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• Smoking is one of the causes that has helped to damage our planet, causing
millions of deaths from lung cancer, rather than inventing something to reduce this,
we should eliminate cigarettes from our planet, the consumption and production of
tobacco should be prohibited. Each year, more than eight million people die from
tobacco. More than seven million of these deaths are due to direct tobacco use
and about one point two million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to
second-hand smoke.
• Because cigarettes are legal, they are consumed anywhere, leaving garbage on
the streets and polluting fumes. Cigarette residues are reaching rivers and seas,
causing great damage to ecosystems, in addition to damaging the environment, it
also causes global warming, the consumption of cigarettes and the product as
such, is the cause of deaths and various problems of health for their lives,
educating and raising awareness is important so that a positive impact is
generated for our future and the environment, avoiding new smokers in the world.

• I would like to present a project to eliminate the product like cigarettes, similar
products that emit smoke, that generate consumable smoke. This would help to
have a cleaner planet, with clean and healthy air for humans, as well as fresher air,
generating positive changes for the environment. Taking care of our planet for
future generations will be essential, as the population grows exponentially faster
than is estimated, inventing a law to help our environment would go a long way in
reducing the death toll.

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