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NAME:………..……………………..……LAST NAME : ……………………………

COURSE : 2nd….. " C "…..DATE : September ……………………2021
1.- Choose and underline the right word (Escoge y subraya la palabra
correcta )

2.- Write the names of the vegetables (Escribe los nombres de los vegetales )

3.- Answer the questions (Responde las preguntas )

a) What is this ?

b) What is that ?


) What are they ?


d) What are they ?


4.- Complete sentences with prepositions (Completa las oraciones con las
preposiciones )
a) The cauliflower is ……………………… the table ( Debajo )

b) The pumpkin is ……………………… the table ( Detrás )

c) The onions are ……………………… the table ( Encima )

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