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                        Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : XI IPA / XI IPS
                        Satuan Pendidikan : SMA / MA
                        Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 6 Juni 2017
                        Alokasi waktu : 90 Menit
                        Waktu pelaksanaan : 07.30 WIB – 09.30 WIB

Name : ______________________________________________

Class : ________________


In this part of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. You will hear
a short report text from VOA. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases based on the
audio text.
This issheet.
the VOA Special English Education Report. Current and __________ (1) from Berklee College of
Music in Boston recently returned to the United States after three weeks in ______ (2). They were part of
_______________ (3) aiming to influence lives through music. They taught music, performed and donated
instruments to a Kenyan community center. They also learned about traditional Kenyan music.
_______ (4) is an important part of life in Kenya.
SAM LUTOMIA: “Growing up, I sang a lot in school. And we had competitions and choir and music every
Sam Lutomia works for __________ (5). He was born and spent his early years in Kenya.
SAM LUTOMIA: “When I moved to the States, I get exposed to a higher level of music. And I was like, ‘Is
there something I can do now that I’m in the States?’”
He helped to create a group called Global Youth Groove. Its goal is to bring western music to young
Kenyans, and get them to consider music as a career.
SAM LUTOMIA: “I started talking with _________ (6) at Berklee College of Music and faculty members,
and they all responded positively. And we started collecting instruments.”
Thirteen Americans made the trip to Kenya in July. They included four high school students from the Boston
area. One of them was Marina Miller.
MARINA MILLER: “We started out in Nairobi. We got a chance to meet with local musicians and listen to
them play.”
Project coordinator Aaron Colverson says the Americans presented a gift during a visit to Kakamega in
western Kenya.
AARON COLVERSON: “We’ve gathered like 20 instruments. We had some recorders and also an entire
drum kit, lap tops and recording software.”
Many Kenyans attended the activities offered by the group.
Berklee student David Chapman says for some of the Kenyans, it was the first time to see and touch such
DAVID CHAPMAN: “Their music classes would just be them ________ (7) about western instruments.”

Aaron Colverson says music can give someone _________ (8).
AARON COLVERSON: “When you put music in front of kids, it seems that their minds open up. Music
gives them a chance to express themselves through songs and writing the songs.”
The American group also performed at ________ (9). During the trip, Aaron Colverson says, they met with
local musicians and listened to them play. They also learned about traditional Kenyan ______ (10),
______ (11) and _______ (12).
AARON COLVERSON (singing in Swahili): “It’s pretty music to say nice to meet you, in _______ (13)
where there are no worries.”
Trip organizer Sam Lutomia says he is happy with _______ (14) of energy the exchange program has
produced. He hopes _______ (15) will take place every year and expand to neighboring countries. I’m Bob
Contributing: Faiza Elmasry

VOA Special English - Text & MP3

1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
9. _______________________________
10. _______________________________
11. _______________________________
12. _______________________________
13. _______________________________
14. _______________________________
15. _______________________________

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 16 and 17)
Student : I am sorry Sir, I don’t finish my home work yet.
Teacher : Oh no! I’m not pleased at all.
Student : Don’t worry sir! I will not repeat again in the next time.
Teacher : Kneeling down on the floor right now!

16. The underlined expression expresses ....

a. Expressing satisfaction c. Expressing happiness

b. Expressing anger d. Expressing sadness

17. What the teacher’s mean in the dialog above?

a. Anger to the student c. embarrassed with the student

b. Love the student so much d. proud to the student

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 18 - 20)
Driver : I’m sorry, Sir. I am late. You must be waiting for me for a long time.
Mr. Robby : Yeah! I am very annoyed. Why did you come late? You should have been here earlier.
Driver : Err… There was a traffic jam on the way here. So I couldn’t drive fast. That’s the truth, Sir.
Mr. Robby : Oh, stop talking. __________________ .
Driver : Pardon me, sir.

18. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. You make me mad

b. Never mind
c. You make me pleased
d. You make me shy

19. Based on the dialogue, we know that ....

a. Driver came on time d. Mr. Robby really angry

b. Driver was happy
c. Mr. Robby was sad

20. “Pardon me, sir”, it means that …….

a. The driver is angry c. The driver is regret

b. The driver is happy d. The driver is lonely

Choose the correct answer by choosing a, b, c, or d!

21. If you got a bunch of money, … it on stupid things?

a. Would you spend c. Will you spend

b. Would you have spend d. Will you have spend

22. If the student had got enough sleep, she … difficulties in reading the material.

a. Wouldn’t have faced c. Will not face

b. Wouldn’t has faced d. Will not had face

23. The employees were not … to use their sick days.

a. Allow c. Allowing
b. Allowed d. Have allowed

24. Have you … a letter for your father?

a. Write c. Written
b. Wrote d. Have written

25. My Rabbit … on the grass last night.

a. Sleep c. Slept
b. Sleeping d. Have sleep

26. Gia … in New York for ten years before she … to California.

a. Is living – move c. Have lived – have moved

b. Had lived – moved d. Lived – had moved

27. Mandy told us yesterday that she … England in 2000.

a. Had visited c. Visited

b. Was visited d. Have visited

28. If you had … about personal financial planning, you couldn’t spent your money wisely.
a. Know c. Known
b. Knew d. Knowing

29. If our team had … the match, they would have … up in lthe league.

a. Won – moved c. Wined – moved

b. Win – moved d. Have win – moved

30. If I … much money, I will … a new smartphone.

a. Has – buy c. Has – buys

b. Have – buy d. Have – buys

31. Please, don’t make … noise.

a. A c. The
b. An d. Those

32. I prefer to choose … blue T-shirt rather than the red one.

a. A c. The
b. An d. Those

33. I will show you … reason why I am so exited.

a. A c. The
b. An d. Those

34. My father works as … engineer.

a. A c. The
b. An d. Those

35. If you … harder, you would … the exam.

a. Studied – pass c. Have studied – have passed

b. Study – passed d. Had studied – had passed

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English. Some
texts and questions will be given in this section. Read them carefully and answer the questions.

Text and
1 is for wife went
question 36 to Mount Gede to spend some time fasting and meditating so that their wish to become
– 40
rich might be granted. One day, in the midst of their meditations, they heard a voice from the sky. “ Kabayan”,
said the voice. “I granted you two wishes. But only two. You had better talk it over with your wife before you
make them.”

Kabayan and his wife had a lengthy and stressful discussion about what they should wish for. Kabayan wanted
to wish for a great amount of money, but his wife thought they should wish for an abundant supply of rice. It
was simply impossible for them to have an agreement. Finally, Kabayan became so annoyed with his wife that
he said, “ I wish you would turn into a monkey!”

Immediately Kabayan’s wish was granted, and he saw his wife transformed into a monkey before his very
eyes. He could not bear this, and so he wishes that his wife would become herself again. He wish was promptly
granted. 5
Thus, Kabayan’s chance to ask for wealth was gone, and he and his wife remained poor as long as they lived.

Source : English Zone 2 for Senior High School Students Year XI/p.146
36. What is the text about?
a. Kabayan and his wife get much money
b. The process of Kabayan and his wife to try being a rich man
c. Kabayan and his wife go to Mount Gede for picnic
d.Kabayan looks his wife in Mount Gede

37. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

a. To describe people c. To entertain the reader

b. To inform something d. To discuss with the reader

38. Which of the following is true according to the text?

a. Kabayan love his wife so much
b. Kabayan and his wife go to city
c. Kabayan and his wife want to be a rich family
d. Kabayan becomes a monkey

39. “I granted you two wishes. But only two. You had better talk it over with your wife before you make them.”
The word ‘it’ refers to ….

a. two wishes from a voice from sky c. Mount Gede

b. Kabayan and his wife d. a voice from the sky

40. Immediately Kabayan’s wish was granted, and he saw his wife transformed into a monkey before his very
Transformed means …..

a. becomes c. buys
b. chances d. gets

Text 2 for 41 – 47

One day, a mother and a baby camel were having a _______ (41) when the baby camel began asking, “Mom, why
do we have these huge two-toed feet?”
The mother replied, “ Well son, when we trek across the desert,________ ________ (42) will help us stay on top
of the soft sand.”
Two minutes later the young camel asked, “Mom, why do we have these long _________ (43) ?”
“They are there to keep the sand out of our eyes on the trips through the desert,” the mother said.
“Mom, why have we got these great big humps on our back?”
“They are there to ______ (44) us store water for our long treks across the desert, so we can go without drinking
for long periods of time.”
“so we have huge feet to stop us from _______ (45) long eyelashes to _______ (46) the sand out eyes, and these
humps to store water?”
“Yes dear, ‘ said the ______ (47). “So why are we in the Surabaya Zoo?”

Source :

41. a. test c. place

b. discussion d. time

42. a. our toes c. our head
b. our mouth d. our hair

43. a. eyelashes c. foot

b. nose d. hand

44. a. give c. help

b. make d. keep

45. a. sinking c. drinking

b. singing d. helping

46. a. give c. help

b. make d. keep

47. a. mother c. son

b. father d. uncle

Text 3 is for question 48 – 50

When we buy a mobile phone, we have to consider a few points. Doing so, we will be able to make a
wise decision.
If we decide to buy a mobile phone, we can start asking ourselves why we want the equipment. We may
ask, “ Do we want it for our prestige or for its usefulness?”
After we decide to use a mobile phone, we should make a choice on the type of mobile phone. With the
various choice in the market, we should decide the one that meets our needs. We must know what we
As a consequence of its high operational costs, we have to pay more for a mobile phone compared to a
fixed telephone. That is why we have to think carefully before we decide to use it. Therefore, we only
use the mobile phone for important talks. It will not be to use it for a chat with a friend.
With the all the consequences of the mobile phone, we indeed should give serious considerations before
using it. They are:
1. Ask yourself, “Do I really need it at the moment?”
2. Buy the mobile phone that suits your budget.
3. Prioritize the function of the mobile phone, rather than its features
4. Use the mobile phone for important talks.
English for a Better Life/p.133

48. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe people
b. To inform something
c. To entertain the reader
d. To persuade the reader

49. According to the text, one of the considerations for using a mobile phone is …..
a. The mobile phone should suit our budget
b. The mobile phone should be interesting
c. The mobile phone should be expensive
d. The mobile phone should have many game application

50. The text is about …..

a. The considerations of buying a mobile phone
b. The quality of the mobile phone
c. The price of the mobile phone
d. The budget of the mobile phone

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