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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Hello everyone, my name is Wafiq Puji Rahayu. You can call me wafiq.
I’am from Pulang Pisau, I’am a student at Muhammadiyah Palangaraya
University. Here, I will tell you about my daily activities, from the time I
wake up in the morning until I sleep again in the evening.

Ok lets started

First in the morning, I usually wake up at four thirty, I go to the

bathroom for ablution and after that I shubuh prayer. After pray, I make
my bed to make it look neat and after that I cook for breakfast. After
cooking I clean the house. After finishing cleaning the house, I take a
short break. After that i wash clothes.

I take a bath eight a’clock and then I dhuha prayer. After that, I have
breakfast while watching television. And then, at twelve o’clock I pray.
After finishing the prayer I have lunch while watching television. After
that take a nap.

I wake up for a nap at fifteen o’clock and then I sweep and mop my
house. After that, I wash the dishes. Then I take a bath and at fifteen
twenty four I pray. After that, I watch television and play on the phone
while waiting for the night. And then at eighteen fourteen I pray again.
Then, at nineteen twenty four I pray and after that I will have dinner.
After dinner I watch television for a while doing my homework. After
that, I do ablution and after that I going to the bed and sleep at twenty
two o’clock.

That’s my daily activity from the time I wake up in the morning until I
sleep again in the evening.
Thanks for watching, see you next time. Wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah
wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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