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Communication officer question and answer


- To responsible to created content of behalf an or organization

- Press release
- Development blog content and social content

Question 1

What steps would you take to enhance the reputation of a brand ?

Strategic planning and ability to make effective decisions good judgment and the faculty to form
objective opinions problem skills

Key :


Brand persona and message of expectations of its audience

Question 2

Public relation software

Pelajari beberapa software yang berhubungan dengan public relation, atau Analisa data sehingga dapat
membantu untuk menjalankan target perusahaan

Question 3

Bagaimana cara kamu untuk memanajemen konflik jika itu terjadi di area kantor?

Question 4

Menurumu apa yang harus di punya oleh komunikasi officer?

Have an audience-minded approach

Professional communication skills

And ability to translate analytics and statistics usefull insight

Why do you want work for us ?

During my research into your company, it quickly became obvious that you hire some very intelligent
people, you have large base of impressive clients, and you also consistently achieve great result from a
public relation perspective. So I have high standards too, and I only want to work for an organization
that’s wants to grow, develop and also provide the best possible service at all times.

Whats your biggest weakness ?

Yang mungkin bakal di tanyak

- Experience
- Self skills
- Problem solving

Saran untuk jawab :

Confidence, kurangi kata-kata mungkin

Apa ya…

Kata-kata yang gak pasti ..

Lebih ke, menurut saya… berdasarkan pengalaman saya… dll

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