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Name : Kinanti Resti Fany

NIM : 1911112232
Class : A 2019 2
Group : 2


Task 1

MATCH the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).

1G : eupnea 5 resting rate : F

2 C : diastolic 6 stable : E

3D : apnea 7 heart rate : A

4 B : Systolic

A a measurement of how many times a person's heart beats per minute

B measures blood pressure as the heart beats

C measures blood pressure as the heart rests

D difficult or irregular breathing

E having steady vital signs

F a measurement of heart beats per minute while not

engaged in physical activity

G regular,easy breathing
Task 2

Look AT the pictures below! Describe WHAt the nurse is doing in eACH one!

Picture 1 : The nurse is checking the pulse of the patient

Picture 2 : The nurse is checking te temperature of the kid with oral


Picture 3 : The nurse is checking the blood pressure on patient arm

Nurse: Good afternoon, Anti. How are you feeling today? 

Patient: It’s so cold in here! I think I have a fever. 

Nurse: Let me check your forehead. 

Patient: Ok.

Nurse: You feel a bit warm. Let’s measure your body temperature, shall we? 

Patient: Sure.

Nurse: Here, put the thermometer under your armpit please.

Patient: Okay.

A minute later…
Patient: So, how is it?

Nurse: Your temperature is 37 Celcius. You have a bit of fever, but you don’t
have to be worried about it. It is normal to have a slight fever after a
surgery like yours. 

Patient: I’m glad to hear that.

Nurse: I think I will check your blood pressure as well. 

Patient: Why? Is there something wrong? 

Nurse: No, don’t worry. You are in good hands. Now would you please hold
out your arm so that I can wrap this cuff around it to read your blood

Patient: Ok.

Nurse: Your blood pressure is 110/75. It’s normal. 

Patient: That’s great. Thank you.

Nurse : And next, I have to check your pulse and respiratory rate as well.
May I touch you wrist for a moment? You can relax.

Patient : Okay, here.

Nurse : Alright, I’ve checked it. Your pulse is 66 bpm and your respiratory
rate is 17 bpm.

Patient : Is that normal?

Nurse : Yes, it is normal.

Patient : That’s good. Thank you!

Nurse : Your’re welcome

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