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Friday, October 30, 2021


human resource driver

Pt. star laboratory

jl. Sudirman no 564

Jakarta 12046

Good luck,

Based on the information I received from, PT. Star Lab opens job vacancies as Treasurer Staff.

Therefore, I would like to apply for a job in that position.

Here's my short biography:

Name : Shelina Asih Rahmadani

Gender: woman

Education : S1

Phone number:081225328806

I also have the skills to operate software for the office which I believe will help in the work.

For your consideration I've also attached multiples like:

1. Curriculum Vitae

2. Copy of Diploma

3. Recent photograph 3×4

4. Photocopy of Police Record Certificate (SKCK)

5. Copy of ID card
I hope I can get a chance to take the next test so I can talk about my abilities and skills face to face with

Thank you for your attention.


Shelina Asih Rahmadani

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