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Discus these questions, 2 What does each picture show? Do you recognize any ofthe people bb Inwhac order did these events and social changes happen? Discuss these questions, In your opinion, which ofche above has been the most important to che world? Which of them affected your country? \Which have had an impact on how you lve today? 4 Discuss these questions \What other historic events of the ast 100 years would you add ro your answers above? 8 Which museums or historic sites have you visited recently, and what did you see there? © Which historic event would you most like to have witnessed? Why? Discuss these quotes with other studens. Hew far do you agree with each one? Are we doing enough to 1 ‘History sche version of past events that people have decided to agree upon protect our heritage? Is its (Napoleon Bonaparte) preservation compatible ‘History is tele more than the register of the crimes, flies, and misfortunes of Uwith mass tourism? ‘mankind’ (Edward Gibbon) € Who should own objects of ‘Until the lion has a historian oF his own, the tale of the hunt will aways glorify historial importance when the hunter. (African Proverb) they ae discovered? "To remain ignorant of what happened before you were born isto remain d_ What can such objects tell always a child. (Cicero) us about ancient "What history teaches us i that we have never learned anything from it civlizations? (George Hegel) Orientation 1 iscuss the questions. 2 What do you know aboue the civilizations shown in the pictures? b_ Whar happened to each of them overtime? Why? ‘© What positive legacy did they leave behind?

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