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My name is Le Tien Vinh, but you can call me Vinh. I come from Nha Trang city.

I’m 20 years old and I’m

student at Communicational Information in Nha Trang. To begin with, I am a very interesting person,
very sociable. A selfless attitude towards anyone you meet. I am very friendly by nature and love to be
with people who are not selfish.

I like to listen to music, read books or do physical exercises in my free time. Sometimes, I do some
research for my study in the evening and have some conversation with my room mates. I like dogs and I
have one at my home.

Ambition can do anything to achieve my goal I am very competitive by nature, but I like to find the right
thing in everything I see in my opinion there are a lot of things that make us depressed or upset, but this
does not mean that we stop life. Indeed, problems are a sign of life. They make us believe that we are
alive. The only people who have no problems are in the cemeteries. We will therefore be lucky to have
problems. Improve our minds. It’s the philosophy of my life. I used to fail to do my goals a lot, but I
never quitted. Although it is pain to fall, I will manage to rise again.

Concerning my schedule, so I'm very punctual, I like to have all the work on time and as I want. Because I
don’t want to waste my time, I always make a schedule for my works. You can say I am a discipline
person with rules.

I like to motivate the depressed, to help the poor. I try to make smile those who have lost hope, who
have become desperate. I wish to bring them back to life. I do not want they are seen like that by their

Speaking of family, I love my parents very much. My dad always motivates, encourage, and accompanies
me all the time. He always like to be by my side when something is against me. He's not just my dad,
he's a lifelong companion. He doesn't care that I'm bothering at 2am just to ask a question about
academics. My mom supports me a lot. She never yell at me for what I ‘ve done. Instead of punishing
me, she speaks to me gently and teaches me the right things to do. My sister always respects me.
Whenever I hang out with my friends or go somewhere, I never forget to buy something for her on my
way home. My parents love me a lot. They never lose hope in me even if I failed sometime before. But
they know I never give up and I will always try my best to accomplish my goals. My sister and I usually go
out with our cousins at weekends. We go out to eat snack or play some games on the field near my

I have a lot of friends and I am very lucky to have them. Some friends from my football team, some
friends live near my neighbor, some old friends at my old school. They treat good to me. However,
there’s a friend that I’m very close to is my old classmate. His name is Le Huu Dang Nghi, and he used to
sit next to me when we were in high school. At that time, we always watched look after each other. We
even organized a study appointment to make sure we would graduate. We shared everything with each
other: our families, our stories and so on. As a result, I finally completed my high school graduation with
high grades. However, since I am studying here, I haven’t meet him for a long time. Because of the
pandemic, I cannot meet anyone else in-person, even my family.

I am very lucky to have all my friends, my dear parents, sisters. May God bless them with happiness, joy
and prosperity. May God grant them long life.

May everyone who reads this answer be safe, happy and successful in life!!!

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