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Gluten-induced cognitive impairment (“brain fog”) in coeliac

Gregory W Yelland*,†
*Department of Gastroenterology, Central Clinical School, Monash University and †School of Health Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria,

Key words
coeliac disease, cognitive impairment, neural
inflammation, speed of processing, Subtle Much is known about the serious neurological effects of gluten ingestion in coeliac disease
Cognitive Impairment Test. patients, such as sporadic ataxia and peripheral neuropathy, although the causal links to
gluten are still under debate. However, such disorders are observed in only a small percent-
Accepted for publication 28 November 2016. age of coeliac patients. Much less is known about the transient cognitive impairments to
memory, attention, executive function, and the speed of cognitive processing reported by
Correspondence the majority of patients with coeliac disease. These mild degradations of cognitive func-
Dr Gregory W Yelland, Department of tions, referred to as “brain fog,” are yet to be formally recognized as a medical or psycho-
Gastroenterology, Central Clinical School, logical condition. However, subtle tests of cognitive function are measurable in untreated
Monash University, The Alfred Hospital, patients with coeliac disease and improve over the first 12 months’ therapy with a
Melbourne, Vic, Australia.. gluten-free diet. Such deficits also occur in patients with Crohn’s disease, particularly in as-
Email: sociation with systemic inflammatory activity. Thus, cognitive impairments associated with
brain fog are psychologically and neurologically real and improve with adherence to a
Disclosures: Dr Yelland is co-director of
gluten-free diet. There is not yet sufficient evidence to provide a definitive account of the
NeuroTest Pty. Ltd.
mechanism by which gluten ingestion causes the impairments to cognitive function associ-
ated with brain fog, but current evidence suggests that it is more likely that the causal factor
is not directly related to exposure to gluten.

Coeliac disease (CD) is an inflammatory autoimmune reaction to population and is highest amongst the late-diagnosed elderly and
gluten ingestion causing small bowel damage, for which the only individuals who are not compliant with the GFD.
existing treatment is a gluten-free diet (GFD). The intestinal le- The so-called silent neurological complications of CD refer to
sions are defined by varying degrees of villous atrophy and changes in structure of the brain that are not focal in nature and
intraepithelial lymphocytosis. However, the consequences of CD have no overt neurological symptoms.5 They are characterized
are not restricted to the intestinal tract. It is a systemic inflamma- by small, diffuse reductions in size of neural cell bodies or white
tory disease that impacts the brain and neural system in at least matter hyperintensities, that is, inflammation of nerve fibers. This
two ways: major (or gross) neurological disorders and “silent” inflammation results in a reduction in the speed of signal transmis-
neurological complaints. While the prevalence of gluten-related sion, with the volume of white matter hyperintensities associated
major neurological disorders is very low, it is where the bulk of with the magnitude of cognitive decline.4
empirical research has been focused. However, little attention The behavioral correlates of silent neurological damage are the
has been paid to the silent neurological consequences of gluten in- subtle impairments to memory, attention, decision-making, and
gestion in CD and yet it would appear that its behavioral conse- the speed of cognitive processing collectively referred to as “brain
quences, “brain fog,” are considerably more prevalent. fog.” Instances of “brain fog” are frequently reported by patients
The major neurological complications of CD are identifiable with CD who are inadvertently exposed to gluten, and improve-
neurological disorders where there are clear patterns of neural ment in these symptoms has been noted in those commencing a
and behavioral dysfunctions that have serious impact on the life GFD in newly diagnosed disease. Research into the subtle cogni-
of the patients. Gluten ataxia is a disorder of the central nervous tive deficits associated with brain fog is limited, existing as anec-
system, a specifically gluten-related cerebellar atrophy that results dotal reports from patients and physicians, and as such, brain fog
in a lack of coordination of complex movements like walking, is not yet formally recognized as a medical or psychological con-
speaking, and swallowing.1 Peripheral neuropathy is consequence dition. Even the prevalence of brain fog is difficult to establish
of inflammation in peripheral nerve fibers, which variously impairs although the weight of anecdotal evidence suggests that it is wide-
sensation (sensory nerves), movement (motor nerves), or gland or spread. A recent study of 120 individuals recruited through
organ function (autonomic nerves).2 There is increasing evidence Coeliac Australia found that all (100%) had experienced brain
that untreated CD could result in severe and degenerative loss of fog Symptoms following the ingestion of gluten.6
global cognitive function, in particular loss of memory function, Objective empirical evidence has been difficult to obtain but is
that is, dementia.3,4 Estimates of the prevalence of these neurolog- required in order to ascertain the true nature, prevalence, and mag-
ical disorders in CD patients vary from 2% to 10% of the CD nitude of brain fog in CD. There are few existing studies of

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© 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
GW Yelland Cognitive impairment in coeliac disease

cognitive impairments in CD patients, and most were not focused presentation of the target stimulus is followed by a visual mask.
on the subtle impairments characterized by brain fog. For example, The mean response time (RT; in milliseconds) and mean percent-
Hallert et al. examined 19 untreated CD patients using the Down’s age error rate are calculated for each exposure duration. For the
syndrome cognitive (dementia) test battery and found no evidence four stimulus exposure durations less than 64 ms, attention cannot
of cognitive impairment.7 Bürk et al. found evidence of signifi- be brought to bear and so the participant’s response relies entirely
cantly impaired recall memory and trends towards deficits in ver- on automatic processes. However, for the exposure durations
bal fluency and executive function, but all eight of their greater than 65 ms, the stimulus is available to conscious attention
participants presented with gluten ataxia.8 A retrospective study and so controlled processes are available to aid in the response.
by Hu and colleagues of 13 patients aged between 45 and 79 years, Thus, collectively, the SCIT provides measures of the speed of
all of whom presented with cognitive impairment varying in sever- processing (SCIT-RT) and the effectiveness (SCIT-Error) of pro-
ity from dementia to minor impairment (nine with gluten ataxia cessing for both automatic and controlled processes, factors that
also), reported that 92% had impaired memory.9 Casella and col- underlie most of cognitive functions.
leagues observed impairments to attention and semantic and The SCIT was used in a study of 11 newly diagnosed CD pa-
visual–spatial memory in 36 elderly CD patients who were signif- tients examined over a period of 12 months from the onset of
icantly impaired on the Mini-Mental State Examination, a screen- GFD.18 Participants were aged between 22 and 39 years, with no
ing measure for dementia.3 The problem for these studies is that overt neurological symptoms and high compliance with the
they either (i) include participants who have existing major neuro- GFD. A battery of cognitive tests (including SCIT) were adminis-
logical deficits, such as dementia or gluten ataxia, where signifi- tered at and 12 and 52 weeks after the onset of the GFD. A range
cant cognitive deficits would be expected and as such were not of biological markers were measured, at the same time points and
examining brain fog; or (ii) the tests used were not sufficiently sen- small bowel biopsies were collected via routine gastroscopy at di-
sitivity to assess minor impairments in cognitive function associ- agnosis and at 12 and 52 weeks post-GFD onset. Significant im-
ated with brain fog.5 provement from 0 to 52 weeks for the speed of automatic
Sufficiently sensitive tests were developed only relatively re- processing (SCIT-RT; Fig. 2), the speed and control of motor
cently in response to the growing need to detect the very early pre-
cursors of Alzheimer’s disease. Some have utility for the detection
of minor cognitive impairments generally. One such test is the Sub-
tle Cognitive Impairment Test (SCIT,,10,11 a very
short (3–5 min), computer-based, perceptual judgement task that
has been found to be sensitive to very small differences in global
cognitive performance across a wide range of clinical and non-
clinical populations.12–16 It is a reliable and valid measure that has
no practice effects.17 It has been used successfully in the lab, home,
or at the bedside with participants aged between 7 and 96 years.
The SCIT requires participants to indicate which of two un-
equal, parallel vertical lines in the target stimulus (Fig. 1) is shorter
(the line on the left or that on the right). Participants indicate their
choice by pressing the corresponding mouse button. The target
stimuli are presented very briefly with eight different exposure du-
rations between 16 and 128 ms across 96 trials. On each trial, the

Figure 1 Examples of the Subtle Cognitive Impairment Test stimuli. A

visual fixation stimulus shown in the center of the computer screen for Figure 2 Subtle Cognitive Impairment Test (SCIT) response time (RT)
500 ms. This is followed by a brief presentation (16–128 ms) of one of (a) and SCIT error (b) outcomes for 0, 12, and 52 weeks post gluten-free
the four test stimuli, which is replaced on the screen by a visual mask diet ( ) onset for automatic and ( ) controlled processes. Re-
for a further 500 ms. sults are shown as mean  1 standard error of the mean.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017; 32 (Suppl. 1): 90–93 91

© 2017 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
Cognitive impairment in coeliac disease GW Yelland

processing (Trail Making Test Part A), visual–spatial memory white matter hyperintensities),20 which, in turn, reduces the speed
(Rey–Osterrieth complex figure), and importantly, two markers of neural transmission, that is, reduces the speed of processing.4,20
of CD severity—Marsh scores on duodenal histology and serum Other mechanisms have been suggested to account for the minor
levels of tissue transglutaminase. They also found significant cor- cognitive impairments associated with the brain fog experienced
relations between changes in both Marsh score and serum tissue by CD patients that are specific to the ingestion of gluten. How-
transglutaminase levels and changes in the speed of both automatic ever, the observation of brain fog in patients with multiple
and controlled processing (SCIT-RT), verbal fluency (Controlled sclersois,19 patients with fibromyalgia,21 and patients undergoing
Oral Word Association Test, COWAT) and motor function (Trails chemotherapy20,22,23 suggests that the mechanism is not related
A) over the 12 months of the study (Fig. 3). The only cognitive specifically to gluten ingestion. All of these disorders have one
function that is common between these three cognitive tests is thing in common with CD—they are associated with systemic in-
the speed of processing and as such suggests that cognitive func- flammation. The case for systemic inflammation involvement has
tion, particularly the speed of processing, improves as intestinal been further strengthened by a recent study of patients with
health improves. The authors concluded that the subjective reports Crohn’s disease (another inflammatory bowel disease) in which
of brain fog symptoms are supported by empirical evidence of mi- impairments to the speed of processing (SCIT-RT) were observed
nor deficits to the processing speed and visual–spatial memory.18 and the magnitude of the impairment was found to be associated
These cognitive impairments, while subclinical in nature, do with markers of systemic inflammation.24
have an impact on the daily life of CD patients. It should be noted In summary, subjective reports of brain fog from CD patients
that the magnitude of the impairment on SCIT-RT at week 0 is are both psychologically and neurologically real and can be quan-
similar to that found in people with a blood alcohol level of tified when sufficiently sensitive cognitive tests are used. The cog-
0.05 g/100 ml,14 which is the legal limit for driving in Australia. nitive impairments associated with brain fog improve on a GFD.
It is also of equivalent magnitude to the impairment in SCIT-RT The primary cognitive domain affected appears to be the speed
observed by participants with moderate to severe jetlag (SR of processing, and its likely cause is the increase in the circulating
Robinson & GW Yelland, unpublished data). More importantly, cytokines associated with systemic inflammation, resulting in
these cognitive impairments are ameliorated by adopting a diet damage to or inflammation of neural fibers in the brain.
that is free from gluten, although there is some evidence that this
may be age dependent. A study of 32 late-diagnosed CD patients Acknowledgements
of 65 years and older found no improvement in cognitive function,
relative to healthy controls, as a function of a GFD.3 The author wishes to acknowledge the contributions of his collab-
The most likely explanation for the existence of minor cognition orators over 8 years of research on the impact of gastrointestinal
impairments (i.e., brain fog) in patients with untreated CD, which disorders on cognitive function: Prof Stephen Robinson (School
can also account for white matter hyperintensities within the brains of Health Sciences, RMIT University), Prof Peter Gibson (Depart-
of CD patients, is the existence of elevated levels of circulating cy- ment of Gastroenterology, Monash University), and Dr Evan
tokines associated with the systemic inflammation associated with Newnham (Department of Gastroenterology, Eastern Health and
CD. At elevated levels, circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines Monash University). He would also like to extend special thanks
bind to blood–brain barrier epithelial cells and facilitate the migra- to Prof Peter Gibson, Dr Jane Muir, and the students of the Depart-
tion of leukocytes into the brain.19 Leukocytes promote inflamma- ment of Gastroenterology at the Alfred Centre, Monash Univer-
tion in the brain, particularly inflammation of nerve fibers (i.e., sity, for accepting him, a stray psychologist, within their team.

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