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Mr. Jones was the owner of the Manor Farm. One day, the animals met in the barn
because Old Major, a pig who was respected and loved by the other animals, wanted
to tell them about a strange dream he had the night before. When all the animals
were there, Old Major started his speech.

First of all, he talked about their difficult and short lives: in his opinion, the problem
was the presence of humans. Old Major knew that Rebellion would come.

After that, he told them about his dream; it was about the future when men will
disappear. Then he remembered an old song that his mother used to sing with him. It
was called “Beasts of England”. The animals and they soon began to sing the song with
him. They sang the song more and more times.

They wanted to sing it all night but the loud noise woke up Mr. Jones. He took his gun
and started to shoot in the darkness and the scared animals went to sleep.


Three days later, Old Major died. Three pigs, Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer took
the control of the situation and explained their ideology called “Animalism”.

Mr Jones was drunk almost every day. One day the situation was out of control and
the rebellion started. Jones was expelled from the Manor Farm and the animals
established their supremacy.

Then the animals destroyed every Mr Jones’ thing. After that, they sang Beasts of
England and everyone was happy. They replaced “Manor Farm” with “Animal Farm” and
they wrote the Seven Commandments of the Animalism. At the end of the chapter
the pigs figured out that someone stole all the cows’ milk.

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