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Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 1204

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Erratum to “Stem sugar accumulation in sweet sorghum – Activity

and expression of sucrose metabolizing enzymes and sucrose
[J. Plant Physiol. 169 (2012) 605–613]
Hilal Ahmad Qazi a , Sharayu Paranjpe b , Sujata Bhargava a,∗
Botany Department, University of Pune, Pune 411 007, India
Cytel Statistical Software and Services Pvt. Ltd., Pune 411 029, India

In the above article on page 607, in the paragraph – ‘Sucrose synthase assay (cleavage direction)’ it was inadvertently published that
‘Sucrose synthase activity was calculated in terms of ␮mols NAD+ reduced per min per mg protein during conversion of UDP glucose to
glucose and UTP by UDP glucose dehydrogenase.’ The sentence should read ‘Sucrose synthase activity was calculated in terms of ␮mols
NAD+ reduced per min per mg protein during conversion of UDP glucose to UDP glucuronate and NADH by UDP glucose dehydrogenase.’

DOI of original article:

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Bhargava).
0176-1617/© 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

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