?
Well, ................................ always tickle my fancy, especially baby blue and bright pink. To be
honest with you, my wardrobe is full of yellow, blue and light pink. Those colours always give
me a boost of energy and brighten my days.
A. eccentric clothes C. light-colored clothes
B. fancy clothes D. untidy clothes
11. Do you think there’s a difference between” fashion ” and “style” ?
I believe fashion is what is outside, so we have got fashion trends, things that most of the
people at a particular time do. Like, wearing scarfs or certain kinds of pins. But, style is what
comes from within. So, no matter you are following the fashion trend or not, if you are stylish,
you can go a long way. Because, what you wear can very well ...........................................
and this comes in everything that you do.
A. go out of style C. portray your own image
B. dress up D. wear out
12. Did your parents ever make you wear something you didn’t like?
Most of the times. I remember as a child I had to wear what they told me to. There was this
top that I really did not liked, because it itched a lot. Not to mention, the hat was in a very
weird .................................... color. However, I think at that time it did not even bothered
me as to what I was wearing on my head.
A. stylish C. splashy
B. dress up D. worn out
13. Do you like shopping for shoes?
Yes, I love to do so. I can go on a hunt for a pair of the latest Nike or Adidas sneakers whenever
they are ............................. , just to make an addition to my shoe collection and not to be old-
A. gone out of fashion C. sporty
B. worn out D. on discount
14. Do you prefer comfortable shoes, or good-looking shoes?
I think I do like comfy shoes better than good-looking ones. I’m a pretty ...............................
person and I’m always up for adventures so I move and run a lot the whole day. Because of
that, I would love to have comfortable running shoes as my companion.
A. fashionable C. sporty
B. worn out D. eccentric
15. Have you ever bought shoes online?
Yes, I’ve tried that once before and it was a huge disappointment. I didn’t have to wait for so
long to receive the package. But when I opened the box, I was immediately let down by the
color because it seemed to be brighter than the crimson red color that I selected.
Furthermore, they were easily ………………….. only after one month I bought them.
A. gone out of fashion B. worn out
C. sporty D. on discount
16. Do you like to wear hats?
Although hats help shield your hair and face from direct sunlight, to be honest I don’t really
like wearing hats daily. My hair is always a mess after I take them out. Instead of wearing hats,
I think I prefer buying more hair .................................. , such as turbans, to wear on my head.
A. fashion C. attire
B. accessories D. uniform
17. Is wearing hats popular in your country?
It’s not much sought after in my country where motorbike is the most common means of
transportation, and it is a must to wear a helmet whenever you ride a motorbike for safety. I
think you can imagine how much .................................. it is to wear a hat under the helmet.
Thus in most of the case, hats are for pedestrians and fashionista.
A. fashionable C. uncomfortable
B. worn out D. untidy
18. Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?
As aforementioned I carry my backpack all the time, when I go to school or hang out with
friends. Although it may not give me a .......................... look, I think comfort and
convenience is the top priority to me.
A. fashionable C. uncomfortable
B. worn out D. untidy
19. What types of shoes are your favorite?
As I’m a ....................... person, I love trainers! They are comfortable to wear and I can use
them all-year round. Also they can never be out of fashion since they are always suitable to
wear in almost all kinds of occasions.
A. sporty C. uncomfortable
B. presentable D. untidy
20. Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?
Considering my circles of friends or my family, I know no one. I guess they’re not really into
............................ shoes or they’re just satisfied having a pair or two. If I know someone who
has that kind of habit, I can assume that he must have very deep pockets.
A. ripped C. fashionable
B. presentable D. untidy

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. Do you care about fashion?
2. What kind of things do you normally wear?
3. Are there any traditional clothes in your country?
4. Where do you usually purchase your clothes?
5. Have you ever bought clothes online?


Chủ điểm này khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này
thường xoay quanh việc hỏi bạn thích đọc báo hay tạp chí, sự khác biệt giữa đọc báo và đọc
tạp chí như thế nào, …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Newspapers
and Magazines và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. Do you often read newspapers?
Yes, I read e-news on a daily basis to stay on top of the news. I want to keep myself updated
to the latest affairs taking place worldwide.
2. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
I actually don't have any preference toward these. Domestic news is obviously important
because those affairs have a direct impact on our life. On the other hand, foreign news is very
interesting, they can help me broaden my horizon, therefore I don't want to lose track of
either of them.
3. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
I think that people read newspapers more often than magazines, normally because
newspapers are more popular compared to magazines. They are much cheaper and easier to
understand. In contrast, magazines require monthly subscription, which readers are
unfamiliar with.
4. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?
I have been in the habit of reading, so newspapers will always be a part of my life. I think it's
sort of a healthy lifestyle, as nowadays youngsters are becoming more reliant on
smartphones and all types of social media.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

on a daily basis /ɒn ə deɪli beɪsɪs/ hàng ngày

stay on top of the news /steɪ ɒn tɒp ɒv ðə njuːz/ luôn nắm rõ tin tức mới nhất

/kiːp wʌnˈsɛlf ʌpˈdeɪtɪd/ luôn để bản thân cập nhật tin

keep oneself updated
tức mới nhất

affair /əˈfɛː/ câu chuyện tin tức

broaden horizons /ˈbrɔːd(ə)n həˈrʌɪz(ə)nz/ mở rộng tầm hiểu biết

lose track of /luːz trak ɒv/ mất theo dõi cái gì

subscription /səbˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/ việc đăng ký

in the habit of /ɪn ðə ˈhabɪt ɒv có thói quen làm gì

reliant on /rɪˈlʌɪənt ɒn/ phụ thuộc vào cái gì

5. Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?

I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers, in just ten or eight pages give you a glimpse
of the entire world’s affairs, including all the sections. From fashion to the general news to
comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have access to the entire
6. What type of stories do you like to read about?
I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. I like autobiographies because they give a
glimpse of lifestyle of successful people. You get to know them when they were the mango
people and what they did to become what they became. Their struggles, the inner stories,
their points of view and for some reasons I find these quite exciting. Other than this, I like
reading non-fiction.
7. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
I think local news is more preferable for me. I’m the type of person who cannot digest too
much information that is brought about by international news. And the topics are often far
from my concern. So I guess I like to narrow my area of concern down to something local.
8. Do many people today read newspapers?
As I’ve mentioned before, newspaper is more approachable in terms of content and more
affordable regarding price. Hence, nowadays, people of all ages, genders or occupations love
reading newspaper.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

give a glimpse of /ɡɪv ə ɡlɪm(p)s ɒv/ được nhìn, đọc qua cái gì

digest /dɪˈdʒɛst/ nghiền ngẫm

narrow down /ˈnarəʊ daʊn/ thu hẹp lại

approachable /əˈprəʊtʃəb(ə)l/ dễ hiểu, dễ đọc

affordable /əˈfɔːdəbəl/ rẻ, có khả năng chi trả được

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?
Although it’s not my taste, I must say that newspaper is now important to me. The
information is highly official and reliable at a reasonable price. I think I should spend more
time on reading newspaper ............................. from now on.
A. to get a glimpse C. approachable
B. on a daily basis D. keep myself updated
2. In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people?
Personally I think fewer people will read magazines, as the material and printing are becoming
more and more expensive. In addition, because the content is becoming highly specific for
only a small group of the community, meaning that the information provided is not widely
useful, thus I think people will continue reading newspapers due to its ...............................
down the road.
A. approach C. affordability
B. digestion D. affairs
3. Do you often read newspaper?
I rarely read newspapers. I prefer ................................ with news via internet which are more
accessible and easier nowadays with the popularity of the new technology.
A. getting a glimpse C. losing track of
B. staying narrowed down D. keeping myself updated
4. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
Well, I suppose that I have an inclination towards local news. I don’t want to ……………………
what’s happening inside my country.
A. get a glimpse of C. lose track of
B. stay narrowed down D. keep myself updated
5. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
Well, I think that people read newspapers more often than magazines, normally because
newspapers provide information that is relatively easy to understand for almost everyone.
On the other hand, magazines contain longer articles and specifically focus on a particular
topic which may be quite difficult or not ………………… to some readers.
A. approachable B. narrowed down
C. kept updated D. affordable
6. Do many people today read newspapers?
I guess yes, maybe. Because every morning when I go to work, I can see many people reading
the daily newspapers at pavement cafés. However, I think nowadays people are tending to
gradually change their ................................ and accessing the latest news online.
A. affordability C. habits
B. update D. affairs
7. In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people?
I’m not really sure about this, but I suppose that there will be fewer people reading magazines
in the future. It’s probably because nowadays there are various sources of information, so
people can search if they want to find knowledge of any field, especially on the Internet. It’s
easier and more ………………………. . Maybe in the future perhaps specialists will be the only
ones who read the magazines which relate to their own particular fields.
A. habitual C. affordable
B. narrowed down D. concerned
8. Do you prefer to read local news or International news?
I would definitely prefer to read the international news. It suits my purpose of strengthening
my vocabulary for studying IELTS, as well as keeping myself up-to-date with international
..................................... .
A. habits C. daily basis
B. affairs D. glimpse
9. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?
As I briefly mentioned before, I ..................................... the news using related apps on my
phone. So, for me, buying a newspaper is very inconvenient.
A. am in the habit of C. narrow down
B. update D. stay on top of
10. Do you often read newspapers?
Not very often. To me, printed newspapers are slightly ......................... . With the innovative
technology in this day and age, it is easy to filter the news to directly suit you using an app on
your phone or tablet. I tend to read the Daily mail or the Guardian only whilst on the move.
A. up-to-date C. outdated
B. updated D. kept updated

Hãy dùng những từ vựng liên quan đến ngành báo chí cho sẵn trong bảng và điền vào chỗ
Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt
obituaries bản cáo phó
headlines tiêu đề chính
tabloids báo lá cải
layout bố cục trình bày
local địa phương
the gutter press giới báo chí tệ hại
editorials bài báo
fact checker người kiểm duyệt

11. I can’t understand why people buy ……………….. because they don’t contain real news, just
12. Famous people deserve the right to privacy and the government should do more to
control and limit ……………
13. There are so many mistakes in that article with information that they’ve got wrong. They
really should employ a …………….
14. I’m not keen on the …………… of some newspapers. It seems to me as though they are
trying to fill the pages with pictures and big words to get people’s attention but I just think
it’s messy.
15. Did you read about that amazing hero in WWII that recently died? There was a wonderful
article about her life in the …………….. today.
16. The reason that many people only glance through the papers to read the ……………….. is
that they are so busy and don’t have time to read the details in the articles themselves.
17. Although we live in a global world, where international news is important to follow, it is
still vital that people read their ……………… newspapers in order to learn about the community
in which they live.
18. I quite like reading …………… because it’s interesting to read the views of the editor on
particular issues.

Mỗi câu dưới đây chứa một lỗi sai. Hãy tìm và sửa chúng.
19. The paparazzi, who work freelance, are notorious for hound celebrities.
20. Gutter press focuses on mainly sensational news.
21. Tabloid are not popular newspapers among the educated people in my country.
22. Fact checkers do important work and are responsible to make sure that people are quote
correctly in articles.
23. The recent article about marine environmental problems is hot of the press.
24. For my research, I had to go through a lot of back issues of various newspapers to find the
articles relate to my degree thesis.
25. I’m pleased that newspapers are starting to include some colour photographs and pictures
because it makes the articles more interesting and eye-catch.

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. Where do you usually get the news from?
2. Do you read magazines? Which ones?
3. How important is it to you to get the news every day?
4. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?
5. Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news?


Chủ điểm này khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm này
thường xoay quanh việc hỏi bạn thích đi du lịch ở đâu, các hoạt động bạn tham gia khi đi nghỉ
mát là gì, bạn thích đi du lịch với ai, …
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Holiday &
Travel và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. What kind of holiday do you like?
I'm not really a traveller, to be honest. I actually try my best to avoid the tourist traps during
holidays. Too many people in one place makes me feel so suffocating, you know.
2. What do you like to do when you are on holiday?
Like I've just said to you, I prefer being indoors, so when on vacation, the first thing I would
do is to enjoy the view from my hotel room. I'm also a foodie, so I would probably go out and
have a taste of local street food.
3. Does your country have many tourists?
Yes. We have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular to tourists. Most people
come on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self- catering apartments.
4. Do you like holidays? Why/ Why not?
I can't think of a reason not to like holidays. Because I get the chance to take a break from
work, to relax and unwind, and to spend time with my family and friends.
5. When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?
In the summer, I suppose. I mean, as much as I love my cozy home, I find the weather in Hanoi
so intolerant. The extreme heat in midsummers often annoys everybody. Seems like
everyone always gets grumpier because of this.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

traveller /ˈtrav(ə)lə/ người thích đi du lịch

tourist trap /ˈtʊərɪst trap/ tụ điểm du khách

on vacation /ɒn veɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ đi nghỉ mát

have a taste of local street /hav ə teɪst ɒv əʊk(ə)l được trải nghiệm đồ ăn
food striːt fuːd/ đường phố địa phương

holiday resort /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ rɪˈzɔːt/ khu nghỉ dưỡng

self- catering /sɛlf keɪtərɪŋ/ tự phục vụ

take a break from work /teɪk ə breɪk frɒm wəːk/ được nghỉ ngơi khỏi công việc

midsummer /mɪdˈsʌmə/ giữa hè

6. What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?

I enjoy visiting the local places of interest. I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for
guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photographs, which is one of my
7. Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holiday periods? Why?
If I can I prefer to travel. It's nice to get away from everything and to have a change of scenery.
Also, I like visiting new places and doing some sightseeing.
8. Do you like to travel in holidays?
Well, I love travelling not only because everyone else does but because for me travelling
teaches so much more to me than anything else can ever do. Also, travelling allows me to
explore myself and the world in ways that opens up my horizons, giving me a broader
perspective on life.

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

place of interest /pleɪs ɒv ɪnt(ə)rɪst/ địa điểm tham quan

go sightseeing /ɡəʊ sʌɪtsiːɪŋ/ đi ngắm cảnh

guided tour /ˈɡʌɪdɪd tʊə/ tour có người hướng dẫn

a change of scenery /ə tʃeɪn(d)ʒ ɒv siːn(ə)ri/ thay đổi không khí

explore /ɛkˈsplɔː/ khám phá

open up horizons /ˈəʊp(ə)n ʌp həˈrʌɪz(ə)nz/ mở rộng tầm hiểu biết

a broad perspective ə brɔːd pəˈspɛktɪv ɒn lʌɪf/ một cái nhìn rộng hơn về
on life cuộc sống

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. Do you like traveling?
Not really actually! I’m more of a creature of habit, so I’m usually not keen to change my daily
routine. When I change it up, I often feel anxious and disoriented. Furthermore, I have a fear
or airplanes and get carsick, so traveling just isn’t for me. During holidays, I often try my best
to stay away from the …………………..
A. break from work C. tourist traps
B. holiday resorts D. local street food
2. What is your favorite festival?
Hmm, that’s a tough question because I’m definitely a ............................... , but I would have
to say New Years Eve. I’m always keen on new beginnings, so I love setting new goals at the
start of each new year, not to mention I really enjoy the parties. Second to this would be
Valentine’s Day, since I’m a hopeless romantic.
A. traveller C. explorer
B. holiday person D. foodie
3. What do you do on your vacation?
Depending on the location when I go to on holiday, I like to relax, go ……………………. and take
photographs. I also like to go shopping, visit museums and galleries. I am very interested in
art and architecture, so love to see as much as I can when I go on holiday.
A. places of interest C. change of scenery
B. sightseeing D. taste local street food
4. Do you think vacations are becoming more and more important?
Yes, I think that many people are working longer hours and have more stress than ever placed
upon them. ....................................... is necessary to unwind and recharge so that they can let
go of the stress and focus on their own well-being.
A. Opening up my horizons C. Going sightseeing
B. Changing my scenery D. Taking a break from work
5. What kind of places do you want to travel to?
I really want to visit the USA more and ..................................... cities like New York, Chicago
and Boston. I would also like to visit Canada to go skiing and perhaps in the spring to visit Italy,
to see some galleries.
A. taste C. go sightseeing
B. change my scenery D. explore
6. Who do you usually spend your vacation with?
I always go ..................................... with my husband, we travel a lot mainly around Greece
either to the mainland or to other islands. We also like to visit cities like London, Barcelona,
Rome and New York to experience various cultures.
A. to have a taste of local street food C. self-catering
B. change my scenery D. on vacation
7. Why are vacations important to you?
They are much needed during certain times of the year, for example when the weather
becomes too hot to bear or I feel as though I need a ....................................... . They help me
to relax and de-stress from everything.
A. break from work C. exploration
B. self-catering apartment D. tourist trap
8. If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
I would like to visit a pretty place with snow, lots and lots of snow, somewhere like Canada or
maybe even in the mountains in Greece during the winter months. I would like to go skiing,
try snowboarding and stay in a ………………………. cabin, with a large real fireplace.
A. holiday C. guided
B. self-catering D. package
9. What kinds of places do you like to visit on a holiday?
Well, as I’m a nature lover, I enjoy visiting mountains and do hiking with my friends. Also, I
often go to hot springs to detoxify myself every now and then except summertime, since I do
love spending my summer at the beach. On weekends, I often gather some of my friends to
visit some .................................................. in several nearby cities.
A. package holidays C. places of interest
B. guided tours D. tourist traps
10. Who would you like to go on holiday with?
Without a doubt, my family – my wife and my two lovely sons! They’re the biggest part of my
life that there’s no instance that I would not miss them all. Whenever I have that burning
desire to travel, my family is always with me, and we just sign up for a budget ...................
on weekends.
A. tourist trap C. guided tour
B. taste of local food D. exploration
11. What do you do in your holidays?
Sometimes I travel to .................................. , to admire the beauty of nature and to plunge
myself into the picturesque landscape in other regions in my country. Every now and then, I
just stay at home with my family and have a little get-together to celebrate the holidays.
A. break from work C. explore
B. open up my horizon D. have a taste of local food
12. If you could take a holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
If the choice is in my hands, I’m yearning for travelling to Greece on Christmas vacation when
the weather is neither too cold or too hot. There I can contemplate the ............... scenery.
A. self-catering C. picturesque
B. dull D. interest
13. Do you like the New Year celebration?
Absolutely yes! New Year always brings a sense of opportunity and a chance to turn over a
new leaf. As well as this, there’s an abundance of lively activities and meaningful traditions to
enjoy such as firework displays, ..................................... buffets and the giving and receiving
of lucky money. Also, all people love to take a long break to let there hair down and chill out
for a few days.
A. scrumptious C. picturesque
B. dull D. interesting
14. Which places are normally crowded in your country during holidays?
For sure, there are certain places that are packed during holidays. The most obvious example
of this is pagodas during the New Year are jammed full of families who gather to pray for good
health and prosperity. On other occasions, people would hit numerous fashionable clubs and
lively bars in the Old Quarter areas. Whereas, other such as Sapa or Halong Bay are popular
with more affluent families.
A. package holidays C. tourist hotspots
B. picturesque landscape D. explorations
15. Do you like travelling?
Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy
beaches, is what life is all about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and
................................................. new places.
A. self-cater C. explore
B. take a break D. open up my horizons

Mỗi câu dưới đây chứa một lỗi sai. Hãy tìm và sửa chúng.
16. Tourism hotspot are places that experience high levels of tourist arrivals.
17. Tourism hotspots usually have very large number of visits at the same time. This can lead
to seasonal hotspots and diurnal hotspots.
18. A tourist attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or
an exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significant, natural or built beauty, offering
leisure and amusement.
19. If you have a change of scenery, you go somewhere differently after being in a particular
place for a long time.
20. If you go to a self-catering holiday or you stay in self-catering accommodation, you stay a
place where you have to make your own meals.

Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. What do you do when you have a holiday?
2. Who do you usually spend holiday with?
3. Where would you like to spend your holidays? Why?
4. What do people in your country do when they have holidays?
5. Are holidays important to you? Why or why not?

Chủ điểm này khá phổ biến trong phần Speaking Part 1. Các câu hỏi thường xoay quanh việc
hỏi xem bạn làm gì trong thời gian rảnh, môn thể thao bạn thích là gì, bạn có sở thích nào
khác, hoặc những lợi ích từ việc tham gia những hoạt động đó cho bạn là gì.
Chúng ta cùng xem Sample Answers dưới đây về một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ điểm Free Time
Activities và rút ra những từ vựng cần nhớ.
1. What do you do in your spare time?
I have always been a music lover, so whenever I have free time, I just put on my earphones
and enjoy my favorite tunes. To me, music provides an escape from the busy life as it is both
relaxing and therapeutic.
2. How do you usually spend your weekends?
For the longest time, my weekends have been no different from my weekdays. I mean, I'm
always overwhelmed with tons of meetings and deadlines, so it leaves no room for relaxation,
you know. I suppose on weekends, besides dealing with some unfinished business at work,
my friends and I sometimes gather for a cozy get-together in a nice restaurant.
3.What do you usually do after work or classes?
I'm a diehard fan of bubble milk tea, so whenever working hours are over, I just go straight to
a milk tea store, ordering my favorite drink and go home to enjoy it. Sometimes, when I feel
flush, I even splurge on Starbucks coffee. It's not a very healthy eating habit, I know, but it's
the only time of the day when I'm completely free from my duties, so I don't deny myself
4. Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people?
I think it has to depend on the situation as well. When it comes to some spare time after work,
I'd rather just stay at home and lounge about. But on other occasions, I believe that hanging
out with a group of friends can be a great fun. You know, the more the merrier.
Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

provide an escape /prəˈvʌɪd an ɪˈskeɪp/ tạo một lối thoát

therapeutic /ˌθɛrəˈpjuːtɪk/ mang tính thư giãn, mang

tính trị liệu

leave no room /liːv nəʊ ruːm/ không còn thừa

get-together /ɡɛt təˈɡɛðə/ cuộc sum họp, cuộc tụ tập

feel flush /fiːl flʌʃ/ cảm thấy dư dả

splurge on /spləːdʒ ɒn/ tiêu tiền nhiều vào cái gì

lounge about /laʊn(d)ʒ əˈbaʊt/ nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn

hang out /haŋ aʊt/ đi ra ngoài chơi

the more the merrier /ðə mɔː ðə ˈmɛri əː/ càng đông càng vui

5. Do you prefer going out or staying at home?

I'm not really an outgoing person, so whenever I have spare time I just stay at home and chill.
Most of the time I just sit in front of the box, ordering some takeaways and enjoying myself.
I would say that I'm quite a bit of a couch potato, to be honest.
6. What will do if you go out?
If I have to go out, I would definitely call my best friend up and ask her to go somewhere with
me, like the movies for example. When we feel flush, we might treat ourselves to a spa day
to release all the stress from our enormous schoolwork.
7. When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?
I think for most girls, dressing up is an essential part before a night out, and I'm no exception.
I take a keen interest in fashion, so it feels like my responsibility to choose the most
appropriate outfit. I also love makeup, that's why I can never go out without putting on my
8. Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?
I can't even imagine what it feels like to go out alone, you know. Of course hanging out in the
company of your friends is way much better. Having your gang besides you is like an
enormous confidence boost. That's why they have the saying "The more the merrier".

Vocabulary Phonetic Meaning

in front of the box /ɪn frʌnt ɒv ðə bɒks/ trước TV

chill /tʃɪl/ thư giãn

couch potato /kaʊtʃ pəˈteɪtəʊ/ người lười, người hay ngồi

một chỗ

call up /kɔːl ʌp gọi điện cho ai

treat oneself to /triːt wʌnˈsɛlf tə/ tự thưởng bản thân cái gì

night out /nʌɪt aʊt một buổi tối đi chơi

take a keen interest in /teɪk ə kiːn ɪnt(ə)rɪst ɪn/ có hứng thú, sự yêu thích với
điều gì

in the company /ɪn ðə kʌmp(ə)ni/ có bạn đồng hành

gang /ɡaŋ/ đám bạn

Hoàn thiện các câu trả lời sau, bằng cách sử dụng các (cụm) từ đã rút ra ở trên.
1. What do you do in your spare time?
I do many things in my free time. If I stay at home, then I will read books or watch TV.
Sometimes I also go outside to take part in outdoor activities or parties with
my friends and family members. Things are also greater when we have the ………… of other
A. treat C. gang
B. splurge D. company
2. Do you like to watch sports on TV?
I can’t think of reason not to love watching sports on TV. My dad and I often gather together
.......................... and enjoy the games. Our favorite is football, and as every other proud
Vietnamese, we are diehard fans of the U23 Football Team.
A. treat ourselves C. take a keen interest
B. in front of the box D. provide an escape
3. Do you play any sport?
Well, if you must know, I take .............................. in sports and currently I’m a member of my
school’s girls football team. But I have been benched for the whole season, which is quite
discouraging. But all in all, I love being involved in physical activities, it helps me stay in shape
and increases my stamina.
A. treat ourselves C. take a keen interest
B. in front of the box D. provide an escape
4. What kind of sports would you like to try in the future?
I think I would like to have a crack at long-distance running. If I’ve been benched for a whole
season, it is probably because of my speed and strength. So, practicing running is the best
solution to ....................... the situation. It will also help to harden my perseverance and
A. chill C. lounge about
B. improve D. escape
5. What do you do when you feel bored?
Well, whenever I have no better things to do, I just sit back, putting on my earphones and
enjoying my favorite music. I always believe that musical therapy is the best way to ..........
somebody …….. .
A. chill – out C. lounge - about
B. pump – up D. splurge – on
6. Do you think that young people are more likely to get bored?
I would totally agree with that. Youngsters tend to be attracted to something quickly, and
they also start to lose interest in that at the same pace. That’s why they are always
complaining how tedious and ................... life is, even when there are a lot of things around
them to do.
A. monotonous C. couch potato
B. keen D. flush
7. What do you do in your spare time?
It varies, I mean, it depends on the amount of free time I have. A few weeks ago, I would
normally ................... myself ........ a light novel during lunch breaks or after dinner, but these
days, I’m just too busy with my work that the only thing I crave for(I is some sleep, so all my
spare time would be devoted to taking a quick nap.
A. splurge – on C. chill – out
B. treat– to D. lounge – about
8. How do you usually spend your weekends?
I’m not a party animal, so during weekends, I always refuse all the party invitations from my
friends. Instead, I would visit a café on my own and ..................... myself ........ a nice cup of
earl grey and some new book I’ve found on Amazon. That couldn’t be more perfect for a
Sunday afternoon.
A. indulge – with C. chill – out
B. dream– of D. pump – up
9. What do you usually do after work or classes?
I work evening shifts, so on a daily basis, I stop at around 9 p.m. and leave work 15 – 30
minutes later. At that time, most shops have already closed and there’re not many
recreational activities left to do if you don’t want to .......................... around bars, so I often
go straight home to take a hot shower and have a late dinner. Once in a while, my boyfriend
would take me to the movies after work, but I would fall asleep half way through the film.
A. splurge C. immerse
B. hang D. escapse
10. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?
I have ............................. music and all kinds of musical instruments. It’s such a miracle how
each instrument makes a different sound, but when they’re performed together, they can
create perfect combinations of melodies. Perhaps, in the near future, I would learn about the
mechanism behind this miracle. This is also a hobby, isn’t it?
A. a treat toward C. an affinity for
B. a soft spot to D. taken a keen interest for
11. Do you prefer staying at home or going out during evenings?
It’s like an everyday dilemma. My heart always insists me to go out and have some fun, but
my mind would say no to that seemingly irrational idea. Well, my deadlines are there, my
work isn’t finished. So, most of the time, I would reluctantly stay home. I guess I really have
to find way to .................... myself ….. .
A. splurge - on C. chill - out
B. immerse - in D. hang - out
12. What do you like to do on the weekends?
As I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m quite a loner and I really enjoy that part of myself. So, during
weekends, I would usually find something to do on my own, like redecorating my room, make
a cup of coffee, or just find a quiet spot in my house to do some crosswords and quizzes. I
guess I’m a bit of a .................................... .
A. company C. couch potato
B. escaper D. gangster
13. Do you think old and young people spend their leisure time in the same way?
Unfortunately, no. Family bonds would be strengthened significantly if this happened in real
life. However, it’s no surprise that the youth and the elderly hardly ever share the same
interests due to the huge generation gap, so there’s no chance they would do the same thing
in their spare time. You’re most likely to find youngsters on their phones ...................... their
friends, and on the other hand, old people would often be found doing some conventional
activities for leisure like playing chess or knitting.
A. escaping C. calling up
B. splurging on D. leaving some room for
14. Do you like to travel in holidays?
As long as it’s a long holiday, for example, Tet, or summer holiday. I just honestly don’t want
to go away for just 2 – 3 days because that would .................................... me no time to
enjoy myself.
A. splurge on C. have a soft spot for
B. leave no room for D. call up
15. Do you think modern lifestyles give enough time to people for leisure?
I think it depends on the kind of modern lifestyle an individual is leading. So, a person doing
a corporate job might have less time to spare for leisure activity but probably a person who
works as a .................................. will find more time to leisure. Not because a work is less time
consuming but because the way things get done in each. Even more, I think it all depends on
how the person sets priorities for themselves.
A. public figure C. celebrity
B. freelancer D. office worker

Hãy dùng những từ vựng liên quan chủ đề cho sẵn trong bảng và điền vào chỗ trống.
Tiếng Anh Tiếng Việt
homebody người thích ở nhà
veg out thư giãn thoải mái
gossip buôn chuyện
compartmentalize sắp xếp, chia nhỏ thời gian
take up bắt đầu (chơi hoặc tham gia hoạt động gì)
Question: What do you do when you have free time?
16. I’m glad you asked me that because I’ve got a whole range of hobbies that I’m really into.
The main thing I’ll typically do is get out my paints and do a painting, I’ll sketch something on
a piece of paper first and then maybe make a painting if I’ve got spare time. Besides that I’m
really into watching movies, Netflix is my favorite, so I might just .................................. , sit
on the couch, catch a movie. If I’ve got more time than that then I might call up a friend to
see if they want to hang out.
17. I’m a bit of a ........................, I always stay home, I really like reading and recently I’ve
kind of gotten into audiobooks, I downloaded an app called audible, which is from Amazon,
and I can just spend a whole day, lying back, listening to an audiobook, and enjoying that.
18. I’m really sociable, I like to go out with my friends, I’ll go out to a coffee shop nearby where
I live because coffee shops are kind of like ‘the big thing’ right now, or a milk tea shop –
which is really popular in the country where I’m living.
I like to ........................ with them. I like to ask them about what’s been going on in their
lives, their family, their friends and kind of catch up about that sort of thing.
19. I’m really big into computer games, it’s kind of a newer hobby for me but I’ve ..............
them …… in the last few years, so when I’ve got spare time I play on my computer. I’ve also
got an Xbox and a PlayStation, so I’ll settle down on the couch and I can easily just spend the
whole day playing computer games.
20. To be honest with you I don’t really have that much spare time because I’m so busy with
work but if I do get a bit of time for myself. I like to hang out with my girlfriend, because I’m
busy all the time she gets a bit fed up with me. That we don’t get that many chances to catch
up and I don’t give her as much attention as I should. But that’s something that I’m working
on, I try to make more time, try to ......................... my life a little bit so that I’ve got more
time to spend with my girlfriend and, in turn, she’s got more time to spend with me.
Sử dụng những (cụm) từ vựng đã học ở trên và vốn kiến thức của bạn để trả lời những câu
hỏi sau:
1. How do you usually spend your weekends?
2. What do you usually do after work or classes?
3. How much time do you have each week for doing these things?
4. Why do you like doing these activities?
5. Is there some other hobby or sport you would like to try? Why?

1. B 8. C 15. C
2. D 9. B 16. B
3. C 10. B 17. D
4. D 11. C 18. C
5. A 12. B 19. A
6. B 13. A 20. B
7. A 14. C

1. D 8. A 15. D
2. C 9. C 16. B
3. B 10. B 17. B
4. B 11. B 18. B
5. D 12. B 19. A
6. A 13. D 20. C
7. C 14. A 21. D


1. B 6. C 11. C
2. C 7. A 12. B
3. D 8. B 13. C
4. B 9. C 14. D
5. B 10. C 15. B
16. A 18. A 20. D
17. C 19. C


1. B 8. A 15. D
2. D 9. C 16. B
3. D 10. D 17. A
4. C 11. D 18. B
5. B 12. D 19. D
6. C 13. C 20. B
7. D 14. A


1. D 8. A 15. D
2. A 9. A 16. A
3. C 10. B 17. B
4. D 11. A 18. C
5. B 12. B 19. A
6. B 13. C 20. C
7. A 14. B


1. D 4. C 7. A
2. C 5. B 8. D
3. D 6. B 9. B
10. B 14. B 18. B
11. C 15. C 19. C
12. C 16. A 20. D
13. B 17. C


1. B 8. D 15. B
2. A 9. A 16. B
3. B 10. C 17. C
4. D 11. C 18. A
5. A 12. C 19. A
6. D 13. D 20. C
7. B 14. C


1. B 7. C 13. fact checker

2. C 8. B 14. layout
3. D 9. A 15. obituaries
4. C 10. C 16. headlines
5. A 11. tabloids 17. local
6. C 12. the gutter press 18. editorials
19. hound => hounding
20. Gutter press => The gutter press
21. Tabloid => Tabloids
22. quote => quoted
23. of => among
24. relate => relating (= that relate)
25. eye-catch => eye catching


1. C 6. D 11. D
2. B 7. A 12. C
3. B 8. B 13. A
4. D 9. C 14. C
5. D 10. C 15. C
16. Tourism hotspot => Tourism hotspots
17. large number => a large number
18. historical significant => historical signifiacnce
19. differently => different
20. go to => go on


1. D 9. B
2. B 10. C
3. C 11. C
4. B 12. C
5. B 13. C
6. A 14. B
7. B 15. B
8. A (indulge with: chiều chuộng)

16. veg out

17. homebody
18. gossip
19. taken – up
20. compartmentalize
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