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VERB TENSES Go Profe Recursos Escanea el cédigo de arriba y descubre todo lo que tenemos para ti... © ENGLISH VERB TENSES PRESENT SIMPLE “wssm 7 Ie AFFIRMATIVE Subject + Infinitive (He/She/It +3) NEGATIVE Subject + don't/doesn't * Infinitive INTERROGATIVE —povtoes + Subject * Infinitive +? USE: Something that happens repeatedly. He doesn't work Do you work? EXAMPLES lam walking PRESENT CONTINUOUS AFFIRMATIVE subject * Verb to be Infinitive +ing NEGATIVE Subject * Verb to he * not © Infinitive *ing INTERROGATIVE Verb tobe + Subject + infinitive +ing * 2 USE: Something is happening at the same time of speaking, We aren't walking Is he walking? Hy EXAMPLES He played PAST SIMPLE rorecunsoscon AFFIRMATIVE — sunject infinitive * ed reer vers: 2d clown NEGATIVE Subject * didnt + Infinitive INTERROGATIVE via + subject Infinitive * 2 USE: Something that took place in the past. They didn't play Did we play? & EXAMPLES WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 1/6 ENGLISH VERB TENSES PAST CONTINUOUS CNFFIRMATIVE ——sujst warwere infinitive sng NEGATIVE Subject + waswt/werent * Infinitive ting | CINTERROGATIVE — was/Were subjeot * infinitive sing? \ USE: Events which happened in the past over a parece of ti aC paras Thad called S PAST PERFECT = SNS eates S)AFFIRMATIVE suet * had tnt ed rena ws:S lm Had we called? NEGATIVE styer*maant + intnitive Yd trea vert: recom fe SJINTERROGATIVE aa sobeet*ntnitve 4 tresr vere: rn * fe USE: completed events of the past which happened before another |) action took place. Se \ bibs ‘You had been sleeping) PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS “=e AFFIRMATIVE subject * had been * Infinitive *ing NEGATIVE Subject + hadwt been « Infinitive sing INTERROGATIVE Had + Subject + been + Infitive sing +? USE: Something that started in the past and continued until nother tlie in the past. Ithadw't been sleeping Had they been sleeping? XAMPLE WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 2/6 ENGLISH VERB TENSES She has baked You haven't baked Have they baked? PRESENT PERFECT PROTERECURSOS COM AFFIRMATIVE subject * have/tas * infinitive ed NEGATIVE subject * havent/haent* infinitive te INTERROGATIVE Have/nas * Subject * infinitive ted wr USE: Actions that are completed or have ended EXAMPLES PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS "avicuRsoscom Thave been skating We haven't been skating AFFIRMATIVE subject * have/tas been infinitive ng NEGATIVE Have you been skating? Subject * havew't/hasn't been * Infinitive *ing INTERROGATIVE —tavertias- subject heen Infinitive *ing #7 USE: An action that began in the past and has just stopped. He will learn FUTURE SIMPLE Sa AFFIRMATIVE Subject + will + Infinitive NEGATIVE Subject * wort * Infinitive INTERROGATIVE wit + Subject + Infinitive +2 USE: Unplanned future actions. We won't learn Will they learn? or EXAMPLES WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 3/6 ENGLISH VERB TENSES FUTURE CONTINUOUS "== ~ AFFIRMATIVE Subjeot * will be * flnitive *1ng ; NEGATIVE Subject * wort be * Infinitive ing | CINTERROGATIVE — ware subject * be infinitive sng *? \ USE: An setion will ben progress at a certain ime inf the tare. FUTURE PERFECT. ~—peoesecurss com j A soowill have danced We won't have danced AFFIRMATIVE seer wittave® ntti eter vere: St ectomn) NEGATIVE sassetwonthave® ifintve *e rremlarverbs: rds) (of) ‘Will they have danced? g + INTERROGATIVE wars sutcet have infinitive ed rrr vrb: Sisal * 2] USE: something will already have happened before a certaln SSN EXAMPLES, FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS "™*Eoem AFFIRMATIVE Subject * will have been * Infinitive ing NEGATIVE Subject * wor't have been * Infinitive *ing WNTERROGATIVE Will * Subject + have been + Infinitive ting * 2 ‘You will have been crying She won't have been erying Will we have been crying? USE: Something will already have happened before ‘eertaln timetn the future EXAMPLES WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 4/6 ENGLISH VERB TENSES You would fly CONDITIONAL SIMPLE “*"*" AFFIRMATIVE Subject + would * Infinitive NEGATIVE Subject * wouldn't * Infinitive INTERROGATIVE Would * Subject * Infinitive * 2 USE: Something that might happen. It wouldn't fly Would we fly? EXAMPLES You would be studying CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS "= AFFIRMATIVE subject * would be * infinitive *ing NEGATIVE Subject * wouldnt he * Infinitive *ing INTERROGATIVE — Would * Subject * be * intinitive #ing +? USE: Something that might happen. He wouldi’t be studying ‘Would | be studying? EXAMPLES He would have jumped CONDITIONAL PERFECT" AFFIRMATIVE. sire wine tc NEGATIVE — ser tron®nte% INTERROGATNE ws USE: Something that might have happened in the past. They wouldn't have jumped Secale) Would you have jumped? EXAMPLES WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 9/6 ENGLISH VERB TENSES ive + WWW.PROFERECURSOS.COM PAGE 6/6

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