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Pain, 66 (1996) 105-108

@ 1996 International Associationfor the Study of Pain. All rights reserved0304-3959/96/$15.00

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Windup and central sensitization are not equivalent

Clifford J. Woolf
Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, University College Lmabn, Lorabn WCIE 6BT, (UK)

(Received9 October 1995,accepted 14 February 1996)

One of the most exciting developmentsin pain re- and Wall 1965;Price et al. 1971;Chung et al. 1979;
search over the past decade has been the recognition Woolfand Swett 1984;Woolf and King 1987;Kawakita
that activitydependent changes in the excitability of et al. 1993)and in animalsas evolutionarydistinct as a
central neuroneshave a fundamentalrole in the genera- mollusc (Clatworthy and Walters 1993), the turtle
tion of pain hypersensitivity(Dubner and Ruda 1992; (Russoand Hounsgaard 1994),and humans (Kristensen
Coderre et al. 1993;McMahon et al. 1993;Woolf and et al. 1992;Price et al. 1994).
Chong 1993).Indeed it is difficultfrom the contempor- Windupis very differentfrom another form of synap-
ary wrs~tive to recallan earlierera, not that longago, tic plasticity,that of long term potentiation (LTP), in
where synapticcontacts betweenneurones were assum- that it requiresa very lowfrequencyinput to elicitit and
ed to be stable and sensory processing considered to manifestsonlyduring the train of repetitiveinputs. LTP
reflect f~ed patterns of anatomical connections. The requiresa brief high frequencyinput and manifestsas a
general expectation then was that a defined stimulus potentiatedresponseto subsequentinputs for very pro-
would alwayselicit a predictableresponseand that the longedperiods.Neverthelessit was inevitablethat when
functional topography of neurones, their receptive the ZV-methyl-Gaspartic acid (NMDA) receptor for ex-
fields,would be unvarying.The shift in our viewof the citatory amino acids was shown to contribute to LTP
adult CNS as being rigid and hard-wired to modifiable (Herron et al. 1986)a similartest was made for windup,
and plastic is the consequence of work by many in- and sure enough, windup was abolished by NMDA-
dividuals,but in the somatosensorysystemat least,owes receptor antagonist pretreatment (Dickenson and
most to two discoveries;that of windup and receptive Sullivan1987;Daviesand Lodge 1987).The reason for
field reorganizationafter detierentation. Both of these this soon becameclear when it becamepossibleto elicit
laid the way for the discovery of the phenomenon of windupin an isolated spinalcord preparation (Thomp-
central sensitization. son et al. 1990).The very high quality intracellular
Windupwasfirst observedby Lome Mendellworking recordingspossible in such preparations have enabled
in Pat Wall’s laboratory at MIT (Mendell and Wall the synapticpotentialsgeneratedby C-fibresto be anal-
1965; Mendell 1966). They noticed that when a ysed.Unlike A(3fibreswhich elicit a fast excitatory po-
peripheralnervewas stimulatedat sufficientintensityto tential lasting severalmilliseconds,C-fibres generate a
activateC-fibres,repetition of the freed stimulusat low synapticpotential lasting up to 20 see, a thousand-fold
frequencies resulted in a progressive build-up in the longer.This has both an NMDA receptor- (Thompson
amplitude of the response, recorded extracellularlyas et al. 1990)and a tachykininreceptor-mediatedcompo-
action potential discharge,in cat dorsal horn neurones. nent (Nagy et al. 1993),indicating that it is the conse-
Thisuse-or activitydependent facilitationwas quite un- quenceboth of excitatoryamino acid and neuropeptide
expected. Good luck, as Louis Pasteur observed, release.The very long duration of the synaptic poten-
favours the prepared mind, but Lome and Pat were tials means that at low repetition rates, marked tempo-
more than just prepared, they also had the wit to give ral summation will occur, leading to a cumulative
the phenomenon a simple but highly evocative name depolarization(Sivilottiet al. 1993).This summation is
‘windup’.How much more vivid ‘windup’is in encap- not, however, linear, it increases with each successive
sulating the change in excitabilityof a central neuron input, and, providing the trajectory is steep enough,
than ‘progressiveresponseincrement’.Windup has been generatesa progressiveincreasein action potential dis-
observedin cat, rat and primate dorsal horn, in the ven- charge or windup (Sivilottiet al. 1993).The non-linear
tral horn, trigeminalnuclei and the thalamus (Mendell nhture of the cumulative depolarization reflects the

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voltage-dependentproperties of the NMDA receptor 1987). Behaviorally it manifests as abnormal or

(Mayeret al. 1984).At restingmembranepotentials the heightenedsensitivitywith a spread of hypersensitivity
NMDA receptor-ionchannel has a Mg2+ion blocking to uninjured sites (secondary hyperalgesia) and the
the flow of ions through the channel. This means that generationof pain by low threshold A/3mechanorecep-
even if glutamate binds to the receptor no current flow tors (allodynia)(Torebjork et al. 1992).These changes
occurs. The Mgz+ blWk is, hOWeVer, voltage- are fundamentalto the generation of clinicalpain and
dependent.As the membrane depolarizesthe Mg2+ion considerableeffort has been devoted to studying the
is ejectedfrom the channel and Na+ and Ca2+ions can cellularmechanismsresponsible.A major clue has been
flow into the cell further depolarizing the membrane, that central sensitizationcould be evoked by electrical
which will remove Mg2+from additional NMDA ion stimulationof C-fibresat the samefrequenciesthat elicit
channels. NMDA receptor antagonists, therefore, windup(Walland Woolf 1986;Woolf and Wall 1986a).
reduce the slope of the cumulativedepolarization and Even more remarkablewas the findingthat central sen-
thereby reducdeliminate windup (Thompson et al. sitizationcould be preventedpreciselyby those receptor
1990).Neurokinin receptor antagonists and morphine antagonists or drugs that prevent the developmentof
also reduce the C-tibre-evokedslow synapticpotential windup: NMDA receptor antagonists (Woolf and
(Nagy et al. 1994;Sivilottiet al. 1995)and this may at- Thompson 1991;Ren et al. 1992;Coderre and Melzack
tenuate the summation sufllciently to decrease the 1992;Ma and Woolf 1995a),neurokinin receptors an-
voltage-dependent kick-in of the NMDA channel, tagonists (XU et al. 1991;Ma and Woolf 1995b)and
preventingwindup. The summation of synaptic poten- opiates(Woolfand Wall 1986b).The conclusionseemed
tials or current can be recorded by intracellular recor- inescapable:windupmust be the trigger,the initiator of
dings or whole cell patch techniques and also central sensitization.How could this possibly be, how
extracellularly by recording compound potentials could a brief period of low frequency sensory input
generatedin motor neuronesand passivelyconductedin generatea prolongedperiod of excitabilityincrease.The
decrementalfashion along axons in ventral roots, the answer seemsto be the changes that occur during the
ventral root potential (VRP) (Thompsonet al. 1994).It summationof synapticpotentials that cause windup. In
must be stressed,though, that a cumulativedepolariza- addition to generating an incrementingdepolarization
tion while necessaryfor the developmentof windup is that will progressivelyincrease action potential dis-
not sufficientand these terms must not be confused;the charge by reducing the amount of current required to
summation of slow synaptic potentials is not windup. reach action potential threshold, the cumulative de-
Windup clearly showed that the same stimulus need polarizationalso produces a substantial increase in in-
not necessarilyalways produce the same response, in- tracellularcalcium(McDermott et al. 1986).This will
deed each C-fibre stimuluschanges the dorsal horn in occur partly as a result of the unblocking of NMDA
sucha way that the responseto any giveninput is depen- receptor ion channels,allowinga direct calciuminflux,
dent, within a narrow time frame, on the history of pre- partly as a result of the activation of voltage-dependent
vious inputs. Pat Wall in his later studies on the effect calciumchannelsand also as a result of the activation
of deafferentationtook a different approach to look at via G-protein coupled neurokinin receptors, which re-
mother form of neural plasticity. He, largely together leaseintracellularcalciumstores(Heath et al. 1994).An
with Marshall Dewor,showedhow removingone set of elevationof intracellularcalciumlevelswill lead to the
inputs to neuronesin the spinalcord resultedin the ap- activationof a number of kinases,of which protein kin-
pearance of novel inputs (Devor and Wall 1981).This ase (PKC) seemsmost important. PKC feedsback onto
was,he argued the resultof the strengtheningof normal- the NMDA receptor phosphorylating it and partially
ly ineffectivesynapses (Wall 1977).Conceptually the removingthe Mg2+channelblockade(Chen and Huang
major impact of this work was the recognition that 1992).This now meansthat glutamateon bindingto the
receptivefieldpropertieswere not fixedand this has led NMDA receptor at the restingmembranepotential will
directlyto substantialwork indicatingthat alterationsin generatean inward current. This increase in glutamate
receptive fields are an integral part of higher brain sensitivityexplainsthe electrophysiologicalchangesthat
function. occur during central sensitization; previously sub-
What then is the relationshipbetweenthesetwo seem- thresholdinputs now beginto generatean action poten-
ingly disparate forms of plasticity; windup and tial dischargealtering receptivefield properties (Woolf
deafferentation-inducedreceptivefieldchange,and cen- and King 1990)makingthe wholesystemhypersensitive.
tral sensitization?Central sensitizationis the expression Thisexplains,moreover,both why NMDA receptor an-
of an increase in excitabilityof neurones in the spinal tagonistscontinueto be activeoncecentral sensitization
cord (Woolf 1983).This manifestsat the singlecelllevel is established (Woolf and Thompson 1991; Ma and
as a changein receptivefieldpropertieswith a reduction Woolf 1995a)and why inhibition of PKC prevents the
in threshold, an increase in responsivenessand spatial developmentof hyperalgesia(Yashpal et al. 1995).An
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