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Vježba 1
• Pripreme za 1 lab.vježbu - MS Project
• Uvodna priprema prezentirana na labosima (ppt prezentacija
u pdf formatu)
• Uvod u rad s MS project alatom (doc)
• Zadaci za izvođenje tijekom vježbi i za domaću zadaću (doc)
• Zadaci za domaću zadaću i ocjenjivanje () (doc)
• Sastav projektih timova (Tim1 - Tim11) i grupa A i B
možete vidjeti ovdje!
• Kolokviranje i ocjenjivanje 1.vježbe tijekom labosa (u tjednu
________.) - radi se 1h, po grupama A i B.
• Zadaci za grupu A - preuzmite - vrijeme izrade 1h
• Zadaci za grupu B - preuzmite - vrijeme izrade 1h
Vježba 2
• Pripreme za 2 lab.vježbu - UML
• Pripremni materijal 1 - UML uvod,
Dijagrami klasa
• Pripremni materijal 2 - Dijagrami slučajava
korištenja, dijagrami aktivnosti, dijagrami
komponenti i dijagrami razmještaja
• Pripremni materijal 3 - Dijagrami ....
• Projekti se boduju grupno nakon čega
slijedi pojedinačno ocjenjivanje doprinosa
svakog studenta određenim brojem
bodova koji se uvrštavaju u ukupno
ostvareni zbroj bodova s laboratorijskih
vježbi (ukupno 30% u ukupnoj ocjeni).
Primjer 1:

The IEEE Spectrum Survey

IEEE Spectrum recently
completed a survey which
uses no less than ten sources
to rank the popularity of
programming languages:
• search results in Google
• data from Google Trends
• tweets sent on Twitter
• GitHub repositories
• StackOverflow questions
• Reddit posts
• Hacker News posts
• demand for jobs on the
Career Builder job site
• demand for jobs on the
Dice job site
• IEEE Xplore journal articles
Languages were allocated to
web, mobile, enterprise and
embedded categories.
The interactive tool allows
you to make your own
comparisons and apply
custom weightings to the
data sources if you don’t
agree with IEEE Spectrum’s
methodology. In summary:
Primjer 2:

nce again, I’ve examined the

data produced by Jobs
Tractor who analyzed more
than 45,000 developer jobs
advertised on Twitter during
the past twelve months. The
Primjer 3:
As is the case for much of Gartner’s research, the primary data source used to assess programming language trends is direct feedback from our clients via inquiry
conversations. Gartner clients span a wide spectrum of end-user and vendor profiles, ranging from small to very large enterprises and from the industry leading edge to industry
conservative adopters. These technology adopters typically follow a bell curve and, consequently, the bulk of Gartner inquiries within a mature market are dominated by 68% of
early and late majority adopters (i.e., the mainstream). As a result, early innovators and conservative adopters (but particularly early adopters) tend to be underrepresented in
overall inquiry volume numbers.

Language Gartner 2014 Programming Language Clojure 15

Index Rating Lua 16
CoffeeScript 17
Java 1 Shell 18
JavaScript 2 D 19
Python 3 Groovy 20
F# 21
C 4
Dart 22
PHP 5 Erlang 23
C++ 6 Go 24
Ruby 7 Visual Basic .NET 24
ColdFusion 26
C# 8 Delphi 27
Perl 9 FORTRAN 28
Objective-C 10 Swift 29
Smalltalk 30
Scala 11
Haskell 12 TypeScript 32
Matlab 13 RPG 33
R 13 COBOL 34
PL1 35
Ili… •
• You should learn a programming language every year,
as recommended by The Pragmatic Programmer. But
if one per year is good, how about Seven Languages
in Seven Weeks? In this book you’ll get a hands-on
tour of Clojure, Haskell, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, and
Ruby. Whether or not your favorite language is on
that list, you’ll broaden your perspective of
programming by examining these languages side-by-
side. You’ll learn something new from each, and best
of all, you’ll learn how to learn a language quickly.
Koji DBMS?
• Pogledati zahtjeve;
• OStalo: Relational, OO, NoSQL itd!?

The 10 Most Popular DB Engines (SQL

and NoSQL)
The ranking considers a lot of data from
various somewhat authoritative sources as is
explained here. These include:
• Number of mentions of the system on
websites. Measured through search
engine results.
• General interest in the system. Measured
through Google Trends.
• Frequency of technical discussions about
the system. Measured through Stack
Overflow and similar.
• Number of job offers, in which the system
is mentioned. Measured through Indeed
and similar.
• Number of profiles in professional
networks, in which the system is
mentioned. Measured through LinkedIn.
• This ranking is certainly something to keep
an eye on!

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