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da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th

n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, the ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n

d r av e i d u nava the s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

Osim morskih školjaka, udaljenosti putovanja sirovine najbolje distribution zone encompasses distances of more than 500 km
se mogu odrediti za kamenu sirovinu. Popularne rijetke (Groneneborn 2009, Matetiucová 2008). Szentgál radiolarite
sirovine za glačane alatke kao što su žadeit i nefrit mogu makes up 75% of the stone at the site of Brunn II near Vienan.
se naći na području čitave Europe. Neki tipovi sentgalskog At the sites of Rosenburg and Strögen, at a distance of 230 km,
rožnjaka pronađeni su na sopotskom lokalitetu Samatovci kod Szentgál radiolarite makes up 50%. It is also present at the sites
Osijeka (Balen et al. 2002, 25), a rasprostiru se na udaljenosti of Vedrovice and Kladniky in Moravia (Matetiucová 2001, 289;
i od preko 500 km (Groneneborn 2009, Matetiucová 2008). 2002, 186). The greatest distance at which it has been found is
Sentgalski radiolarit na nalazištu Brunn II kod Beča je around 1000 km, in the regions of Saale and Hessen. The low
zastupljen sa 75%. Lokaliteti Rosenburg i Strögen su na frequency of the raw material does not diminish the fact that
udaljenosti od 230 km, a sentgalski radiolarit je zastupljen somebody physically made a journey of 1000 km to bring it to the
sa 50%. Sentgalski radiolarit je prisutan i na moravskim settlement. Stone was also a raw material used, in addition to
lokalitetima Vedrovice i Kladniky (Matetiucová 2001, 289; tool making, for jewellery, ornaments and decorations. Whether
2002, 186). Najveća zabilježena udaljenost je oko 1000 km they ended up as jewellery or implements, objects made of stone,
u regijama Saale i Hessen. Slaba zastupljenost sirovine ne especially of rare kinds of stone, had a high symbolic value and
umanjuje značenje činjenice da je netko fizički prešao put od importance whose scope and meaning still remain to be discerned.
1000 km da bi ju donio u naselje. Osim za izradu oruđa, kamen
Raw materials, and the way in which they were exploited, reveal
se koristi i kao sirovina za izradu nakita, ukrasa i ornamenata.
some traditions passed down from earlier periods, and some
Predmeti od kamena, bilo kao nakit ili kao oruđe, pogotovo
new world views and customs which developed in Europe after
onog rijetkog, imaju snažnu simboličku vrijednost i važnost čije
the 7th millennium BC. Particularly prominent is the entirely new
opsege i značenje tek trebamo pokušati odgonetnuti.
economic system, primarily in food production, which demanded
Postojeće sirovine i njihova upotreba nam govore o nekim very complex systems of trade and made communities mutually
tradicijama preživjelim iz ranijih razdoblja, kao i o novim dependent more than anything else in the history of mankind.
svjetonazorima i običajima koji se formiraju u Europi od 7.
tisućljeća prije Krista. Posebno je vidljiv potpuno nov sustav
privrede, prije svega sustav prehrane koji je zahtijevao vrlo
kompleksne sustave razmjene i učinio zajednice međuovisne
jedne o drugima više nego bilo što u povijesti čovječanstva.
iNa miloGlav



190 191
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, the ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava the s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

Ulomak keramičke posude, 228

Fragment of ceramic vessel, cat. no. 228

Riječ keramika potječe od grčke riječi keramos što znači The word ‘ceramics’ is derived from the Greek word keramos,
glina, keramikos označava proizvod napravljen od gline, a which means ‘clay’. Keramikos denotes an object made of clay,
Keramike tehne vještinu pečenja keramike. U hrvatskom while Keramike tekhne is the skill of firing ceramics. Another term
jeziku upotrebljavamo još i riječ lončarija i lončarstvo. Pojam used in English is ‘pottery’, and it is used to denote all ceramic
lončarija obuhvaća sve lončarske, tj. keramičke proizvode, products (Miloglav 2011, 115).
a lončarstvo označava lončarsku vještinu, odnosno umijeće Nowadays, ceramic products are divided into two groups:
(Miloglav 2011, 115). rough construction-ceramic finds which include bricks, roof
Danas keramičke proizvode dijelimo u dvije skupine: grubu tiles, clay pipes etc., and fine ceramic vessels for everyday use.
građevinsku keramiku koja obuhvaća nalaze poput opeke, Pottery is among the most common materials processed and
crijepa, glinenih cijevi itd., te finu keramiku za svakodnevnu analysed by archaeologists. One of the reasons could be the
upotrebu. fact that potsherds are statistically the most numerous finds on
Keramika je jedan od najčešćih materijala koje arheolozi archaeological sites, and this is due to several important factors.
obrađuju i analiziraju. Razlog tome je možda i činjenica što su One is undoubtedly clay, a material that is easily accessible and
keramički ulomci i statistički najbrojniji nalazi na arheološkim worked. Another reason is the short period of its use, and the
lokalitetima. Nekoliko je bitnih faktora koji tome idu u prilog. ceramics’ resistance to many mechanisms present within an
Jedan od njih je svakako glina, materijal koji je lako dostupan i archaeological environment, such as oxidation and bacteriological
lako obradiv. Druga dva su kratko vrijeme uporabe te otpornost decay. Along with other artefacts produced by human hand,
prepoznat kao korisna sirovina za eksploataciju (Rice 1987, The earliest known pottery was registered at the site of Dolní
keramike na mnoge mehanizme u arheološkom okruženju, pottery reveals the social context of man in various historical
7). Transformaciji gline u keramičke proizvode prethodili su Věstonice in southern Moravia, an Ice Age camp of mammoth
poput oksidacije i bakteriološkog propadanja. Keramičke periods, his behaviour and daily activities, as well as the social,
drveni, kameni i koštani predmeti, što ne znači da glina i hunters (Upper Palaeolithic, Gravettian Culture, around 26,000
posude, kao i ostali artefakti napravljeni ljudskom rukom, economic and political circumstances prompting such activities.
njezine karakteristike nisu bile već tada poznate i prepoznate. BC). The finds include clay figurines depicting a bear and a lioness,
otkrivaju nam socijalni kontekst čovjeka u prošlosti, njegovo Clay plays the most important role among the materials used in
Najraniji poznati keramički proizvodi dokumentirani su na and female statuettes, the so-called Venuses. However, it is not
ponašanje i svakodnevne aktivnosti te socijalnu, ekonomsku i the production of ceramic objects. The precise meaning of the
lokalitetu Dolní Věstonice u južnoj Moravskoj, ledenodobnom entirely clear at what point the making of pottery vessels became
političku uvjetovanost tih aktivnosti. word ‘clay’ differs with the field of expertise: in archaeology, clay
taboru lovaca na mamute (mlađi paleolitik, gravetijenska important in human history and gained predominance among
Od svih materijala koji se koriste u izradi keramike najvažnija denotes a material which contains mineral particles, and when
kultura oko 26000 god. pr. Kr.). Ondje su pronađene glinene methods of production of items for everyday use. We do know
je glina. Samo značenje riječi glina razlikuje se ovisno o mixed with water becomes plastic, when dried becomes solid,
figurice medvjeda i lavice te ženski kipići, tzv. Venere. Međutim, that clay started to be worked more often by communities of
području interesa, a u arheologiji glina označava materijal and when fired at a specific temperature becomes hard, firm,
još uvijek nije potpuno jasno kada je izrada keramičkih posuda hunter-gatherers in the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene (Rice
koji sadrži čestice minerala, koji pomiješan s vodom poprima chemically and physically stable (Goffer 2007, 231).
postala važna u ljudskoj povijesti i zauzela primat u izradi 1999). Nonetheless, the production of ceramic vessels and other
plastičnost, pri sušenju postaje krut, a zagrijavanjem na Basically, clay is a complex material whose main characteristics
svakodnevnih uporabnih predmeta. Poznato je da su glinom utilitarian objects developed more significantly with the onset
određenoj temperaturi postiže tvrdoću, čvrstoću, kemijsku i are very fine particles (less than 0.002 mm in diameter) and a
počele više manipulirati lovačko-sakupljačke zajednice u of neolithization, a sedentary way of life, plant cultivation and
fizičku stabilnost (Goffer 2007, 231). relatively high proportion of minerals (Orton et al. 1993, 114).
kasnom pleistocenu i ranom holocenu (Rice 1999). Proizvodnja the domestication of animals. Pottery is fragile and difficult to
U osnovi, glina je kompleksni materijal čije su najosnovnije It is a mineral sediment, created by decay of various magmatic
keramičkog posuđa i drugih utilitarnih predmeta značajnije transport, and for this reason it probably played a less important
karakteristike vrlo male čestice (manje od 0,002 mm u and silicate rocks caused by weathering and other influences
se ipak razvija s procesom neolitizacije, sjedilačkim načinom role in hunting communities that were constantly on the move. On
promjeru) i razmjerno veliki udio minerala (Orton et al. 1993, (mechanical, chemical and organic decay). Clay consists of mineral
života, kultivacijom biljaka i domestikacijom životinja. Naime, the other hand, certain food items, such as grains and cereals, are
114). To je mineraloški sediment nastao raspadanjem različitih particles (the so-called clay minerals) of aluminium silicates which
keramika je podložna lomljenu i teška za transportiranje pa best prepared and consumed when mixed and cooked with water,
magmatskih i silikatnih stijena pod djelovanjem atmosferilija contain water (kaolinites, montmorillonites, illites, halosites,
je vjerojatno imala manju važnost kod lovačkih zajednica koje and pottery is best suited for such preparation of food (Sinopoli
i drugih utjecaja (mehaničko, kemijsko i organsko raspadanje). nontronites, allophanes, etc.) and various other admixtures such
su se stalno selile. S druge strane, određene namirnice poput 1991, 1-2).
Sastoji se od mineraloških čestica (tzv. glinenih minerala) as flint, iron hydroxide, carbonates, ortoclasses and organic
sjemenki i žitarica najbolje se mogu pripremiti i konzumirati Pottery is, in reality, a combination of the four basic elements:
aluminijevih silikata koji sadrže vodu (kaoliniti, montmoriloniti, remains (Zlatunić 2005, 63). Of all the sediment rocks on the
kada su pripremljene i kuhane s vodom, a keramika je earth, fire, water and air. Some of the earliest clay products
iliti, haloziti, nontroniti, alofani itd.) i raznih drugih primjesa Earth, 70% are clay soils. Therefore, it is not surprising that
najpogodnija za takvu vrstu pripreme (Sinopoli 1991, 1-2). suggest that their makers were aware of three important
poput kremena, hidroksida željeza, karbonata, ortoklasa i humans recognized the characteristics of clay long ago and began
Keramika je u biti kombinacija četiri osnovna elementa: zemlje, principles of use of this raw material. One of them is the
organskih ostataka (Zlatunić 2005, 63). Od svih sedimentnih using it in the earliest prehistoric periods, at first for products
vatre, vode i zraka. Nekoliko najranijih predmeta načinjenih recognition of the fact that clay is plastic, and that it can be
stijena na zemlji 70% njih su glinena tla. Stoga i ne čudi što su made by simple drying of clay in the sun, and later for those
od gline ukazuju na poznavanje tri važna principa uporabe shaped and retain its form when dried. The second important
ljudi odavno prepoznali svojstva gline i koristili je od najranijih produced by firing. Several key factors stimulated utilization of
ovog sirovinskog materijala. Jedan od prvih je spoznaja da turning point in the exploitation of clay was the discovery of fire
prapovijesnih vremena, prvo kao proizvode koji su nastali clay for the production of everyday objects. Clay is certainly one
je vlažna glina plastična te da se može oblikovati i zadržati as a thermal source that transforms soft clay into a solid and
samo sušenjem gline na suncu, a kasnije i zagrijavanjem of the most abundant, cheap and adaptable materials accessible
takvu formu nakon sušenja. Druga važna prekretnica u durable product. Adding various substances to clay to improve
na vatri. Nekoliko je ključnih razloga koji su utjecali na in nature, recognized as a useful resource long ago (Rice 1987, 7).
eksploataciji gline leži u otkriću vatre kao termalnog izvora its properties and hardness is a sign of complete understanding
iskorištavanje gline za proizvode korištene u svakodnevnom Before clay was transformed into ceramic products, such items
koji transformira mekanu glinu u proizvod koji je čvrst i trajan. of all the possibilities offered by clay as a material suitable for
životu. Glina je, bez dvojbe, jedan od najbogatijih, najjeftinijih were made of wood, stone and bone, which does not imply that
Dodavanje različitih materijala u glinu kako bi se poboljšala further processing and maximum exploitation in daily life (Rice
i najprilagodljivijih dostupnih prirodnih materijala odavno clay and its characteristics had not been recognized at the time.

192 193
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

njezina kvaliteta i čvrstoća, dovodi do konačnog razumijevanja 1987, 8). Thus, the production of pottery became a transformed da su keramičke posude ušle u širu upotrebu jer zahtijevaju some authors underline the fact that the link between cooking
svih mogućnosti koje nudi glina kao materijal pogodan za exploitation of a previously known material. manje pažnje u nadziranju kuhanja hrane u usporedbi sa and food is less important than the link between the time
daljnju obradu i maksimalnu uporabljivost u svakodnevnome zagrijavanjem kamenja u životinjskim mješinama, koži ili dedicated to, and the labour invested in, monitoring the cooking
životu (Rice 1987, 8). Izrada keramičkog posuđa tako postaje Origin of ceramic vessels košarama. Gledano iz tog kuta keramičke posude predstavljale pot (Schiffer, Skibo 1987). The concept of resource intensification
transformirana eksploatacija već poznate sirovine. bi tehnološko pojednostavljenje koje je na koncu omogućilo partially coincides with the social/symbolical conditioning of the
There are many theories on the origin of ceramic vessels and the
ljudima da se posvete zahtjevnijim poslovima. U tom smislu appearance of the first ceramic vessels, and it regards a change
notion that clay can be heated by fire and thus achieve a solid and
Porijeklo keramičkih posuda naglašavaju da je veza između kuhanja i hrane manje in daily activities and in social organization within hunting-
durable form. One of the hypotheses is that ceramic vessels were
bitna od veze između uloženog vremena i radne energije u gathering communities of the Late Pleistocene / Early Holocene.
Mnogo je teorija o nastanku keramičkih posuda. odnosno inspired by the cracks in the soil which appear when the soil dries
nadziranju posude za kuhanje (Schiffer, Skibo 1987). Koncept As the communities were less mobile, and the sedentary way of
spoznaji da se glina može zagrijavati na vatri kako bi se dobio after heavy rains (Goffer 2007, 239-240). Other theories can be
intenziviranja resursa donekle se poklapa sa socijalnom/ life was increasing, there was also a linear growth in the necessity
željeni oblik koji je čvrst i trajan. Jedna od pretpostavki je da su summarized as the ‘architectonic/construction’ hypothesis and the
simboličkom uvjetovanošću nastanka prvih keramičkih posuda, to store food. Thus the first pottery appeared predominantly
keramičke posude bile inspirirane pukotinama u zemlji koje su ‘culinary’ hypothesis, social/symbolic conditioning and the notion
a odnosi se na promjenu dnevnih aktivnosti kao i na društvenu in areas characterized by seasonal settling, and it has been
nastale nakon što se zemlja posuši nakon obilnih kiša (Goffer of resource intensification (for an overview, see: Rice 1999).
organizaciju među lovačko-sakupljačkom zajednicom krajem associated with food used during some special social activities,
2007, 239-240). Ostale teorije mogu se generalno sažeti na: The ‘architectonic/construction’ hypothesis is based on
pleistocena/početkom holocena. Kako mobilnost opada, a such as rituals and offerings. The symbolical function of these
„arhitektonsku/građevinsku“ i „kulinarsku“ hipotezu, socijalnu/ comparisons of clay used for construction elements with that
sjedilački način života raste, linearno je u porastu i potreba special-purpose objects has been considered on the basis of the
simboličku uvjetovanost i pojam intenziviranja resursa (za used for the production of ceramic vessels. According to this
za pohranom hrane. Tako se prve keramičke posude javljaju decoration of their surfaces and various (symbolic) motifs present
pregled vidi: Rice 1999). theory, the first pottery vessels were created as an imitation of
više u područjima koje karakterizira sezonsku naseljenost, a in the decoration.
„Arhitektonska/građevinska hipoteza“ temelji se na architectural techniques used previously for the construction of
povezuju se s hranom koja se koristila u posebnim društvenim Still, the question why people started using clay food ‘stores’,
usporedbama korištenja gline za konstruktivne elemente pri houses, including the mixing of clay and straw to obtain a type of
aktivnostima poput raznih obreda i žrtvovanja. Simbolička when they had such ‘stores’ produced from other materials,
građenju i za konstrukciju keramičkih posuda. Tako bi prve plaster, and the making of regularly-shaped clay bricks that were
funkcija ovih predmeta za posebnu namjenu promatrana remains open.
keramičke posude nastale kao imitacija arhitektonskih tehnika used for building.
je kroz segment ukrašavanja površine i raznih (simboličkih) One of the answers could be that clay brought with it a new
koje su se već prije koristile u izgradnji kuća, a uključuju Proponents of the ‘culinary’ hypothesis believe that ceramic
motiva koji se na njoj nalaze. technology, and that it allowed the processing of some new
miješanje gline i slame kako bi se dobila jedna vrsta žbuke ili vessels were invented once people realized that clay, when left in
Međutim. još uvijek ostaje otvoreno pitanje zašto su ljudi foodstuffs. Vessels made of fired clay offered a number of benefits,
pak način na koji su se pravile glinene cigle koje su se također the sun and hardened can later be used for cooking and storing
počeli upotrebljavati „spremišta“ za hranu od gline kada su bila some of which are:
koristile u gradnji. food and liquids. There are also claims that, prior to this, clay had
poznata i ona od drugih materijala? 1) increased efficiency of preparing new foodstuffs, especially
Zagovornici „kulinarske teorije“ smatraju da su keramičke been used to coat the inner side of baskets, which were then dried
Možda je jedan od odgovora u tome što je keramika osigurala cereals (rye, wheat), which could be cooked on a fire or stove
posude izmišljene nakon spoznaje da glina koja je ostavljena in the sun to make them impermeable. At the Starčevo Culture
novu tehnologiju, odnosno omogućila je da se neke nove 2) increased capacity and duration of food (cereal) storage
na suncu i koja se stvrdne može poslužiti za kuhanje, site of Donja Branjevina, semi-globular bowls have been found
namirnice u njoj procesuiraju. Posude od pečene gline tako su 3) improved diet, based on preparation of fresh food
skladištenje hrane ili tekućine. Neki tvrde da se još prije toga with imprints of willow basket on the outer surface, suggesting
počele nuditi brojne prednosti, a neke od njih su: 4) less time needed for monitoring ceramic cooking pots, in
glina koristila za oblaganje unutrašnjosti košara tako što su se their imitation (Minichreiter 2007). Supporters of this theory
1. povećanje efikasnosti u pripremi novih namirnica, posebno comparison to previous cooking utensils made of stone, leather,
sušile na suncu kako bi postale nepropusne. Na starčevačkom of the creation of ceramics also emphasize that clay had been
žitarica (ječma, pšenice) tako što su ih mogli kuhati na vatri ili bark, animal bladders or baskets
lokalitetu Donja Branjevina nađene su zdjele poluloptastog used to coat stoves or firing pits which were used to heat up
peći 5) an opportunity to consume food containing toxins, which could
oblika koje su s vanjske strane imale otisak pletene košare stones, and that at that point people already realized that clay
2. povećanje kapaciteta i dugotrajnosti čuvanja hrane, tj. not be used previously in everyday diet without being cooked, that
što implicira njihovu imitaciju (Minichreiter 2007). Pobornici can become hard when dried or heated. The use of hot stones
žitarica is, thermally processed.
ove teorije o nastanku keramike također naglašavaju da se to warm up liquids and cook food in baskets, animal bladders or
3. poboljšanje prehrane pripremom svježih namirnica Whatever the key reasons for the exploitation of clay in everyday
glina koristila za oblaganje peći ili jama za pečenje koje su wooden vessels has been evidenced by many archaeological and
4. smanjivanje vremena potrebnog za nadziranje keramičke life, the most important was the awareness that, by manipulating
služile za zagrijavanje kamenja i da se tada već došlo do ethnological examples. At first, when food was prepared using
posude u kojoj se kuha u usporedbi s prijašnjim predmetima clay and fire, one could obtain objects that could be used for
spoznaje da se glina može stvrdnuti kada se posuši ili zagrije. this method, the liquids in which foodstuffs of plant or animal
načinjenim od kamena, kože, kore, životinjskih mješina ili cooking/preparing/storing food and liquids. Therefore, the
Upotreba vrućih kamenja u svrhu zagrijavanja tekućine i origin were cooked could not be heated to high temperatures,
košara emergence of pottery constitutes a condensation of human
kuhanja hrane u košarama, životinjskim mješinama ili drvenim and such vessels could not be used for a long time. In contrast
5. mogućnost korištenja hrane koja sadrži toksin, a koja se nije experience and knowledge pertaining to the selection of materials,
posudama zabilježena je na mnogim arheološkim i etnološkim with this, pottery vessels could be placed directly on the fire,
mogla koristiti u svakodnevnoj prehrani bez kuhanja, odnosno technological processes and demands. It represents a compromise
primjerima. Najranijom pripravom hrane na ovaj način nije and maintaining high temperatures in vessels containing large
termičke obrade between the need and characteristics of available raw material,
se mogla postići visoka temperatura zagrijavanja tekućine quantities of liquids was not a problem. This is precisely the
Koji god su razlozi bili ključni za eksploataciju gline u design, production technology and final usage.
u kojoj se kuhaju namirnice biljnog ili životinjskog porijekla reason why some authors believe that pottery became widely
svakodnevnom životu najbitnija je bila spoznaja da se
niti su takvi predmeti mogli služiti dugotrajnoj upotrebi. S used – it called for less attention and monitoring during cooking,
druge strane keramičke posude se mogu staviti direktno in comparison to heating stones in animal bladders, skins or
manipulacijom gline i vatre mogu dobiti predmeti koji služe Technology of pottery production
za kuhanje/spremanje/skladištenje hrane ili tekućine. Tako
na vatru, a poteškoće u održavanju visoke temperature u baskets. From this point of view, ceramic vessels constituted a Pottery has been constantly prone to change. Given the
pojava keramičkih posuda predstavlja sažimanje ljudskog
posudama s velikom količinom tekućine nisu predstavljale technological simplification, which eventually allowed people to technological development, its utilitarian functions, tastes and
iskustva i znanja koji je vezan za izbor materijala, tehnološke
više nikakav problem. Upravo zbog toga neki autori smatraju devote their time to more demanding activities. In this respect, fashions, its quality, shapes, surface treatment and decoration
procese i potrebu. One predstavljaju kompromis između

194 195
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, the ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava the s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

Zdjela, 23
Bowl, cat. no. 23

161). Cjelokupan proces izrade keramičkih posuda može se clay need not be modified in any way prior to their preparation for
stoga podijeliti u 7 faza: processing (Knappett 2005, 678).
1. Nabava i priprema gline za obradu – ova faza uključuje At Early Starčevo Culture sites, next to working spaces in dug-
vađenje i transportiranje gline do mjesta gdje će se ona outs, where there were also pottery kilns, there are pits for clay
obrađivati, pa je zbog toga najčešće riječ o glini iz neposredne extraction. Such pits have frequently been present ever since the
okolice. Priprema gline zahtijeva čišćenje od raznih organskih earliest prehistoric periods, especially when the raw material could
tvari koje se u njoj nalaze ili dodavanje istih kako bi se be found within the settlement. From them, clay was extracted
poboljšala kvaliteta. S druge strane, neke gline ne trebaju for building houses, producing pottery vessels and other ceramic
nikakvu modifikaciju prije pripreme za obradu (Knappett 2005, objects (weights, spindle whorls, spoons, various cult objects,
678). figurines etc.)
Na lokalitetima rane starčevačke kulture uz radni prostor 2) procurement and fragmentation of admixtures – various
zemunice koji je uključivao i keramičke peći nalazimo i jame za admixtures, such as minerals and organic matter (grass, grains,
vađenje gline. Takve jame uobičajena su pojava od najranijih straw, shells), and grog (crushed pottery), were added to the
prapovijesnih dana, pogotovo kada se sirovinski materijal clay mixture to improve its quality and increase its resistance.
nalazi unutar naselja. Takve jame služile su za vađenje gline Grog has been registered in the clay mixture in even the earliest
za gradnju kuće, izradu keramičkih posuda i ostalih predmeta Neolithic communities. It was usually added to clay in order to
načinjenih od keramike (utega, pršljenaka, žlica, raznih kultnih increase its resistance to changes in temperature and possible
predmeta i figurica itd.). damage. Although it is made of clay, the size of grog particles
2. Nabava i usitnjavanje primjesa - razne primjese poput differs from those typical of clay because their mineral properties
minerala ili organskih tvari (trave, sjemenki, slame, školjki), have been destroyed by firing (Velde, Druc 1999, 83).
te groga (smrvljene keramike) dodavale su se u glinenu Some of the earliest pottery vessels contained large quantities
smjesu kako bi se poboljšala njena kvaliteta i povećala njena of organic debris such as grass, straw and chaff. When compared
potrebe i osobina dostupne sirovine, dizajna, tehnologije izrade have constantly changed. Although ceramic objects are fragile, otpornost. Grog u glinenoj smjesi zabilježen je kod najranijih to pottery produced with an admixture of minerals, such vessels
i konačne upotrebe. they are nonetheless durable in substance, and they are the most neolitičkih kultura. On se uobičajeno dodavao glini kako bi se displayed the same qualities as regards their resistance to
numerous artefacts discovered by archaeologists at excavated povećala njena otpornost na temperaturne promjene i razna thermal shock, but they were less resistant to abrasion, and the
Tehnologija izrade keramičkih posuda sties. oštećenja. Iako je napravljen od gline, grog nema veličinu time needed to dry them was much longer. The advantage of such
Generally, ceramics consist of three main raw materials: clay – the zrnaca karakterističnu za glinu jer su mineralne osobine vessels lies in the simplicity of their production and in their low
Keramika je konstantno podložna promjenama. S obzirom
soggy fine-particle sediment which becomes plastic when wet; uništene tijekom pečenja (Velde, Druc 1999, 83). mass, which makes them easier to transport (Rice 1999).
na razvoj tehnologije, na uporabnu funkciju, ukus i modne
non-plastic admixtures – minerals and organic matter naturally Neke od najranijih keramičkih posuda imale su u sebi veliku 3) preparation of clay paste – mixing of clay and admixtures with
trendove neprestano se mijenjala kvaliteta, oblici, obrada
found in clay or added to it on purpose to make it more workable količinu organskih ostataka poput trave, slame ili pljeve. water to obtain a homogenous mixture which will ensure the
površine, ukrašavanje. Iako su predmeti načinjeni od keramike
(feldspar, calcium carbonate, sand, flint, calcite); water – which Uspoređujući ih s keramikom koja u sebi ima primjese plasticity necessary for the clay’s processing. As far as the shapes
lomljivi, oni su ipak u svojoj supstanci trajni, pa su i najbrojniji
is added to the clay and its admixtures to make it plastic, apt for minerala pokazalo se da imaju iste kvalitete što se tiče of the first ceramic vessels from the Early Neolithic are concerned,
artefakti koje arheolozi nalaze na lokalitetima koja istražuju.
firing and drying. Other raw materials used for pottery production otpornosti na termalne šokove, međutim, manje su otporne they were simple globular and semi-globular shapes, recalling to
Općenito gledajući keramika se sastoji od tri osnovna
include various paints and the fuel needed for firing (Sinopoli na abrazije i vrijeme sušenja je daleko veće. Prednost ovakvih some degree animal bladders.
sirovinska materijala: gline - gnjecavog finozrnatog sedimenta
1991, 9). posuda je u jednostavnijoj izradi i što su lako prenosive jer im 4) shaping the prepared clay paste to obtain the desired form and
koji postaje plastičan kada je mokar; neplastičnih primjesa
Neolithic pottery technology encompasses technological processes je masa lakša (Rice 1999). surface treatment. All Neolithic pottery was made freehand, using
– minerala i organskih tvari koji se prirodno nalaze u glini
involving the selection and preparation of raw clay, purification of 3. Priprema glinene paste – miješanje gline i primjesa s the following three techniques (Zlatunić 2005, 70-71):
ili su joj namjerno dodani kako bi glina bila podatnija za
the clay, addition of admixtures and method of vessel production vodom da bi se dobila homogena smjesa koja će omogućiti a) pulling technique, suitable for shaping smaller vessels with an
obradu (feldspat, kalcijev karbonat, pijesak, kremen, kalcit);
by manual mixing of the clay mixture, vessel shaping, drying, firing glini plastičnost potrebnu za obradu. Što se tiče oblika prvih oval or circular bottom. A thumb is impressed into a manually-
vode – koja se dodaje glini i njenim primjesama da bi postala
and decorating. The production technology depended on the type keramičkih posuda iz ranog neolitika one u osnovi imaju shaped rounded clay mass, which is turned by the other hand.
plastična te pogodna za pečenje i sušenje. Ostali sirovinski
of clay and the skill, knowledge, habits and affinities of the potter vrlo jednostavne loptaste ili poluloptaste oblike koji dijelom The turning and pressing result in the creation of the clay walls
materijal koji je uključen u keramičku proizvodnju su razne boje
(Banning 2000, 161). The entire process of pottery production can podsjećaju na mješine životinja. of the future vessel, and the maker determines their height and
i gorivo koje se koristi pri pečenju (Sinopoli 1991, 9).
be divided into seven phases: 4. Oblikovanje pripremljene glinene paste u željeni oblik i thickness.
Tehnologija neolitičke keramike podrazumijeva tehnološke
procurement and preparation of clay – this phase includes tretiranje površine. Sve neolitičke keramičke posude izrađene b) ring-building technique, where simple, asymmetrical vessels
procese koji obuhvaćaju odabir i pripremu sirove gline,
extraction and transport of clay to the place where it will be su prostoručno, koristeći tri tehnike oblikovanja (Zlatunić 2005, of soft profiles are made from clay rings. The rings are produced
pročišćavanje gline, dodavanje primjesa i metodu izrade
processed, and for this reason clay most frequently came from the 70-71): by rolling the clay horizontally on a surface, or vertically between
posude ručnim miješanjem glinene smjese, dovršavanje
immediate surroundings. Clay preparation involves the removal of a) tehniku izvlačenja koja je primjerena za formiranje manjih palms.
posude oblikovanjem, sušenje, pečenje i ukrašavanje.
various organic substances present in the clay or their addition c) clay band or coil technique, used for the production of vessels of
Tehnologija izrade ovisi o vrsti gline, te vještini, znanju, posuda s ovalnim ili okruglim dnom. U ručno oblikovanu
to improve the clay’s quality. On the other hand, some types of pronounced profiles.
navikama i afinitetu majstora koji je izrađuje (Banning 2000, okruglu glinenu masu pritisne se palac, a drugom rukom se ona

196 197
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

vrti, tako da se vrtnjom i stiskanjem stvaraju glinene stijenke 5) drying – this process can cause cracking and deformation of tamnim bojama na površini. Redukcijska atmosfera postiže se or a pit). The first pottery was fired in the open, on fireplaces.
buduće posude i time određuje njezina visina i debljina. vessels, unless done properly. Most deformations that occur to pri temperaturi većoj od 900ºC kada nema dovoljno slobodnog Well-dried vessels were put on the ground, and fuel was placed
b) tehniku oblikovanja pomoću glinenih prstenova kojom a vessel during drying are caused by water. The water, which kisika, a boja pečene keramike varira od crne do sive. Ovakav under and above them. The pottery fired in this way was fired
se izrađuju jednostavne nesimetrične posude mekih profila. makes the clay plastic, evaporates during drying, causing the clay način pečenja posve je ovisan o količini organskih tvari u unevenly, because it was exposed to direct fire. The duration of
Navoji su izrađeni valjanjem gline horizontalno po podlozi ili particles to get closer together, and resulting in shrinking of the glinenoj smjesi. Najbolji primjer redukcijskog načina pečenja firing and very low temperatures ranging between 450 and 650ºC
vertikalno među dlanovima. vessel. Various types of clay have different drying speeds, and vinčanska je keramika vrlo visoke kvalitete. caused the ceramics to remain porous and fragile, because such
c) tehniku glinenih traka ili zavojnica koju su koristili za izradu the time needed for drying depends on the size of the capillaries Tehnologija pečenja keramike može se podijeliti u dvije low temperatures could not achieve complete disintegration of
izrazito profiliranih posuda. through which water escapes to the surface and then evaporates kategorije: minerals.
5. Sušenje posude – ovaj proces može izazvati pucanje i (Rye 1988, 21-24). - pečenje na otvorenom bez izgrađenog objekta ili strukture (na Further technological progress was marked by firing in a pit,
deformaciju posude ako se ne provodi na zadovoljavajući 6) firing of vessels – the final stage of pottery production takes otvorenom ognjištu ili u jami). Prva pečenja keramičkih posuda where pottery was placed together with fuel (consisting of grass,
način. Većina deformacija na posudi tijekom sušenja događa place in a kiln or open fire (in a fireplace or pit). vršila su se na otvorenom, na ognjištu. Dobro osušene glinene wood, wattle). In order to be effective, this technique called
se zbog vode. Naime, voda koja glinu čini plastičnom tijekom 7) after-firing treatment (painting, decorating...). Interestingly, posude stavljale bi se na zemlju, a iznad i ispod stavljalo bi se for great skill in the potter. Firing in a pit is characterized by
sušenja ishlapi, a čestice gline tada se približe jedna drugoj i on some vessels of the Starčevo Culture discovered at the site gorivo. Keramika pečena na ovaj način nejednako je pečena low temperature, with the highest possible heat not exceeding
posuda se uslijed takvog procesa stisne. Različite gline suše se of Tomašanci, wax was present on both the inner and the outer jer je izložena direktnoj vatri. Zbog dužine pečenja i vrlo niskih 1000°C. Once the firing process begins, it is impossible to control
različitom brzinom, a vrijeme sušenja ovisi o veličini kapilara surfaces. The vessels – while still hot, after firing – were coated temperatura između 450 i 650ºC keramičke posude ostajale bi the atmosphere, and the potter cannot influence the quality of his
kroz koje voda izlazi na površinu i ishlapljuje (Rye 1988, 21-24). with wax, which served as a kind of water-resistant filter/coat, porozne, lomljive jer na vrlo niskim temperaturama ne dolazi products. The way in which vessels and fuel are positioned prior to
6. Pečenje posude – kao završni proces izrade keramičke and prevented leaking (Heron et al. 1994). do potpune razgradnje minerala. firing can affect the air flow, but it is very difficult to retain a real
posude koji se odvija u peći ili na otvorenom prostoru (ognjištu Daljnji tehnološki napredak bio je pečenje u jami gdje su oxidation atmosphere throughout the firing process. Furthermore,
ili jami). Technology of pottery firing se keramičke posude slagale zajedno s gorivom (od trave, there is no smoke exhaust, so the unbalanced and chaotic
7. Tretmani nakon pečenja (slikanje, ukrašavanje i sl.). drva, šiblja). Ova tehnika zahtijeva veliku vještinu kako bi bila atmosphere yields pottery that is less fired and charred. This
Firing is a process whereby the hardness, colour and quality of
Zanimljivo je da je na nekim posudama starčevačke kulture s učinkovita. Karakteristike ovakvog načina pečenja su niska description is the main feature of prehistoric pottery, especially
objects changes under the influence of high temperatures. The
lokaliteta Tomašanci pronađen vosak na unutrašnjoj i vanjskoj temperatura i ograničena maksimalna temperatura do 1000°C. that produced in the Neolithic. As the fuel burns, the vessels are
purpose of firing is to expose the pottery to sufficiently high
strani posude. Vosak se nanosio na posude kao jedna vrsta Kada krene pečenje kontrola atmosfere je nemoguća, a lončar exposed to the air. Quick cooling can cause breakage of the rims
temperature for a sufficiently long time in order to completely
vodootpornog filtra/premaza kako sadržaj tekućine ne bi ne može utjecati na kvalitetu proizvoda. Položaj goriva i of wide-mouthed vessels, and for this reason they are usually fired
destroy the minerals in the clay. The minimum temperature
iscurio iz posude. On se dodavao na posudu nakon pečenja, posuda prije pečenja može utjecati na protok zraka, ali je vrlo upside-down. When turned upside-down, their rims take longer
differs for various minerals, ranging from 500°C to around 800°C.
dok je još bila vruća (Heron et al. 1994). teško zadržati pravu oksidacijsku atmosferu tijekom cijelog to heat up, and they are also insulated by ash and embers during
When heated to temperatures in excess of these, clay obtains
procesa pečenja. Dim nema reguliranog odvoda, zbog toga je cooling. Pit-firing is suitable for the production of black ceramics
the qualities of ceramics, and these are hardness, porosity and
Tehnologija pečenja keramike neuravnotežena i stihijska atmosfera razlog što su keramički because of the lack of air, and oxidation can be achieved by
resistance to various chemical and physical changes (Rye 1988,
predmeti slabije pečeni i pougljenjeni. Ovo je glavna osobina exposing the pottery while its temperature is still high (Rye 1988,
Pečenje je proces u kojem pri visokim temperaturama 96). The changes depend on the duration of firing, temperature
prapovijesne keramike, u prvom redu neolitičke. Kako gorivo 98).
predmeti dobivaju na tvrdoći, boji i kvaliteti. Svrha pečenja and atmosphere, which can be either oxidation or reduction. An
izgara, posude su izložene zraku. Naglo hlađenje može izazvati Closed firing (in a purpose-built structure, that is, a kiln). The
je da se keramika izloži dovoljno visokoj temperaturi na isto oxidation atmosphere is achieved if the air flow is unobstructed
pucanje ruba na posudama sa širokim otvorom, zbog toga advantages of firing in closed structures are the capability
tako dovoljno vremena, kako bi se osiguralo potpuno uništenje and there is sufficient free oxygen which can attach to elements
se one najčešće stavljaju naopako. U takvom položaju rub of obtaining temperatures ranging from 1000° to 1300°C, a
minerala u glini. Minimalna temperatura varira za različite on the surface or inside the object being fired. The colours of such
se sporije zagrijava, a ujedno je izoliran pepelom i žarom za controlled atmosphere and a controlled time of temperature rise.
minerale, najniža počinje od 500°C, a najviša od oko 800°C. pottery range from reddish to yellowish, and characterize cultures
vrijeme hlađenja. Pečenje u jami pogodno je za izradu crne The construction of the first protective structures and roofs above
Kada se zagrijava iznad ovih temperatura glina poprima of the Early Neolithic. Neolithic pottery was rather frequently also
keramike zbog nedostatka zraka, a oksidacija se može postići fireplaces marked the beginning of the development of kilns. Kilns
karakteristike keramike, a to su čvrstoća, poroznost i otpornost produced in an incomplete oxidation atmosphere, which occurs
izlaganjem posude dok je njezina temperatura još uvijek visoka allowed the temperature to be retained and provided insulation
na razne kemijske i fizičke promjene (Rye 1988, 96). Te su towards the end of the firing process due to gradual cooling and
(Rye 1988, 98). from cold air. Later, fireplaces were separated from firing areas,
promjene ovisne o vremenu pečenja, temperaturi i atmosferi. smoking of fired pottery inside the fireplace or pit. The surface
- pečenje u zatvorenom (u izgrađenom objektu, tj. pećima) and when chimneys, outflow canals and barrier grids were added,
Atmosfera može biti oksidacijska i redukcijska. Oksidacijska of pottery thus produced is tarnished and dark. A reduction
Prednosti pečenja u zatvorenim objektima su: mogućnost the outflow of smoke from the firing chamber was improved, and
atmosfera pečenja postiže se ako je protok zraka neometan atmosphere is achieved with temperatures exceeding 900ºC, when
postizanja temperature u rasponu od 1000° do 1300°C, a complete oxidation or reduction atmosphere could be achieved
i ima dovoljno slobodnog kisika koji se lako veže za elemente the quantity of free oxygen is insufficient. The colour of ceramics
kontrolirana atmosfera i kontrolirano vrijeme rasta (Horvat 1999, 47-50).
na površini ili unutrašnjosti predmeta. Boje keramičkih posuda thus fired ranges from black to grey. This method of firing is
temperature. Izgradnjom zaštitnih konstrukcija i zidanih The earliest Neolithic kilns have been recorded at the Starčevo
daju spektar od crvenkastih do žućkastih tonova, što je entirely dependent on the quantity of organic matter in the clay
svodova iznad ognjišta razvile su se prve peći. Na taj se način Culture sites of Zadubravlje, Galovo, Gođevo, in Slavonski Brod,
jedna od karakteristika kultura ranog neolitika. Za neolitičku mixture. The best example of reduction firing is the high-quality
zadržavala temperatura i izolirala od hladnog zraka. Kasnije and on the Tržnica tell in Vinkovci (Minichreiter 2007; 2011).
keramiku dosta je uobičajena i nepotpuna oksidacijska pottery of the Vinča Culture.
se ognjište odvaja od prostora za pečenje, a dodavanjem Those kilns are of various shapes, from dual ones, those with
atmosfera, koja se događa pri kraju procesa pečenja, zbog The technology of pottery firing can be divided into two
dimnjaka, odvodnih kanala, te rešetkastih pregrada poboljšava a round base and a narrower cylindrical neck, to oblong and
postupnog hlađenja i procesa dimljenja pečenih posuda unutar categories:
se odvod dima iz prostora za pečenje, čime se postiže potpuna rectangular ones, and even hemispherical kilns with a horseshoe-
ognjišta ili jame. Ovakve posude imaju mrljastu površinu s Open firing – without any built structure (in an open fireplace
oksidacijska ili redukcijska atmosfera (Horvat 1999, 47-50). shaped base. They were built of wattle and brushwood, and

198 199
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

200 201
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

Najranije neolitičke peći zabilježene su u starčevačkoj kulturi coated with clay which was then burnt. Usually, clay-extraction rubovi ukazuju na mokru površinu, čiste linije znače da je at an acute or right angle. The fluted lines are wide and shallow,
na lokalitetima Zadubravlje Galovo, Gođevo, u Slavonskom pits were found next to the kilns, together with space for urezivanje napravljeno na polutvrdoj površini, a tanke i vrlo most often rendered as oblique bends. Their cross-section is
Brodu i na telu „Tržnica“ u Vinkovcima (Minichreiter 2007; preparation, firing and drying of the pottery, and tools for its plitke linije ukazuju na vrlo suhu shaped like a wide or shallow letter U. In the Neolithic, this
2011). Peći su različitih oblika od dvojnih, kružne osnove s užim production. površinu. technique emerged with the arrival of the Vinča Culture in this
cilindričnim vratom, do onih izduženih i pravokutnih oblika, pa In brief, pottery-production technology can be roughly divided Kaneliranje – radi se s alatom tupog kraja pod oštrim ili region.
sve do tipa kalotaste peći s potkovičastom osnovom. Građene into three segments: shaping (preparation of clay mass and pravim kutom. Kanelirane linije su široke i plitke, a najčešće su
su od isprepletenog šiblja i pruća, a na vanjsku stranu ljepila se shaping techniques), surface treatment (working of the surface, izvedene u obliku kosih traka. U presjeku imaju oblik širokog
glina koja je zatim spaljena. Uobičajeno se uz ove peći nalaze i coating, decoration techniques) and firing (atmosphere, colour and ili plitkog slova „U“. U neolitiku se ova tehnika pojavljuje s
jame za vađenje gline te prostor za pripremu, pečenje i sušenje hardness) (Horvat 1999, 15). dolaskom vinčanske kulture na ove prostore.
posuda, kao i pripadajući alat za obradu.
Ukratko, tehnologija procesa izrade keramike mogla bi se u Pottery decoration
grubo podijeliti na tri segmenta: oblikovanje (priprema mase
There are several characteristic techniques which can be applied
za obradu i tehnike oblikovanja), tretiranje površine (obrada
to the treatment of a pottery surface. Their functions are diverse,
površine, nanos i tehnike ukrašavanja) i pečenje (atmosfera,
ranging from aesthetic to practical and utilitarian, and some
boja i tvrdoća) (Horvat 1999, 15).
techniques can modify the shape rather than the surface of
the vessel (Rice 1987, 144). Surface treatment is used to cover
Ukrašavanje posuda various irregularities (bulges, rough sections, cracks) created
Kod tretiranja površine razlikujemo nekoliko karakterističnih during the shaping of the pottery. It is executed on a wet or semi-
tehnika. One mogu imati više funkcija, osim estetske mogu hard partially dried surface. The latter is used for burnishing,
imati i praktičnu uporabnu funkciju, pa tako neke tehnike with the aim of obtaining a uniformly burnished surface, with
mogu više utjecati na modifikaciju oblika, a manje na površinu no irregularities. The technique consists of rubbing the ceramic
posude (Rice 1987, 144). Obrada površine koristi se za surface with a hard tool (most often a pebble), and thus orienting
prikrivanje raznih nepravilnosti (izbočina, hrapave površine, grains in the clay mixture parallel to the surface of the ceramic
pukotina) nastalih prilikom oblikovanja keramičkog predmeta, vessel (Velde, Druc 1999, 85).
a radi se na mokroj ili na polutvrdoj djelomično sušenoj In the Neolithic, the burnishing technique gave the best results
površini. Ova zadnja karakteristična je za tehniku glačanja, and proved the potter’s skill in the Vinča Culture, with typical
gdje je površina jednakomjerno zaglađena, bez nepravilnosti. black pottery of a high, nearly metallic shine.
Ova tehnika se izvodi trljanjem čvrstog alata (najčešće The most characteristic decorative techniques applied to Neolithic Slika 1: tehnika pravilnog urezivanja Slika 2: tehnika ubadanja
oblutka) o keramičku površinu kako bi se postiglo da se zrnca u pottery were incision, impression, applied decoration and painting, Fig. 1: regular incision technique Fig. 2: punctuation technique
glinenoj smjesi orijentiraju paralelno s površinom keramičkog all executed before firing. The incision technique can be further
predmeta (Velde, Druc 1999, 85). divided into several sub-techniques, and the most prominent
U neolitiku tehnika glačanja najbolji efekt i dokaz vještine among them in the Neolithic period were regular incisions, deep Ubadanje – ubodi se vrše u polutvrdu glinu s alatom tupog Punctuation – made in semi-hard clay with tools that had a
keramičara postiže u vinčanskoj kulturi koja je prepoznatljiva incisions, punctures and fluting. The techniques differ from one kraja, koji ostavlja različite motive po površini keramike. Motivi blunt tip, which left diverse motifs on the pottery surface. The
po svojoj crnoj keramici visokog, gotovo metalnog sjaja. another in the types and shapes of the tools applied (rounded, se razlikuju ovisno o vrsti i obliku alata te kutu i jačini pritiska motifs differed according to the type and shape of tools and
Najkarakterističnije tehnike ukrašavanja na neolitičkoj pointed, angular), the pressure exerted against the surface that is na tretiranu površinu. Najčešći motivi koji se dobiju tehnikom the angle and pressure applied against the treated surface. The
keramici su urezivanje, utiskivanje, apliciranje i slikanje, a treated (at a right or acute angle), the condition of the clay (soft, ubadanja su: duguljasti, četvrtasti, okrugli i trokutasti. Alat koji most frequent motifs rendered by the punctuation technique were
izvode se na nepečenoj površini. Tehnika urezivanja dijeli se semi-hard, hard) and the experience and affinity of the craftsman se koristio za ukrašavanje posuda uzimao se iz okolice i to od oblong, rectangular, rounded and triangular. The utensils needed
još na nekoliko podtehnika, a u neolitiku prevladavaju pravilno (Horvat 1999, 29-30). materijala koji su prirodno bili dostupni. Najčešće se radi o to decorate the pottery were taken from the surroundings, and
urezivanje, duboko urezivanje, ubadanje i kaneliranje. Ove Regular incisions – made by a sharp-tipped tool, pressed firmly drvenim i koštanim alatkama koje mogu biti u svom prirodnom they were made of materials that could be found in nature. Most
tehnike međusobno se razlikuju po vrsti i obliku alata (okrugli, against the clay surface at an acute or right angle, so that it obliku ili su modificirane u željeni oblik, ovisno o afinitetu frequently, these were wooden or bone tools which were either
šiljasti, uglati), pritisku na tretiranu površinu (pod pravim ili cuts the surface. A cross-section of the incised lines reveals the majstora. used in their natural form or modified to obtain the desired shape,
oštrim kutom), stanju gline (meka, polutvrda, tvrda) te iskustvu shape of a regular or asymmetrical letter V. The effects obtained Utiskivanjem se intervenira u površinu predmeta tako da depending on the craftsman’s liking.
i afinitetu majstora (Horvat 1999, 29-30). by incision differ greatly depending on the stage of drying. Raised je ostala površina posude izdignuta i reljefna. S alatom se Impressed decoration is a result of interference with the pottery
Pravilno urezivanje - radi se s alatom oštrog vrha koji se and irregular edges indicate that the surface was wet, clean lines utiskuje u polutvrdu glinu, na kojoj ostaje negativ motiva koji surface executed in such a way that the remaining surface seems
pod oštrim ili pravim kutom snažno pritiskuje, tako da reže demonstrate that incisions were made on a semi-hard surface, zovemo otisak. Utiskivanje može biti izvedeno i na apliciranoj raised. Tools are used to make impressions (the negative image
površinu gline. Presjek urezanih linija ima oblik pravilnog ili while thin and very shallow lines suggest that the surface was traci. Izbor alata za utiskivanje je velik, od onih prirodnih poput of the motif) in semi-hard clay. Impressions can also be made on
asimetričnog slova „V“. Efekti dobiveni urezivanjem znatno se rather dry. nokta, školjke, sjemenki, stabljike do posebnih instrumenata an applied bend. There was a wide choice of impression tools,
razlikuju s obzirom na stadij sušenja. Tako izdignuti i nepravilni Fluting – made by a blunt-tipped tool, pressed against the clay koji su napravljeni za izradu motiva. Neolitičko posuđe koje je from natural ones such as nails, shells, seeds and plant stalks, to

202 203
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

služilo za kuhanje ili skladištenje hrane, a radi se najčešće o special instruments that were purpose-made to produce motifs. Barbotin upravo najčešće nalazimo na takvoj vrsti posuda. It could also have served to facilitate the holding and handling of
loncima, bilo je ukrašeno utiskivanjem prsta ili nokta ili nekog Neolithic vessels used for cooking and storing food – usually pots Njegova funkcija mogla je također biti i u lakšem pridržavanju such pots, especially when they were large.
instrumenta od kosti ili drva koji je ostavljao različite motive – were decorated with finger or nail impressions, or with various i rukovanju posudom, pogotovo ako je riječ o posudama većih
po tijelu posude. motifs impressed over the vessel’s body with a tool made of bone dimenzija.
Tehnika apliciranja radi se na polutvrdim površinama na koje or wood.
se stavljaju polutvrde aplikacije. Na rubovima ili površini oko Applied decoration consists of semi-hard clay additions applied
aplikacije (na području dodira aplikacije i površine predmeta) on semi-hard surfaces. Along the edges of applied decoration, and
često se pojavljuju deformacije kao što je razmazana glina. on surfaces surrounding them (where the application meets the
Ovakve „plastične trake“ najčešće su se nanosile na predio vessel’s surface), there often appeared deformations, for example,
ispod vrata posude. One su, osim estetske, vjerojatno imale i smeared clay. These ‘plastic bends’ were most frequently placed
funkcionalnu karakteristiku kako bi se veće posude mogle lakše below the vessel’s neck. In addition to their aesthetic function,
pridržavati prilikom transporta. Ovakav način ukrašavanja they were probably also used to facilitate the holding of large
ostat će karakterističan kroz cijeli neolitik te će se kao tehnika vessels during transport. This decorating method remained typical
nastaviti koristiti i u kulturama koje svoje naslijeđe baštine iz throughout the Neolithic, and continued to be applied by the
kultura mlađeg kamenog doba. cultures which inherited the legacies of cultures of the Late Stone

Slika 5: tehnika barbotina Slika 6: tehnika slikanja

Fig. 5: barbotine technique Fig. 6: painting technique

Tehnika slikanja spada među estetski najučinkovitije tehnike Painting belongs to the most effective techniques from the
s neograničenim mogućnostima oblikovanja, a izvodi se na aesthetic point of view, with unlimited possibility of motif
nepečenoj glini bojanom masom za ulijevanje, crtanjem ukrasa rendering. It is executed on unfired clay using a coloured mass for
(cik-cak motivi, linije, točke) na bijelu ili obojenu podlogu pouring, or by drawing ornaments (zig-zag motifs, lines, dots) over
polusuhog nepečenog predmeta. Za bojanje se koriste mase a white or coloured surface of the semi-dry unfired ceramic object.
koje u sebi imaju različite okside metala (hematit, grafit, Masses used for painting contain various metal oxides (hematite,
manganovi spojevi, kaolin). Slikanje kao tehniku nalazimo već graphite, manganese compounds, kaolin). Painting technique was
na ranim starčevačkim posudama. S vinčanskom kulturom already being used on some Early Starčevo Culture artefacts.
pojavljuje se nov način slikanja koje karakterizira nanošenje During the Vinča Culture, a new painting technique emerged,
Slika 3: tehnika utiskivanja Slika 4: tehnika apliciranja
boje na posudu nakon što je ona ispečena. Takav način slikanja consisting of application of paint on a fired object. The paint, that
Fig. 3: impression technique Fig. 4: applied decoration technique
često dovodi do skidanja boje, odnosno ukrasa jer boja nije is, decoration, rendered in this technique was often lost, because it
postojana i lako otpada s površine. was not enduring and could easily fall off the surface.
Tehnika barbotina vrlo je specifična i vrlo karakteristična za Barbotine technique is rather specific and highly characteristic
sve prapovijesne kulture. Ovom se tehnikom postiže reljefnost of all prehistoric cultures. Its application results in a relief Funkcionalnost keramičkih posuda Functionality of ceramic vessels
površine, a spada u tehniku apliciranja. Karakteristika ove appearance of the surface, and it belongs to the group of applied
Prema funkcionalnim karakteristikama keramičke posude Based on their functional features, ceramic vessels can be
tehnike je da se prije pečenja površina predmeta oblijepi decorations. This technique consists of coating a ceramic surface
možemo podijeliti u posude za kuhanje, odnosno termičko divided into cooking pots, used for thermal processing on a fire,
s glinom razrijeđenom u vodi ili s glinom u polutekućem with a suspension of clay in water or semi-liquid clay prior to
zagrijavanje na vatri; posude za skladištenje hrane ili tekućine; vessels for storing food or liquids, and vessels for the serving
stanju, te se ravnomjerno razmaže po površini stisnutim ili being fired. The suspension is spread evenly over the surface by
posude za serviranje, odnosno konzumaciju hrane koja nije and consumption of food that is not thermally processed. Each
rastvorenim prstima. Zbog takvog oblikovanja na površini fingers held close together or apart. Because of this procedure,
načinjena termičkom obradom. Svaka od ove tri primarne of the three basic utilitarian functions required certain physical
nastaju različiti visoki „grebeni“ ovisno o debljini nanesene various high ‘ridges’ appear on the surface, depending on the
uporabne funkcije zahtijeva određene fizičke karakteristike. characteristics.
tekuće gline. Time posuda dobije na „hrapavosti“, debljim thickness of the applied liquid clay. Thus the vessel becomes
Posude koje su služile za kuhanje hrane na vatri zahtijevale Pots used for cooking food on a fire required special attention
stijenkama koje je štite od termalnih stresova, pogotovo kada ‘rough’, its walls become thicker and more apt to sustain thermal
su posebnu pažnju jer je reakcija posude na termalne uvjete because, when selecting the clay and its admixtures, thought had
je riječ o posudama koje su služile za zagrijavanje na vatri. stresses, especially in the case of pots that were heated by fire. It
kojima je izložena jedna od najosnovnijih karakteristika to be given to the reaction of the pot to the thermal conditions it
is precisely on those vessels that barbotine is most often found.

204 205
da r ov i zem l je gif ts of th e earth dar ov i z e m l je g i f ts of th e ear th
n e o l i t i k i zm eđ u sav e, t he ne o lit hic be t we e n n e o l i ti k i zm e đu sav e, th e n e olith ic be twe e n
d r av e i d u nava t he s ava, drava and danube d r av e i d u n ava th e sava , d rava a n d da n u be

na koje se trebalo misliti prilikom odabira gline i njezinih would be exposed to. Constant heating and cooling of the ceramic na mjesto. Jedan od takvih oblika je pitos, posuda velikih a large vessel used for storing cereals and liquids. Some of the
primjesa. Konstantna zagrijavanja i hlađenja kojima je vessel causes various types of damage, i.e. thermal stress. dimenzija koja je služila za skladištenje žitarica ili tekućine vessels also had lids, which protected the contents from being
izložena keramička posuda uzrokuju razna oštećenja na posudi, Generally, pottery is a poor thermal conductor. Therefore, the Neke od ovih posuda imale su i poklopce da zaštite sadržaj spilt or infested by rodents.
odnosno termalne stresove. external parts of a vessel are more exposed to stress at high posude od prolijevanja i prosipanja te od raznih glodavaca. One of the main features of vessels used for serving, i.e.
Keramika je, općenito gledajući, loš vodič topline pa će temperatures than the internal parts, where the walls are cooler Jedna od osnovnih karakteristika posuda za serviranje, tj. consumption, of food was the ease of their manipulation, in
vanjski dijelovi posude biti više izloženi stresu pri visokim because of the vessel’s contents. This results in cracking of the konzumiranje hrane je mogućnost jednostavnog rukovanja respect of the liquid or semi-liquid content to be found in them,
temperaturama od unutarnjih, čije su stijenke hladnije zbog vessel, and eventually leads to its breaking. Such stresses on zbog tekućeg ili polutekućeg sadržaja koji se nalazi u njoj and in respect of their weight or the high temperature of their
sadržaja posude. To će dovesti do bržeg pucanja posude i pottery can be avoided by proper selection of clay and admixtures, te zbog težine ili vrućine sadržaja (Rice 1999, 36-37). Zato contents (Rice 1999, 36-37). Vessels used for this purpose
naposljetku do lomljenja. Ovakvi stresovi na keramici mogu increased number and size of pores, and proper selection of a ovakve posude vrlo često imaju ručke ili drške, razne vrste normally had handles, various types of appliqués, or their very
se izbjeći pravilnim odabirom gline i njezinih primjesa, shape which will successfully conduct heat. When choosing clay, aplikacija ili pak različitu oblikovanost tijela koje omogućuje shapes allowed for easier manipulation (as in the case of biconical
povećanjem broja i veličine pora te odabirom oblika posude it is important to use minerals which have a smaller grade of lakše manipuliranje (poput npr. bikoničnih zdjela čija bowls, whose morphology enabled easy handling).
koji će uspješno provoditi toplinu. Pri odabiru gline vrlo thermal spread (such as feldspar and calcite), and their quantity morfologija omogućava vrlo jednostavno rukovanje). In addition to food processing, ceramic vessels were also used
je važno da se koriste minerali koji imaju manji stupanj is also very important. Quartz, one of the most frequent natural Keramičke posude, osim za procesuiranje hrane, koristile su se for special purposes, for various rituals, beliefs and offerings,
termalnog širenja (poput feldspata, kalcita), a pri tom je vrlo admixtures added to clay, has a very high capacity of thermal i u posebne svrhe, u raznim obredima i ritualima, vjerovanjima and as grave goods. The symbolic value of certain vessels and
važna i njihova količina. Kvarc, jedan od najčešćih prirodnih spread, and as such it is not best suited for cooking pots. Still, in i žrtvovanjima, te kao prilozi u grobovima. Svakako nije other objects made of fired clay, such as anthropomorphic and
i dodavanih primjesa u glini, ima vrlo veliku sposobnost small quantities and well crushed, it provides pottery with higher zanemariva simbolička vrijednost pojedinih keramičkih zoomorphic figurines, amulets and altars, cannot be disregarded.
termalnog širenja i zbog toga nije najpogodniji za upotrebu resistance to changes in temperature. The vessel’s shape can posuda i ostalih predmeta načinjenih od pečene gline poput Such items have been found at prehistoric sites as indicators of
kod posuda za kuhanje, međutim, u malim količinama i jako also influence its resistance to thermal stress. Uniform thickness antropomorfnih i zoomorfnih figurica, amuleta ili žrtvenika, a the religious beliefs of the community. Symbols present on certain
usitnjen daje keramici veću otpornost na temperaturne of the walls and a lack of sharp edges and sudden changes in koji se na prapovijesnim lokalitetima javljaju kao dio religijskih vessels can testify to the identity of the community which created
promjene. Oblik posude također može utjecati na otpor posude the vessel’s shape will reduce its exposure to thermal stress, i.e. vjerovanja zajednice. Određeni simboli na pojedinim posudama them, and to the place and time of their production.
termalnom stresu. Ujednačena debljina stijenki posude i breaking. This is the reason why cooking pots usually had rounded mogu nam posvjedočiti o identitetu zajednice koja ga je The quantity of pottery finds discovered at archaeological sites,
izostanak oštrih rubova, te naglih promjena u obliku posude, bottoms and simple shapes which ensured easier and more napravila, kao i o mjestu i vremenu u kojem je predmet nastao. and their indestructibility and resistance, provide numerous and
smanjit će izloženost posude termalnom stresu, odnosno uniform transfer of heat (Sinopoli 1991, 14-15; Rye 1988, 27). Količina keramičkog materijala na arheološkim lokalitetima, very important indications of cultural, social, economic, religious
lomljenju. Upravo radi toga posude koje su služile za kuhanje Such were the shapes of, for example, S-profiled bowls and pots, kao i njena neuništivost i otpornost, pruža nam nebrojene i pri and technological achievements of certain communities, and
najčešće imaju zaobljeno dno i jednostavnu formu radi lakšeg characteristic forms since the Early Neolithic. Very thick vessel tom vrlo važne indikatore o kulturnim, socijalnim, ekonomskim, of the time period in which they were created. Thus, ceramic
i ravnomjernijeg prijenosa topline (Sinopoli 1991, 14-15; Rye walls can reduce the flow of heat or cause problems during drying, religioznim i tehnološkim postignućima određene zajednice te vessels become our link to past periods, and they represent a
1988, 27). Takvih su oblika npr. S-profilirane zdjele i lonci koji but they will provide vessels with higher resistance to mechanical vremenskom periodu u kojem je nastala. Keramičke posude moment in time. That moment contains in itself answers to key
su karakteristične forme još od ranog neolitika. Jako debele stresses. In addition, cooking pots had to be large enough and tako postaju naša veza s prošlim vremenima i predstavljaju questions concerning the functioning and organization of the
stijenke posude mogu reducirati protok topline ili uzrokovati have a wide enough mouth for putting in and taking out food, and jedan trenutak u vremenu. Taj trenutak u sebi nosi odgovore society, and slowly leads us to discover the social dimension of
probleme tijekom sušenja, međutim, ove će posude imati veću they had to have handles or some other kind of applied protrusion na ključna pitanja o funkcioniranju i organizaciji društva te human activity. Pottery – as well as all other products resulting
otpornost na mehaničke stresove. Posuda za kuhanje također to allow it to be taken off the fire. Ceramic cooking pots are nas polako uvodi u otkrivanje socijalne dimenzije ljudskog from human activity – was produced and utilized within a social
mora biti dovoljno velika i imati široki otvor za dodavanje i particularly suitable for the preparation of soups, various stews djelovanja. Keramika je, baš kao i svi ostali proizvodi koji context, and it should be studied as such. People made vessels,
vađenje hrane, ručke ili neku drugu vrstu aplikacije kako bi se and goulashes, which increase nutritive values while maintaining su dio ljudske aktivnosti, producirana i upotrebljavana u used them, distributed them, broke and threw them away within
lakše podizala s vatre. Keramičke posude za kuhanje posebno juices and flavours, and thus lead to better and sounder diet. For društvenom kontekstu i na taj način je trebamo i promatrati. an archaeological context, and all of that within the scope of
su pogodne za pripremu juha, raznih vrsta variva i gulaša koje example, the first cooking of plants not only allowed some toxic Ljudi su izrađivali posude, upotrebljavali ih, distribuirali, their daily lives. Therefore, pottery should serve as a frame for
povećavaju nutritivne vrijednosti i zadržavaju sokove i okuse substances to be released, but it also provided the everyday diet razbijali i odbacivali u arheološkom okruženju, a sve u the exploration of human behaviour in the past, and not only for
što dovodi do bolje i kvalitetnije ishrane. Npr. kuhanje prvih with its required calories, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and kontekstu njihovog svakodnevnog života. Stoga bi keramičke establishing chronological references.
biljaka, osim što oslobađa neke štetne tvari, daje svakodnevnoj fibre (Rice 1999, 30-33). posude trebale činiti okvir za istraživanje ljudskog ponašanja u
ishrani potrebne kalorije, karbohidrate, vitamine, minerale i Vessels used for storing food also had to meet several physical prošlosti, a ne samo za određivanje kronoloških smjernica.
vlakna (Rice 1999, 30-33). requirements, concerning their shape and the selection of the
Posude za skladištenje hrane također zahtijevaju nekoliko clay mixture. When the foodstuffs stored were dry, there were
fizičkih karakteristika, od oblika do izbora glinene smjese. Kada several important factors, depending on whether they were going
je riječ o pohrani suhih namirnica bitno je nekoliko faktora, to be stored for a short or long period of time, and how often the
ovisno o tome je li pohrana kratkotrajna ili dugotrajna te koliko content of the vessel was going to be extracted from it. These
često se sadržaj vadio iz posude. O tim će karakteristikama considerations dictated the size of the opening, the capacity and
ovisiti i otvor posude, kapacitet i propustljivost (Rice 1999, 34- permeability of the vessel (Rice 1999, 34-36). Food was usually
36). Posude za skladištenje najčešće su bile smještene unutar stored inside the house, in a separate pit/hoard. Vessels used for
kuće u posebnoj jami/ostavi. Uglavnom su većih dimenzija jer this purpose were mostly large, because they were not moved or
ne zahtijevaju učestalo pomicanje i transportiranje s mjesta transported frequently. One of the known shapes was the pithos,

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