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Students' English Language Skills in Communicating with Tourists to

Develop the Tourism city of Samosir

Tourism sector has a good prospect in the future, because it can give big foreign exchange for
developing tourismsector. Developing tourism sector needs several factors of human resources,
one of themis the communications factors in which language as a means of verbal
communication plays an important role. The functions of language and such as to develop
science and technology. And to communicate with other country. The people who are involved
in the tourism industry are required to communicate with the tourists in their language. The
language which is often used to communicate with the foreign tourist is English If they cannot
understand the English language, the foreign tourist will often find difficulties in communication.
The problem are : What are the roles of English tourism in Samosir? The hypothesis is that the
role of the English language and the ability of a person in using the English language is
important in the tourismindustry. The objectives of this irvestigation are to undserstand The Role
of English Language In the Tourism Industry at Samosir ; to understand to ability of the English
language of a person in tourism industry so far, to understand the hindrances in the tourism
industry in using the English language, The author uses a Qualitative method which is a method
that focuses on in-depth observations. Therefore, the use of qualitative methods in research can
produce a more comprehensive study of a phenomenon. Based on the results of the investigation,
Based on the investigation result, according to the informants that the role of the English
language is important to support the comunication ard their services to the foreign tourists.
Acording to the tourists, the ability of the English language of a person in the tourism industry is
emugh. The persors who incudes in the tourism industry has the hindrances in using the English
language, for example, the speed of speaking, pronunciation of tourists. They use several ways to
deal with these obstacles, such as they can ask questions again, or make sure to return to tourists
to repeat what they said. It also helps to learn vocabulary and conte

The development of the current era of globalization requires us to be able to have the
competitiveness in various fields, to advance an area into a better era, especially in the field of
tourism. the development of tourism is one part of a phenomenon in modern times, which can
not be avoided his presence. The definition of Tourism according to Yoeti (1986:118) : A trip for
a while which was held from one place to another with the goal isn't to make a living in the
places visited, but solely to enjoy the trip to sightseeing and recreation. Tourism is one of the
sources of income in favor of the development.

Tourism has contributed to the life of the community, especially from the economic side. Based
on ratings, Indonesia was ranked 40 out of 140 countries with have the strength that can be seen
in the 3 indicators, namely :

1. Natural resources are very good with some of the world's heritage.

2. Site of nature and the richness of the fauna

3. Resources culture for competitiveness in prices in hotels, taxes, ticket low and the cost of air

In 2009, tourism has ranked 3 in the foreign exchange after oil, gas and palm oil. About 59 % of
tourists visit Indonesia for a holiday, while 41 % for business purposes.

Language is a means to build communication, if language is used well, communication will be

built and can produce good language. However, when used incorrectly, it can cause a bad
response. Therefore personnel in the tourism industry, especially front positions must continue
the level of proficiency language that will enable them to use the language effectively.

Samosir island is a volcanic island in middle of Lake Toba in North Sumatra province. An island
in the island with a height of 1,000 meters above the surface of the sea make this island into an
island that attracts the attention of tourists. Samosir island is known as “THE LAND OF
BEAUTIFUL PIECES OF HEAVEN” Tuktuk is a concentration of Tourists in the Island of
Samosir. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be connected with a ferry crossing. In addition to the nexus
of water, Samosir Island can also be reached by road through the Pangururan that be the place
where Samosir Island and the Island of Sumatra connected. Samosir island itself is located in
Kabupaten Samosir, a new extension in 2003 from the former Districts of Toba-Samosir. In this
island there are also two small lakes as a tourist area, namely Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek
Natonang who got the nickname "lake above the lake". Because it is very wide, the Island of
Samosir is in the top 10 largest Islands in the world who are in the middle of the lake. Samosir
island is ranked 5th for this category.

Samosir regency is composed of :

- Samosir island green.

Lake Toba is colored blue means calm, cool and cold. Lake Toba is a lake of fresh water the
most beautiful in the whole world, around the island of Samosir, has also become DTW because
of its natural beauty. The beauty that is natural and beautiful, gives calmness and coolness for the
surrounding community and also domestic and foreign tourists. For that need to setup more
professional and preserving Lake Toba in order to realize the tourism industry is modern. In
addition to that Lake Toba is the source of life of the community for drinking water and even as
a place to find fish for fishermen and place penagkaran different types of freshwater fish.

In addition aksara batak also has regional language i.e. language of the Batak. The script is
expected to motivate the next generation to know and preserve it. The word “Horas” is part of
the coat of arms means that the Samosir Regency and his officials similarly, people may
welcome the task in order to establish a Regency, Samosir regency becomes a shining kesuluruh
over the world, prosperous, advanced, and cultured. From the community Samosir Regency is
expected to always behave good, friendly and full of love in welcoming the arrival of
visitors/tourists to the region of Samosir Regency..usually the batak language used to
communicate their fellow, ranging from children to adults. so in this case, the writer is interested
to research how big the role of English in the field of industrial tourism in Samosir.



Know for certain area of Samosir which became the main tourist destination. Bring a notebook
and stationery if the tourists want to ask you something and take note of the order when the
purchased by the tourists. Set up the Camera to memvideokan good communication between
students with tourists

Data Collection:

We Make the paper a list of questions that will be asked to tourists

We must know how to answer that kind and polite to the question're us

The interview was conducted by a team consisting of three people, for example, we give the six
questions in the questionnaire.

Data Analysis:

All data related to the English Language And Tourism Classified in the role in the field of


Students are a social status of the community who are considered to have a role as agents of
change where change is highly expected and can be triggered by community groups who hold
student degrees. This is because students have a mature mindset, are able to break through and
create new innovations that are useful for many people, are critical and have a high level of
knowledge compared to ordinary people. The forging of campus life is a medium for students to
be able to develop themselves in addition to having to prepare themselves with sufficient skills to
be able to enter the community so that social problems can be solved.

These skills include skills in the field of scientific study, the disciplines he pursues, organization
and entrepreneurship. From these fields, entrepreneurship has become the subject of alleviating
social problems in society that have been difficult to solve for a long time, namely
unemployment. In this case, students should be expected to be able to have entrepreneurial skills
because entrepreneurship has the potential to minimize unemployment. Entrepreneurship
consists of many segments, one of which has bright prospects in the future is tourism.

The tourism sector is indeed very potential considering the Indonesian state which consists of a
group of islands where each island has a qualified tourism aspect to be explored so that it can
become an attraction for domestic and foreign tourists. One of them is the tourism object of Lake
Toba in North Sumatra. In this case, students should play an active role in sparking scientific
attitudes that are obtained for the development of tourist attractions in Lake Toba, especially
students who have disciplines in English because proficiency in English is very much needed
because Mastery of English is a must. main capital in tourism industry development. Moreover,
for the tourism industry targeting foreign tourists, English is the main language.

Not infrequently encountered frequent communication errors in the services carried out by the
community around the Lake Toba tourist attraction area for foreign tourists such as history,
traditions etc.

As for things like that can happen due to the inability of the people around Lake Toba to speak
English, of course it is very unfortunate considering the ability to master English is the main
medium for communicating with foreign tourists.

The lack of English language skills for the people around Lake Toba as service providers for
tourists is certainly an obstacle to the development of tourism objects in Lake Toba, so with this
it is necessary for the role of students, especially those who have English language disciplines to
alleviate the problem. The lack of English language skills experienced by people in the area
around Lake Toba tourism objects for the development of existing tourism objects in Lake Toba.
The English language skills possessed by students for the development of lake tourism objects
are by conducting English education or training to the community around Lake Toba so that the
Toba people can perform or provide good services to foreign tourists with good communication

And it doesn't stop there, students with English language skills are also very much needed in
terms of promoting Lake Toba attractions in the online media sector in order to attract foreign
tourists to come to Lake Toba attractions.

What makes tourism advance is the English language. Yes, with the presence of a student who
understands English, he must first know the exact location of Samosir, and we can be a tour
guide showing the beauty of Samosir with foreigners because English is an international
language that almost everyone in the world can understand. We as students can also just chat
casually looking for the experience of daring to speak in English with foreigners so that our
abilities are getting better and better.



Excellent 2

Very good 20

Good 53

Average 15

0 20 40 60


Excellent 3

Very good 16

Good 57

Average 12

0 20 40 60

In addition, student questionnaire results were obtained regarding whether local tourism should
be included in the material teach English for Tourism or not. The answer is that 100% they agree
that the teaching materials must contain elements of local tourism whose aim is to promote
tourism on the island of Samosir. Now is not unlike a few years ago which is a little difficult to
get to the location tour. With the existence of Lake Toba tourism and the support of the local
government in exploring the place, a new tour, becomes a very attract and make samosir as a
new destination. Therefore, by incorporating elements of local tourism into the eye material,
English for Tourism courses will be very helpful in promoting Samosir tourism.
After seeing the above, then obtained a mapping of the material that will be included in the draft
of teaching materials. Here are the units that will be available in the draft book. Each The unit is
then developed through training in reading skills, speaking, writing and listening. Then there is
also tasks or projects that they must complete in each unit. This is adjusted to the results of the
questionnaire which given to students.

Unit 1. Traveling around Samosir

Unit 2. Attractions across Samosir

Unit 3. Samosir Food and Drinks

Unit 4. Promoting and Marketing in Tourism

Unit 5. At the natural tourism

Unit 6. Development in tourism

Tourism brochure of four district, book English for Tourism relevant as a reference, brochure
hotels, podcasts/vodcasts, correspondence business, and forms of learning other technology-
based support the mater

The function of language and the tourism sector is to facilitate communication, avoid
misunderstandings, further strengthen relations and can create a family atmosphere between
foreign tourists and people who relate to tourists themselves. The role of English in the tourism
industry in Samosir is very important because the development of the current era of globalization
requires us to be competitive in various fields, namely: Travel Bureau, where tourists carry out
tour package activities and travel agents. Hotel, as a form of commercially managed
accommodation provided for everyone to obtain services lodging, eating and drinking. The
restaurant is a place that provides food and drinks for guests to consume as a necessity. The role
of English is very important in the tourism industry, where from 4 informants who were asked
for answers, all of them answered that English is urgent. According to the assessment of foreign
tourists, the English language skills of the officers in the tourism industry in Samosir are
considered sufficient even though they sometimes have difficulty communicating. Conclusions
that researchers can drawconvey is a related conclusion with the results of questionnaires,
interviews that has been obtained above. The result should be a reference in making and
development of teaching materials for English for Tourism course. The emphasis and reference
one of the 16 questions is at point number 14 where development of the textbook must contain a
combination of several things. In development English instructional materials for In this
Tourims, the researcher used various sources of teaching materials including also authentic.
Results of needs analysis indicates that it is necessary to use multiple sources for materials
development of teaching materials, including tourism brochure of four district, book English for
Tourism relevant as a reference, brochure hotels, podcasts/vodcasts, correspondence business,
and forms of learning other technology-based support the material.

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