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Task 4 –Speaking Production

Jorge Andrés González Mendez

Code: 1005777496
Group: 270

Rosa Angelica Falla

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia UNAD

Escuela De Ciencias Básicas, Tecnologías E Ingenierías – ECBTI
2.1 Read the following questions so you can track the answers before you watch the
 ¿Are they using any kind of non-verbal language such as gestures, body position
(hands), or facial expressions while talking or listening to each other? Study them
Answer: Yes, she is using non-verbal language, since when she speaks the interviewer
makes facial expressions and the hands are located in a position but she makes slight

 ¿Can you notice the fluctuation in the tone and intonation of their voices? Try to
identify them.
Answer: of course the fluctuation is noticeable since it marks her a lot and she is very
fluent and she understands what she is saying since she vocalizes the words very well.
 Is it evident any type of outfit they are using for the interview?
Answer: yes, since she wears a formal outfit.
 ¿Do you recognize any expression or word you have heard before? Write them
down for you to check them out later on.
Answer: - Research, employers needs, Organization, these are my skills, yourself,
intelligent, you want to have a good eye contact, you want to have a nice strong, authentic
and genuine, need to, tell me about, environment, working, wearing, look, background…

3.1 Script 5: Question: ¿Why do you think our company should hire you specifically
amongst our pool of candidates?

The company should hire me in its work group because I have the capacities to perform
productively taking into account the parameters of the company, I also have the skills,
abilities and competencies that are required to perform in the roles that the company has.
My knowledge and skills support me to be one of the chosen candidates.

3.3 Once all this is done, record a video of yourself showing your face and answering
to the question you chose in the script using the tools learned so far.

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