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Usefulness of bamboo lamp with plant

We choose yellow led light is because the yellow color translate into color of joy and happiness that
can reduce your stress. It promotes feeling of relaxation especially where you are sleeping and
improve circadian rhythms that increase the respiration rate and body energy.

The brightness of the LED light can be adjusted according to the comfort of your eyes. Lower
brightness help you sleep much better especially at night. Lower brightness will also effect your body
by producing enough melatonin that help our muscle to relax during sleep.

LED light can be used as light therapy. Light therapy are used to directly exposed our eyes to a
artificial light sources like Yellow LED light which help our body reduce depression. Direct exposure
to the the cells of our eyes called fotoreceptor can activates part of your brain that improve our
alertness and cognitive performance. Yellow LED light resemble the red rich color of the evening
sunlight that help adjust our circadian rhythms to the pattern of light and darkness we experience.

Plant release moisture from the leaves into the air and evaporates that can cool down a room or
your house temperature. It also reduce heat by 10% according to study, especially when you are
living at city environment where its hot during day and night. Snake plant and spider plant help
purify the air and gives oxygen at night.

Bamboo Lamp with indoor plant inside the bamboo can make your rooms or your house look
attractive, better and nicer. It will fill some empty or boring spot or place around your rooms with
direct exposure of LED light where the lighting will only focus in one place or direction you want it to
be. It will also make your more productivity with the presence of beautiful set of Bambo Lamp and
plant inside the bamboo.

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