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Many believe that home schooling is the best way to educate your children, while others prefer

school experience over it. Studying from home enables students to (further) work more on their
disabilities, (weaknesses) while school offers a more (to eliminate more, you can say methodical,
systematized) systematic curriculum. I personally think that going to school is the (omit) essential of
(for) a child’s development. (going to school is the essence of a child’s development)

There are several advantages to home schooling. As I mentioned before, (as previously mentioned,
earlier, as mentioned above) it gives students the opportunity to spend more time (focus,
concentrate) on the subjects that are harder for them to grasp. While in school, many students are
left out, unless (unless means except if, if not) when they don’t understand the subject right away.
Secondly, children get to spend (engage) more with their family and learn from them (because they
get to experience hands-on education). Experts admit that children who spend more time (have
stronger ties, stronger bond) with their family, tend to be well-mannered. Lastly, parents can
prevent their children from getting bullied or abused (influenced) by their peers.

On the other hand, school helps children to get a glimpse of what the real world is like. The school
(educational institution) has a variety of resources, (combine simple sentences to make it complex) it
teaches a standardized curriculum, which was designed by professionals of the field. Academical
knowledge is not the only thing that the school teaches students. They learn how to communicate
with others, to handle various kinds of situations, to behave as a part of a community, to take
responsibility. In other words, school is a place where children evolve and become adults.

In conclusion, I think that going to school is much more (to eliminate “more” you can say, a
much..) effective way of studying. Even though (some) children don’t (in formal writing, avoid
contractions, spell out words) have (enough) time to improve what they are lacking, they learn how
to work under pressure, thus, they also get to enjoy extracurricular activities. After all, learning in
school helps children to acquire interpersonal competence.

to promote the spirit of camaraderie and be able to share and touch the lives of others.

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